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江孝伟 武华



江孝伟, 武华

Metamaterial absorber with controllable absorption wavelength and absorption efficiency

Jiang Xiao-Wei, Wu Hua
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 为了使超材料完美吸收器(metamaterial perfect absorber, MPA)能够同时实现吸收效率和吸收波长的控制, 本文提出利用二氧化钒(VO2)和石墨烯作为MPA的材料, 通过对MPA的结构设计, 在红外波段实现了高吸收, 吸收效率最高可达99%. 研究发现通过改变VO2的温度和石墨烯的化学势, 可同时实现MPA吸收效率和吸收波长的控制, 吸收效率调制深度和吸收波长调谐范围分别可达97.08%和3.2 μm. 通过对MPA在吸收波长处的磁场分布分析可以得出, MPA能够产生高吸收是由于其形成了法布里-帕罗(Fabry-Pérot, FP) 干涉腔共振, 研究发现MPA的结构参数对FP腔的共振波长具有显著的影响.
    The metamaterial perfect absorber (MPA) is a new type of electromagnetic wave absorber first proposed by Landy. Compared with the traditional electromagnetic wave absorber, MPA has many advantages, including ultra-high absorption efficiency, ultra-thin, compact structure, easily tunable resonances, etc. so it is gradually applied to ultra-sensitive sensing, imaging, detection and other fields. Nowadays, the MPA research focuses on two areas. One area focuses on the absorption efficiency modulation and absorption wavelength tuning, and the other area is to broaden the absorption bandwidth and achieve high absorptions at different optical frequencies. Previously, the MPA absorption efficiency modulation or absorption wavelength tuning was realized by changing the device structure or the surrounding medium material. But these methods can increase the difficulty in processing and increase the device volume. In order to achieve the control of absorption wavelength and absorption efficiency without increasing the difficulty in processing or the device volume. We propose to use vanadium dioxide and graphene as the materials of MPA, which has high absorption efficiency in the infrared band. It is found that the absorption efficiency of MPA at 9.66 μm wavelength can reach 96% when the temperature of vanadium dioxide is 5 ℃ by using finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. However, when the vanadium dioxide temperature rises to 68 ℃, the absorption efficiency of MPA suddenly drops to 2.8%. The modulation depth of absorption efficiency can reach 97.08%. We propose that the MPA be able to control not only the absorption efficiency, but also the absorption wavelength. By changing the voltage of graphene, the chemical potential Ef of graphene can be controlled and the absorption wavelength of MPA can be tuned. When Ef increases from 0.1 eV to 3 eV, the absorption wavelength of MPA will be blue-shifted from 9.66 μm to 6.46 μm. The magnetic field distribution of MPA at the absorption wavelength shows that the MPA has a high absorption efficiency because of the Fabry-Pérot (FP) cavity resonance is formed in MPA. Therefore, the change of structure parameters of MPA will affect its absorption characteristics. It is found by the FDTD method that the absorption wavelength of MPA will be redshifted, when the radius, thickness, period and thickness of the nanocolumn array increase. This study can provide theoretical guidance for designing and preparing the controllable MPA, which has compact structure and low process difficulty merits.
      通信作者: 武华, wh1125@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61575008, 61650404)、江西省自然科学基金(批准号: 20171BAB202037)、江西省教育厅科技项目(批准号: GJJ170819)和衢州市科技计划项目(批准号: 2019K20)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Wu Hua, wh1125@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61575008, 61650404), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, China (Grant No. 20171BAB202037), the Technology Project of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department, China (Grant No. GJJ170819), and the Quzhou Science and Technology Project, China (Grant No. 2019K20)

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    江孝伟, 武华, 袁寿财 2019 68 138101Google Scholar

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    张会云, 黄晓燕, 陈琦 2016 65 18101Google Scholar

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  • 图 1  吸收特性可控的MPA结构图

    Fig. 1.  MPA structure diagram with controllable absorption characteristics.

    图 2  VO2不同温度下MPA的吸收效率

    Fig. 2.  Absorption efficiency of MPA at different temperature of VO2.

    图 3  VO2不同温度下MPA磁场分布 (a) TV = 5 ℃; (b) TV = 68 ℃

    Fig. 3.  Magnetic field distribution of MPA at different temperature of VO2: (a) TV = 5 ℃; (b) TV = 68 ℃.

    图 4  温度对VO2折射率和消光系数的影响 (a) 折射率n; (b)消光系数k

    Fig. 4.  The influence of temperature on the refractive index and the extinction coefficient of VO2: (a) Refractive index n; (b) extinction coefficient k.

    图 5  石墨烯化学势对MPA吸收波长的影响

    Fig. 5.  The effect of graphene chemical potential on the absorption wavelength of MPA.

    图 6  石墨烯化学势对石墨烯等效折射率的影响

    Fig. 6.  The effect of graphene chemical potential on the equivalent refractive index of graphene.

    图 7  纳米柱半径对MPA吸收特性的影响

    Fig. 7.  The influence of nano column radius on the absorption characteristics of MPA.

    图 8  纳米柱半径对MPA结构等效折射率nq的影响

    Fig. 8.  The influence of nano column radius on the equivalent refractive nq of MPA.

    图 9  纳米柱厚度对MPA吸收特性的影响

    Fig. 9.  The influence of nano column thickness on the absorption characteristics of MPA.

    图 10  VO2厚度对MPA吸收特性的影响

    Fig. 10.  The influence of VO2 thickness on the absorption characteristics of MPA.

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    张会云, 黄晓燕, 陈琦 2016 65 18101Google Scholar

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