Double-porosity poroelastic model takes into account the effect of mesoscopic flow induced by rock heterogeneity on dispersion and attenuation of elastic waves, and has obtained good application results in the quantitative explanation of seismic data in heterogeneous reservoirs. Wavefield simulation based on double-porosity model not only helps visualize the propagation characteristics of the elastic waves but also lays the foundation for seismic imaging. In this work, we perform wavefield simulation and analysis based on the Santos-Rayleigh model which incorporates mesoscopic and global flow in a partially-saturated double-porosity medium. Specifically, the mesoscopic flow mechanism is represented with a Zener viscoelastic model. The comparison shows that the Zener model can accurately capture the propagation characteristics of fast P-wave, but fails to describe the attenuation characteristics of slow P3 wave in the low-frequency band. It implies that Zener viscoelastic model and slow wave modes follow different mechanisms. Then the staggered grid finite-difference method is used to simulate wave propagation in a double-porosity medium, and the stiff problem is solved with a time-splitting algorithm, which can significantly improve computational efficiency. Based on the above methods, the correctness of our algorithm is verified with derived analytical solution for a P-wave source in a uniform partially saturated poroelastic medium. Analytical and numerical solutions are in good agreement and mean error is 0.33%. We provide some examples of wavefield snapshots and seismograms in homogeneous and layered heterogeneous media at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies. The simulation results demonstrate the strong attenuation of fast P-wave and no change of S-wave in the seismic band due to mesoscopic flow mechanism, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction of double-porosity model. Moreover, the energy of fast P-wave is concentrated in solid phase while slow waves are stronger in fluid phase. This work contributes to the understanding of broadband elastic wave propagation in a heterogeneous partially saturated porous medium and can be applied to the reservoir imaging with broadband geophysical data.
- double-porosity media /
- finite difference /
- dispersion and attenuation
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图 4 S2 = 0.9, ${\eta }_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(1)}={\eta }_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(2)}=0 $时数值解与解析解比较 (a)固相; (b)非润湿相; (c)润湿相
Figure 4. Comparison of analytical and numerical solutions when S2 = 0.9, ${\eta }_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(1)}={\eta }_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(2)}=0 $: (a) Solid phase; (b) non-wetting phase; (c) wetting-phase.
表 1 部分饱和双重孔隙介质物性参数表
Table 1. Physical parameters of partially saturated double-porosity media.
符号 参数 层1 层2 Ks 基质体积模量/GPa 36 40 ρs 基质密度/(kg·m–3) 2650 2800 Km 骨架体积模量/GPa 6.21 9.5 μm 骨架剪切模量/GPa 4.55 6.2 ϕ 孔隙度 0.33 0.2 κ 渗透率/m2 4.93×10–12 2.96×10–12 ${K}_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(1)} $ 润湿相流体体积模量/GPa 2.223 $ {\rho}_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(1)}$ 润湿相流体密度/(kg·m–3) 1000 ${\eta}_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(1)} $ 润湿相流体黏度/(Pa·s) 0.001 ${K}_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(2)} $ 非润湿相流体体积模量/GPa 0.022 ${\rho}_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(2)} $ 非润湿相流体密度/(kg·m–3) 100 ${\eta}_{\mathrm{{f}}}^{(2)} $ 非润湿相流体黏度/(Pa·s) 1.5×10–5 -
[1] Biot M A 1956 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 28 179
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[2] Santos J E, Corberó J M, Douglas J 1990 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87 1428
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[3] Liu L, Zhang X, Wang X 2022 J. Theor. Comp. Acout. 30 2150002
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[4] Berryman J G, Wang H F 2000 Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. 37 63
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[6] Pride S R, Berryman J G, Harris J M 2004 J. Geophys. Res. 109 B01201
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[10] Ba J, Xu W H, Fu L Y, Carcione J M, Zhang L 2017 J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 122 1949
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[11] 石志奇, 何晓, 刘琳, 陈德华, 王秀明 2023 72 069101
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[12] Shi Z Q, He X, Chen D H, Wang X M 2024 Geophys. J. Int. 236 1172
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[17] Carcione J M 2015 Wave Fields in Real Media: Wave Propagation in Anisotropic, Anelastic, Porous and Electromagnetic Media (Amsterdam Boston: Elsevier
[18] Jiang Y C, Gao Y X, Cheng Q L, Song Y J 2023 Geophys. J. Int. 235 970
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[19] Virieux J 1986 Geophysics. 51 889
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[20] Wenzlau F, Müller T M 2009 Geophysics 74 T55
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[21] Guan W, Hu H 2011 Commun. Comput. Phys. 10 695
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Liu C, Luo Y Q 2023 Chin. J. Geophys. 66 3840
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[24] Zhao H, Wang X 2008 Sci. China Ser. G-Phys. Mech. Astron. 51 723
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[25] Deng W B, Fu L Y, Wang Z W, Hou W T, Han T C 2023 Geophys. J. Int. 235 1218
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[26] Carcione J M, Quiroga-Goode G 1995 J. Comput. Acoust. 3 261
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[27] Komatitsch D, Martin R 2007 Geophysics 72 SM155
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