We design three types of groove structures which are arranged in closely-packedarry (space free), periodic and quasiperiodic orders. The drag reduction properties of these structures are studied by numerical simulations and experimental shear stress measurements. Particularly, the effect of groove arrangement on the drag reduction is elucidated. Based on both the numerical and experimental results, it is found that the quasiperiodic arrangement can obtain more effective drag reduction than the close-packed groove structure and periodic structure. The underlying mechanism of the drag reduction is analyzed by vortex redistribution caused by the groove structures. The high-speed flow can be modulated by the disturbance wave resulting from the quasi-periodic groove structure, forming stripe-like flow patterns arranged in quasiperiodic style. This restrains the formation of big vortex in both the spanwise and the streamwise directions, hence leading to substantial drag reduction. Furthermore, the modulation effect on the streamwise vortex is more remarkable than on spanwise vortex, suggesting that the modulation of streamwise vortex plays a more important role in the drag reduction.
- drag reduction /
- groove structure /
- quasiperiod
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[1] Philips A B, Turnock S R, Furlong M 2010 Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 224 239
[2] Viswanath P R 2002 Progress in Aerospace Sciences 38 571
[3] Ke G X, Pan G, Huang Q G, Hu H B, Liu Z Y 2009 Advances in Mechanics 39 5 (in Chinese) [柯贵喜, 潘光, 黄桥高, 胡海豹, 刘占一 2009 力学进展 39 5]
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[5] Elyukhina I, Khomyakov A 2011 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser 318 092013
[6] McHale G, Newton M I, Shirtcliffe N J 2010 Soft Matter 6 714
[7] Wang X L, Di Q F, Zhang R L, Ding W P, Gong W, Chen Y C 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 216801 (in Chinese) [王新亮, 狄勤丰, 张任良, 丁伟朋, 龚玮, 程毅翀 2012 61 216801]
[8] Jung Y C, Bhushan B 2010 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 035104
[9] Bhushan B, Jung Y C 2011 Progress in Materials Science 56 1
[10] Malaspina D C, Schulz E P, Alarcón L M, Frechero M A, Appignanesi G A 2010 The European Physical Journal E 32 35
[11] Ceccio S L 2010 Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 42 183
[12] Choi J, Jeon W P, Choi H 2006 Phys. of Fluids 18 041702
[13] Walsh M J 1982 AIAA 82 0169
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[18] Minetti A E, Machtsiras G, Masters J C 2009 Journal of Biomechanics 42 2188-2190
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[25] Choi K S 2006 Nature 440 754
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[27] Bacher E V, Smith C R 1985 AIAA Paper 85 0548
[28] Xue W H, Geng X G, Li F, Li J, Wu J 2010 Chin. Phys. Lett. 27 104703
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