Based on Biot-Tsiklauri model and the combined Biot/squirt model, a universal acoustic model for non-Newtonian fluid (Maxwell fluid) saturated porous medium with an arbitrary pore size distribution is presented, in which the squirt-flow mechanism has been taken into account. The influences of non-Newtonian effect of Maxwell fluid on the attenuation and the dispersion characteristics of elastic waves propagating in such a porous medium are investigated. It shows that the non-Newtonian effect and the squirt-flow effect are the important factors for elastic wave dispersion and attenuation. When the squirt flow mechanism occurs, the squirt flow mechanism dominates the contribution to the energy loss of compressional waves at low frequencies. It shows that the squirt flow only affects the dispersion and the attenuation characteristics of two compressional waves, while the non-Newtonian effect of Maxwell fluid not only affects the dispersion and the attenuation characteristics of the compressional waves, but also influences the dispersion and the attenuation characteristics of shear waves.
- porous medium /
- Maxwell fluid /
- squirt flow /
- elastic waves
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[1] Qiao W X, Wu W Q, Wang Y J 1996 Prog. Phys. 16 386 (in Chinese) [乔文孝、吴文虬、王耀俊 1996 物理学进展 16 386]
[2] Yang D H, Cheng X H 2001 Oil Geophys. Prospec. 36 146 (in Chinese) [杨顶辉、陈小宏 2001 石油地球物理勘探 36 146]
[3] Zhou Y F, Wang Y J, Ma L, Gao T F 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 480 (in Chinese) [周宇峰、王耀俊、马 力、高天赋 2000 49 480]
[4] Hu H S 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1954 (in Chinese) [胡恒山 2003 52 1954]
[5] Chotiros N P, Isakson M J 2004 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116 2011
[6] Zhao H B, Wang X M, Chen H 2006 Chin. Phys. B 15 2819
[7] Guan W, Hu H S, Chu Z T 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 267 (in Chinese) [关 威、胡恒山、储昭坦 2006 55 267]
[8] Ryck L D, Groby J P, Leclaire P, Lauriks W, Wirgin A, Fellah Z E A, Depollier C 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 181901
[9] Zhang X M, Liu J Q, Liu K A 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 654 (in Chinese) [张新明、刘家琦、刘克安 2008 57 654]
[10] Biot M A 1956 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 28 168
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[15] Yang D H, Zhang Z J 2002 Wave Motion 35 223
[16] Diallo M S, Appel E 2000 J. Appl. Geophys. 44 313
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[18] Meng Q S, He Q D, Zhu J W, Wang D L 2003 J. Jinlin Univ. (Earth Sci. Ed.) 33 217 (in Chinese) [孟庆生、何樵登、朱建伟、王德利 2003 吉林大学学报(地球科学版) 33 217]
[19] Li H X, Tao C H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2836 (in Chinese) [李红星、陶春辉 2009 58 2836]
[20] Cheng Y F, Yang D H, Yang H Z 2002 Chin. Phys. Lett. 19 445
[21] Nie J X, Yang D H 2008 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 3079
[22] Cui Z W, Wang K X 2003 Int. J. Eng. Sci. 41 2179
[23] Cui Z W, Wang K X, Cao Z L, Hu H S 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3083 (in Chinese) [崔志文、王克协、曹正良、胡恒山 2004 53 3083]
[24] Tsiklauri D 2003 Transport Porous Med. 53 39
[25] Yamamoto T, Turgut A 1988 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83 1744
[26] Cui Z W, Liu J X, Wang K X 2003 Wave Random Complex Med. 13 191
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