We proposed a method for implementing impedance matching and phase locking of Josephson junction arrays based on Hes previous report on the coupling mechanism of a millimeter wave radiation to bicrystal Josephson junction arrays embedded in a Fabry-Perot resonator,and relevant electromagnetic simulations and numerical calculations were performed. A bicrystal Josephson junction array was fabricated on a YSZ bicrystal substrate,and embedded in a Fabry-Perot resonator. Impedance matching was implemented by integrating an optimized half-wavelength dipole array fed in series with the junction array,and numerical calculations showed that the radiation efficiency of a single junction reached 94%. Through making good use of the radiation characteristics of the antenna array and optimizing the model,the FP resonator and the substrate can be driven to resonate in proper modes respectively,which benefits the high frequency electromagnetic coupling between the junction array and the resonators. The numerical simulations proved that this method is effective for realizing self-voltage locking and mutual-phase locking of junction arrays. The method proposed in this paper and calculation results are valuable for guiding the applications of Josephson junction arrays in THz signal generators and voltage standards.
- Josephson junction array /
- impedance matching /
- phase locking /
- Fabry-Perot resonator
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[1] [1]Robertazzi R P,Buhrman R A 1989 IEEE Trans. Magnetics 25 1384
[2] [2]Liu B,Wengler M J 1991 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 1 150
[3] [3]Booi P A A,Benz S P 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 3799
[4] [4]Darula M,Doderer T,Beuven S 1999 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 12 R1
[5] [5]Li Xiao Wei 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 3514
[6] [6]You Y X,Zhao Z G,Wang J,Liu M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7252 (in Chinese) [尤育新、赵志刚、王进、刘楣 2008 57 7252]
[7] [7]Grib A N,Seidel P,Scherbel J 2002 Phys. Rev.B 65 094508-1
[8] [8]He M,Klushin A M,Klein N 2007 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 S413
[9] [9]William Culshaw 1961 IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 9 135[10]CST Microwave Studio,Available at:http://www.cst.com
[10] ]Wang Z,Yue H W,Zhou T G,Zhao X J,He M,Xie Q L,Fang L,Yan S L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 540 (in Chinese) [王争、岳宏卫、周铁戈、赵新杰、何明、谢清连、方兰、阎少林 2009 58 540]
[11] ]Guillon P,Yves Garult 1977 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 25 916
[12] ]Fiedzius S,Jelenski A 1971 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 19 778
[13] ]Jain A K,Likharev K K,Lukens J E,Sauvageau J E 1984 Phys. Rep. 109 309
[14] ]Balanis C A 1997 Antenna theory analysis and design 2nd edition (New York:John Wiley & Sons,Inc) p73—77
[15] ]Mongia R K,Arora R K 1993 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 41 1245
[16] ]Klushin A M,Druzhnov D M,Klein N 2006 J of Physics:Conference Series 43 1155
[17] ]Tarasov M,Stepantsov E,Lindstrom T,Kalabukhov A,Ivanov Z,Claeson T 2002 Physica C 372-376 355
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