The detection of chemical speciation with spatial resolution of 30 nm has been implemented at BL08U soft X-ray spectromicroscopy endstation of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. For each specimen, we scan two absorption images separately at two energies E1 and E2 near the absorption edge of the element with E1>E2. After calculating the signal ratio of each pair of the corresponding pixels’ optical density in the two absorption images, we can obtain the map of the spatial distribution of that element. Compared with the conventional analysis method of K-edge subtraction (KES), our ratio analysis method is more sensitive and accurate in identifying the spatial distribution of the interested elements, and the definition of the contrast threshold determining whether a pixel contains the interested element, is simpler and clearer in physics. Through the analysis and calculation of the spatial distributions of the oxygen element on a pre-oxidized polyacrylonitrile fiber cross-section, we can verify the effectiveness of the ratio analysis method compared to the traditional KES method. This ratio method provides a new analysis tool for fast mapping the distribution of trace elements.
- scanning transmission X-ray microscope /
- dual-energy ratio contrast images /
- synchrotron radiation /
- trace elements spatial distribution
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[1] Wang M, Hu X F, Wu X P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4065 (in Chinese) [汪 敏、胡小方、伍小平 2006 55 4065]
[2] Zhang D, Li Z, Huang Z F, Yu A M, Sha W 2006 Chin. Phys. 15 1731
[3] Ade H, Zhang X, Cameron S, Costello C, Kirz J, Williams S 1992 Science 258 972
[4] Lerotic M, Jacobsen C, Schfer T, Vogt S 2004 Ultramicroscopy 100 35
[5] de Stasio G, Rajesh D, Casalbore P, Daniels M J, Erhardt R J, Frazer B H, Wiese L M, Richter K L, Sonderegger B R, Gilbert B, Schaub S, Cannara R J, Crawford J F, Gilles M K, Tyliszczak T, Fowler J F 2005 Neurochem. Res. 27 391
[6] Shu H, Zhu P P, Wang Y, Gao X, Yin H X, Liu B, Yuan Q X, Huang W X, Luo S Q, Gao X L, Wu Z Y, Fang S X 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1099 (in Chinese) [舒 航、朱佩平、王 越、高 欣、尹红霞、刘 波、袁清习、黄万霞、罗述谦、高秀来、吴自玉、方守贤 2006 55 1099]
[7] Frazer B H, Sonderegger B R, Gilbert B, Richter K L, Salt C, Wiese L M, Rajesh D, Howard S P, Fowler J F, Mehta M P, de Stasio G 2003 the 7th International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy Grenoble, France, July 28—August 2, 2002 p349
[8] Yu B, Peng X, Tian J D, Niu H B 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 2304 (in Chinese) [于 斌、彭 翔、田劲东、牛憨笨 2005 54 2304]
[9] Beer A 1852 Ann. Physik 86 78
[10] Okuno K, Ohigashi T, Kamiyama S, Hirai S, Matsubara J, Watanabe N, Aoki S 2006 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy Himeji, Japan, July 26—30, 2006 pp357,358
[11] Engstrm A 1962 X-ray Microanalysis in Biology and Medicine (New York: Elsevier) p9
[12] Yang F J 2000 Atomic Physics (3rd) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) pp278,279 (in Chinese) [杨福家 2000 原子物理学(第三版) (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第278,279页]
[13] Kruger R A, Mistretta C A, Crummy A B, Sackett J F, Goodsitt M M, Riederer S J, Houk T L, Shaw C G, Fleming D 1977 Radiology 125 243
[14] Lewin J M, Isaacs P K, Vance V, Larke F J 2003 Radiology 229 261
[15] Lewis R 1997 Phys. Med. Biol. 42 1213
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