Nonreciprocal transmission device is one of the fundamental elements in integrated optics, and mid-infrared is a widely used waveband in many areas, such as remote sensing or spectrum analysis. An all-optical diode based on self-phase modulation (SPM) effect is numerically demonstrated in mid-infrared waveband. The diode consists of a linear waveguide and double silicon ring resonators. The nonreciprocal transmission ratio can be more than 20 dB in a power range between 0.5 mW and 20 mW, while the transmission loss in forward direction is less than 10 dB. Moreover, the influences of linear absorption coefficient of ring resonators and the bi-stability effect on the performance of the diode are discussed.
- optical diode /
- mid-infrared /
- silicon photonics
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[25] Agrawal G P 2007 Nonlinear Fiber Optics 4th edition (New York: Elsevier)
[26] Heiblum M, Harris J H 1975 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-11 75
[27] Peng Z 2007 Coupled multiple micro-resonators design and active semiconductor micro-resonator fabrication (Ann Arbor: ProQuest)
[28] Tien E K, Huang Y W, Gao S M, Song Q, Qian F, Kalyoncu S K, Boyraz O 2010 Opt. Express 18 21981
[29] Qiu C Y, Shu J, Li Z, Zhang X Z, Xu Q F 2011 Opt. Express 19 5143
[1] Alduino A, Paniccia M 2007 Nat. Photonics. 1 153
[2] Miller D A B 2000 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 6 1312
[3] Lee B G, Chen X G, Biberman A, Liu X P, Hsieh I W, Chou C Y, Dadap J I, Xia F N, Green W M J, Sekaric L, Vlasov Y A, Osgood R M Jr., Bergman K 2008 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 20 398
[4] Espinola R L, Izuhara T, Tsai M C, Osgood R M Jr., Dötsch H 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 941
[5] Zaman T R, Guo X, Ram R J 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 023514
[6] Bi L, Hu J J, Jiang P, Kim D H, Dionne G F, Kimerling L C, Ross C A 2011 Nat. Photonics. 758
[7] Mingaleev S F, Kivshar Y S 2002 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19 2241
[8] Gallo K, Assanto G, Parameswaran K R, Fejer M M 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 314
[9] Soljačić M, Luo C Y, Joannopoulos J D, Fan S H 2003 Opt. Lett. 28 637
[10] Hwang J, Song M H, Park B, Nishiura S, Toyooka T, Wu J W, Takanishi Y, Ishikawa K, Takezoe H 2005 Nat. Materials. 4 383
[11] Manipatruni S, Robinson J T, Lipson M 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 213903
[12] Yu Z F, Fan S H 2009 Nat. Photonics 3 91
[13] Kang M S, Butsch A, Russell P S J 2011 Nat. Photonics 5 549
[14] Alberucci A, Assanto G 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 1641
[15] Zhu H B, Jiang C 2011 J. Lightwave Technol. 29 1647
[16] Tien M, Mizumoto T, Pintus P, Kromer H, Bowers J E 2011 Opt. Express 19 11740
[17] Fan L, Wang J, Varghese L T, Shen H, Niu B, Xuan Y, Weiner A M, Qi M H 2012 Science 335 447
[18] Xu Q F, Lipson M 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 341
[19] Raghunathan V, Shori R, Stafsudd O M, Jalali B 2006 Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 203 R38
[20] Krier A 2005 Mid-infrared Semiconductor Optoelectronics (Berlin: Springer)
[21] Sorokina I T, Vodopyanov K L 2003 Solid-State Mid-Infrared Laser Sources (Berlin: Springer)
[22] Jalali B 2010 Nat. Photonics. 4 506
[23] Leuthold J, Koos C, Freude W 2010 Nat. Photonics. 4 535
[24] Li F X, Jackson S D, Grillet C, Magi E, Hudson D, Madden S J, Moghe Y, O'Brien C, Read A, Duvall S G, Atanackovic P, Eggleton B J, Moss D J 2011 Opt. Express 19 15212
[25] Agrawal G P 2007 Nonlinear Fiber Optics 4th edition (New York: Elsevier)
[26] Heiblum M, Harris J H 1975 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-11 75
[27] Peng Z 2007 Coupled multiple micro-resonators design and active semiconductor micro-resonator fabrication (Ann Arbor: ProQuest)
[28] Tien E K, Huang Y W, Gao S M, Song Q, Qian F, Kalyoncu S K, Boyraz O 2010 Opt. Express 18 21981
[29] Qiu C Y, Shu J, Li Z, Zhang X Z, Xu Q F 2011 Opt. Express 19 5143
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