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Temperature dependent Raman spectra and micro-structure study of hexagonal MgTiO3 crystal

Wang Li-Hong You Jing-Lin Wang Yuan-Yuan Zheng Shao-Bo Simon Patrick Hou Min Ji Zi-Fang


Temperature dependent Raman spectra and micro-structure study of hexagonal MgTiO3 crystal

Wang Li-Hong, You Jing-Lin, Wang Yuan-Yuan, Zheng Shao-Bo, Simon Patrick, Hou Min, Ji Zi-Fang
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  • Hexagonal MgTiO3 crystal powder is prepared by solid-phase sintering method and characterized by X-ray diffraction method. Temperature dependent crystal cell parameters (2931473 K) are deduced from the results of in-situ X-ray diffraction measurement with temperature increasing. In-situ Raman spectra are recorded (2931623 K) at various temperatures and all the vibrational modes were assigned with the aid of theoretical calculation of first principles. It is demonstrated that temperature dependent Raman spectra are sensitive and can show the delicate variations of different bond lengths and angles between various atoms of local structure. But the relationship between Raman shift and bond length and angle can be independent of temperature. Those observed Raman vibrational bands being wider and overlapped with the increasing temperature reveals the enhanced amplitude of atomic instantaneous movement, which leads atoms to diffuse more heavily and the stability of the crystal to decrease, although MgTiO3 remains hexagonal crystal type.

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  • [1]

    Jong-Gab Baek, Tetsuhiko Isobe, Mamoru Senna 1996 Solid State Ionics 90 269


    Parthasarathy G 2007 Materials Letters 61 4329


    Wang M N, Qiu T, Yang J, Shen C Y 2007 China Ceramics 43 15 (in Chinese) [王美娜、丘 泰、杨 建、沈春英 2007 中国陶瓷 43 15]


    Liu X G, Chen D M, Tong J F, Li B W 2006 China Powder Science and Technology 1 5 (in Chinese) [刘晓光、陈大明、仝建峰、李宝伟 2006 中国粉体技术 1 5]


    Papthasarathy G, Manorama S V 2006 Indian Academy of Sciences 19


    Zhu C G, Chen Y H, Chu D B 2005 Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 21 919 (in Chinese) [朱传高、陈永红、褚道葆 2005 无机化学学报 21 919]


    Wang Y M, Li M Q, Peng J Z 1996 Powder Technology 2 13 (in Chinese) [王毅敏、李懋强、彭建中 1996 粉体技术 2 13]


    Deng C, Zhang S R, Tang B 2009 Electronic Components and Materials 28 9 (in Chinese) [邓 超、张树人、唐 斌 2009 电子元件与材料 28 9]


    Hirata T, Ishioka K, Kitajima M 1996 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 124 353


    Eung Soo Kim, Chang Jun Jeon 2010 Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 341


    Freer R, Azough F 2008 Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 1433


    Xiang W, Shan Q, Leonid Dubrovinsky 2010 Geoscience Frontiers 1 69


    Yuan B C, Cheng L H, Shih Hung Lin 2009 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480 897


    Qi J Q, Li W, Wang Y L, Du Z L, Li L S 2002 Journal of Inorganic Materials 12 1199 (in Chinese) [齐建全、李 雯、王永力、桂治轮、李龙土 2002 无机材料学报 12 1199]


    Ferri E A V, Sczancoski J C, Cavalcante L S, Paris E C, Espinosa J W M, de A T Figueiredo, Pizani P S, Mastelaro V R, Varelab J A, Longo E 2009 Materials Chemistry and Physics 117 192


    Wang C H, Jing X P, Lv J 2007 Advanced Functional Materials 4 54 (in Chinese) [王春海、荆西平、吕 进 2007 第六届功能 材料及其应用学术会议 4 54] 〖17] Parthasarathy G 2007 Materials Letters 61 3208


    You J L, Jiang G C, Chen H, Xu K D 2006 Rare Metals 25 431


    YangY, LiuY L, Zhu K, Zhang L Y, Ma S Y, Liu J, Jiang Y J 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 037802


    Simon P, Moulin B, Buixaderas E, Raimboux, Herault E, Chazallon B, Cattey H, Magneron N, Oswalt J, Hocrelle D 2003 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 34 497


    Jade 5.0, Materials Data Inc., MDI XRD Pattern Processing Software


    Milman V, Refson K, Clark S J, Pickard C J, Yates J R, Gao S P, Hasnip P J, Probert M I J, Perlov A, Segall M D 2010 Journal of Molecular Structure 954 22


    Segall M D, Philip, Lindan J D, Probert M J, Pickard C J, Hasnip P J, Clark S J, Payne M C 2002 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 2717


    Stefano Baroni, Stefano de Gironcoli, Andrea Dal Corso 2001 Reviews of Modern Physics 73 515


    Monkhorst H J, Pack J D 1976 Physical Review B 13 5188


    Ruslan P Liferovich, Roger H 2004 Acta Crystallographica B 60 496


    Chen Y S, Yang S E, Wang J H, Lu J X, Gao X Y, Gu J H 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 057205


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  • Received Date:  13 January 2011
  • Accepted Date:  23 January 2011
  • Published Online:  05 May 2011

