The photoreceptors can receive all kinds of visible light which is translated to the bioelectrical signal for the visual cortex. The function would be simulated by the photoelectric effect. This paper studies the dynamic characteristics of FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons coupled with a phototube. In the parameter space of phototube, the synchronization region of the coupled system in which the neuron mode is in chaos and burst, is discussed in detail; the data show that the forced resonance is prominent in the complete synchronization of the system when the coupling strength is low, while the phase synchronization is observed in numerical experiment when the coupling strength is strong. The active operation of the phototube, as well the inverse cutoff voltage can modulate the synchronization of the system. Our work can be used to understand the mechanism of the retinal diseases, such as macular degeneration.
- neuron /
- phototube /
- synchronization /
- phase lock
[1] Ma J, Song X, Jin W, Wang C 2015 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 80 31
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[29] 张平伟, 唐国宁, 罗晓曙 2005 54 3497
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Zhang P W, Tang G N, Luo X S 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3497
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[30] Wouapi K M, Fotsin B H, Louodop F P, Feudjio K F, Njitacke Z T, Djeudjo T H 2020 Cogn. Neurodyn. 14 375
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[35] Zou Y L, Zhu J, Chen G, Luo X S 2005 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 25 1245
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[43] Chorev E, Brecht M 2012 J. Neurophysiol. 108 1584
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[44] 杨永霞, 李玉叶, 古光华 2020 69 040501
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Yhang Y X, Li Y Y, Gu G H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 040501
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[45] 汪芃, 李倩昀, 唐国宁 2018 67 030502
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Wang P, Li Q Y, Tang G N 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 030502
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[47] Nagumo J, Arimoto S, Yoshizawa S 1962 Proc. IRE 50 2061
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[48] Kawato M, Suzuki R 1980 J. Theor. Biol. 86 547
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[49] Okuda M 1981 Prog. Theor. Phys. 66 90
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[50] Treutlein H, Schulten K 1985 Ber. Bunse. Ges. Phys. Chem. 89 710
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[51] Rajasekar S, Lakshmanan M 1988 J. Theor. Biol. 133 473
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[52] Einstein A 1905 Ann. Physik. 17 132
图 5 耦合系统中神经元的ISI和放电序列(f = 0.16) (a) ua = 0.1; (b) I0 = 1.5, ua = 0.1; (c) I0 = 2.5, ua = 0.1; (d) I0 = 0.3; (e) ua = 1.5, I0 = 0.3; (f) ua = 2.3, I0 = 0.3
Figure 5. ISI and the firing sequence of neuron in the coupled system (f = 0.16): (a) ua = 0.1; (b) I0 = 1.5, ua = 0.1; (c) I0 = 2.5, ua = 0.1; (d) I0 = 0.3; (e) ua = 1.5, I0 = 0.3; (f) ua = 2.5, I0 = 0.3.
图 9 耦合系统中神经元的ISI和放电序列(f = 0.002) (a) ua = 0.01; (b) I0 = 0.5, ua = 0.01; (c) I0 = 1.5, ua = 0.01; (d) I0 = 0.3; (e) ua = 0.5, I0 = 0.3; (f) ua = 1.5, I0 = 0.3
Figure 9. ISI and the firing sequence of neuron in the coupled system (f = 0.002): (a) ua = 0.01; (b) I0 = 0.5, ua = 0.1; (c) I0 = 1.5, ua = 0.1; (d) I0 = 0.3; (e) ua = 0.5, I0 = 0.3; (f) ua = 1.5, I0 = 0.3.
图 11 最大误差函数和最大相位差随参数的变化(灰色曲线为(6)式中的非线性耦合, 红色曲线为线性耦合) (a), (b) ua = 0.01; (c), (d) I0 = 0.001
Figure 11. The maximum error function and the maximum phase difference change with the parameters, the grey curve represents the nonlinear coupling in Eq. (6) and the red curve is the linear one: (a), (b) ua = 0.01; (c), (d) I0 = 0.001.
图 12 系统误差、相位差和光电管功率随时间的演化(ua = 0.01) (a), (e), (i) I0 = 0.001; (b), (f), (j) I0 = 0.01; (c), (g), (k) I0 = 0.013; (d), (h), (l) I0 = 0.014
Figure 12. Evolution of error function, phase error and phototube power (ua = 0.01): (a), (e), (i) I0 = 0.001; (b), (f), (j) I0 = 0.01; (c), (g), (k) I0 = 0.013; (d), (h), (l) I0 = 0.014.
表 1 不同外界刺激频率下的耦合FHN神经元分类
Table 1. Category of the coupled FHN neurons driven by external stimulation with different frequencies.
频率f 0.16 0.002 0.012 0.06 放电状态 混沌放电 簇放电 尖峰放电 周期放电 反向截止电压ua 0.1 0.5 0.01 0.5 0.01 0.5 0.01 0.5 耦合分类 case 1 case 2 case 3 case 4 case 5 case 6 case 7 case 8 -
[1] Ma J, Song X, Jin W, Wang C 2015 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 80 31
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[2] Iqbal M, Rehan M, Hong K S 2017 Plos One 12 e0176986
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[3] Sotero R C, Trujillo-Barreto N J 2008 Neuroimage 39 290
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[4] Izhikevich E M 2004 IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 15 1063
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[5] Ibarz B, Casado J M, Sanjuán M A F 2011 Phys. Rep. 501 1
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[6] Hodgkin A L, Huxley A F 1990 Bull. Math. Biol. 52 25
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[7] Fitzhugh R 1961 Biophys. J. 1 445
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[8] Shilnikov A 2012 Nonlinear Dyn. 68 305
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[9] Miesenbock G, Kevrekidis I G 2005 Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 28 533
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[10] Gu H, Pan B 2015 Nonlinear Dyn. 81 2107
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[11] Pikovskii A, Rabinovich M 1978 Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 239 301
[12] Lv M, Wang C, Ren G, Ma J, Song X 2016 Nonlinear Dyn. 85 1479
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[13] Baines P G 2008 Prog. Phys. Geogr. 32 475
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[14] Zhang X, Wang C, Ma J, Ren G 2020 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2050267
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[15] Zhang G, Ma J, Alsaedi A, Ahmad B, Alzahrani F 2018 Appl. Math. Comput. 321 290
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[16] Yao Z, Ma J, Yao Y, Wang C 2019 Nonlinear Dyn. 96 205
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[17] Xu Y M, Yao Z, Hobiny A, Ma J 2019 Front. Inform. Tech. El. 20 571
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[18] Liu Z, Wang C, Jin W, Ma J 2019 Nonlinear Dyn. 97 2661
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[19] Tosini G, Doyle S, Geusz M, Menaker M 2000 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97 11540
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[20] Menaker M 1972 Sci. Am. 226 22
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[21] Kennedy D 1958 Am. J. Ophthal. 46 19
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[22] Martenson M E, Halawa O I, Tonsfeldt K J, et al. 2016 Pain 157 868
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[23] Liu Y, Xu W J, Ma J, Alzahrani F, Hobiny A 2020 Front. Inform. Tech. El. 21 1387
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[24] Li J R, Wang J P, Jiang L 1994 Biosens. Bioelectron. 9 147
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[25] Zou W, Senthilkumar D V, Zhan M, Kurths J 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 014101
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[26] Wu Y, Xiao J, Hu G, Zhan M 2012 EPL 97 40005
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[27] Perc M 2009 Biophys. Chem. 141 175
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[28] Lin W, Wang Y, Ying H, Lai Y C, Wang X 2015 Phys. Rev. E 92 012912
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[29] 张平伟, 唐国宁, 罗晓曙 2005 54 3497
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Zhang P W, Tang G N, Luo X S 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3497
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[30] Wouapi K M, Fotsin B H, Louodop F P, Feudjio K F, Njitacke Z T, Djeudjo T H 2020 Cogn. Neurodyn. 14 375
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[31] Shafiei M, Jafari S, Parastesh F, Ozer M, Kapitaniak T, Perc M 2020 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 84 105175
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[32] Phan C, You Y 2020 Nonlinear. Anal.-Real 55 103139
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[33] Moayeri M M, Rad J A, Parand K 2020 Comput. Math. Appl. 80 1887
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[35] Zou Y L, Zhu J, Chen G, Luo X S 2005 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 25 1245
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[42] Daoudal G, Hanada Y, Debanne D 2002 PNAS 99 14512
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[43] Chorev E, Brecht M 2012 J. Neurophysiol. 108 1584
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[44] 杨永霞, 李玉叶, 古光华 2020 69 040501
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Yhang Y X, Li Y Y, Gu G H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 040501
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[45] 汪芃, 李倩昀, 唐国宁 2018 67 030502
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Wang P, Li Q Y, Tang G N 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 030502
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[46] FitzHugh R 1955 Bull. Math. Biophys. 17 257
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[47] Nagumo J, Arimoto S, Yoshizawa S 1962 Proc. IRE 50 2061
Google Scholar
[48] Kawato M, Suzuki R 1980 J. Theor. Biol. 86 547
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[49] Okuda M 1981 Prog. Theor. Phys. 66 90
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[50] Treutlein H, Schulten K 1985 Ber. Bunse. Ges. Phys. Chem. 89 710
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[51] Rajasekar S, Lakshmanan M 1988 J. Theor. Biol. 133 473
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[52] Einstein A 1905 Ann. Physik. 17 132
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