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张玉萍 李彤彤 吕欢欢 黄晓燕 张会云



张玉萍, 李彤彤, 吕欢欢, 黄晓燕, 张会云

Study on sensing characteristics of I-shaped terahertz metamaterial absorber

Zhang Yu-Ping, Li Tong-Tong, Lü Huan-Huan, Huang Xiao-Yan, Zhang Hui-Yun
  • 利用超材料吸波体对材料参数的电磁响应, 可将其应用于传感. 本文设计了一种工字形单元结构的超材料吸波体, 基于频域算法对其在太赫兹频段的传感特性进行数值模拟, 研究了待测样品折射率、厚度及电介质隔层厚度对超材料吸波体传感器的频率灵敏度、振幅灵敏度及品质因数的影响. 研究结果表明:当待测样品厚度为40 μm时, 折射率频率灵敏度可达到153.17 GHz/RIU, 折射率振幅灵敏度可达到41.37%/RIU; 待测样品折射率一定时, 厚度频率灵敏度随其厚度的增大而线性减小; 随着待测样品厚度的增加, RFOM呈增大趋势, 但增大幅度在逐渐减小; TFOM随待测样品厚度的增加而减小.
    Recently, metamaterials have attracted considerable attention because of their unique properties and capability of being used in many areas of science. Among these applications, metamaterial absorber is the one researchers show much interests. On the basis of its electromagnetic responses to other material parameters, the metamaterial absorber can be applied to sensing. In this paper, a metamaterial absorber with an I-shaped unit cell is proposed and its favorable sensing characteristics in terahertz frequency range are numerically simulated in terms of frequency-domain algorithm. Influences of the thickness of the sample to be tested and the thickness of dielectric spacer of the sensing of metamaterial absorber on the frequency sensitivity, amplitude sensitivity, and the figure of merit of the refractive index, are studied in detail. Research results indicate that as the refractive index of the sample, whose thickness being fixed, increases, the resonant frequency red-shifts and the reflected amplitude increases. And when the thickness of the sample with a particular refractive index increases, the resonant frequency red-shifts and the reflected amplitude increases correspondingly. The above researches indicate that the sensing of thickness or refractive index of the sample to be tested (abbreviated as specimen) can be realized in a metamaterial absorber. The frequency sensitivity of the refractive index can reach 153.17 GHz/RIU and the amplitude sensitivity of the refractive index can reach 41.37%/RIU when the thickness of the sample is fixed at 40 μm. The frequency sensitivity of the refractive index increases as the thickness of the sample tested increases, but the increasing range gradually decreases. In addition, the amplitude sensitivity of the refractive index increases linearly with the increase of thickness of the sample tested. The frequency sensitivity of thickness decreases linearly with the increase of the thickness of the sample to be tested which is of a particular refractive index. As the thickness of dielectric spacer increases, the frequency sensitivity of the refractive index increases until the thickness reaches 30 μm. Besides, when the refractive index takes a particular value, the frequency sensitivity of thickness decreases linearly as the thickness of dielectric spacer increases. Along with the gradual increase of the thickness of the sample tested, RFOM increases but the increasing range decreases. And TFOM gradually decreases as the thickness of sample tested increases. Both the RFOM and TFOM decrease with the increase of the thickness of dielectric spacer. In the end, the sensing mechanism of metamaterial absorber is discussed in detail. The reflectance spectra and the sensitivity can be adjusted with changing the refractive index and thickeness of the sample tested and the thickness of dielectric spacer, and this will provide important instructive means for terahertz sensing with metamaterial absorbers.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61001018)、山东省自然科学基金(批准号:ZR2012FM011)、山东省高等学校科技计划项目(批准号:J11LG20)、青岛市创新领军人才项目(批准号:13-CX-25)、中国工程物理研究院太赫兹科学技术基金(批准号:201401)、青岛经济技术开发区重点科技计划项目(批准号:2013-1-64)和山东科技大学科技创新基金(批准号:YC140108)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61001018), the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, China (Grant No. ZR2012FM011), the Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program (Grant No. J11LG20), the Qingdao city innovative leading talent plan of China (Grant No. 13-CX-25), the CAEP THz Science and Technology Foundation, China (Grant No. 201401), Qingdao Economic & Technical Development Zone Science & Technology Project, China (Grant No. 2013-1-64), and the Shandong University of Science and Technology Foundation, China (Grant No. YC140108).

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    Grant J, Ma Y, Saha S, Khalid A, Cumming D R 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 3476


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    Shen X, Yang Y, Zang Y, Gu J, Han J, Zhang W, Cui T J 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 154102


    Zou T B, Hu F R, Xiao J, Zhang L H, Liu F, Chen T, Niu J H, Xiong X M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 178103 (in Chinese) [邹涛波, 胡放荣, 肖靖, 张隆辉, 刘芳, 陈涛, 牛军浩, 熊显名 2014 63 178103]


    Ma Y B, Zhang H W, Li Y X, Wang Y C, Lai W E, Li J 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 058102


    Xu Z, Gu C, Pei Z B, Liu J, Qu S B, Gu W 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 017801


    Cheng Y Z, Nie Y, Gong R Z 2013 OPT LASER TECHNOL 48 415


    Cong L, Singh R 2014 arXiv:1408.3711v1 [physics. optics]


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  • 收稿日期:  2014-12-03
  • 修回日期:  2015-01-07
  • 刊出日期:  2015-06-05

