里德堡原子微波测量系统是不同于传统电子微波测量的新型全光学测量技术,它利用里德堡原子与微波场的强相干耦合效应,将微波场转化为原子相干光谱的特性测量,目前已成为高灵敏度高精度微波测量的主要研究领域。微波场与里德堡原子相干耦合过程中的退相干机理会极大影响微波场与相干光谱的转换效率,从而影响微波电场测量灵敏度。我们实验研究了在多能级里德堡铯原子系统中,实现中心频率为3.4GHz微波测量的最佳增强条件以及0.3GHz动态范围测量。利用铯原子D1线和D2线构成的多能级光学泵浦效应减小里德堡原子的退相干,从而增强里德堡原子的电磁诱导透明(EIT)量子相干特性,以及增强微波场作用产生的EIT-AT分裂谱,实现微波场的增强测量。The Rydberg-based microwave detection is an all-optical technology via using strong coherent interaction between Rydberg atoms and microwave field. Different from the traditional microwave meter, the Rydberg atomic sensing is a new-type microwave detector that transfers the microwave into a coherent optical spectrum, and attracts the rising interests due to its high sensibility. For this kind of sensor, the coherent effect induced by the coupling of atoms with microwave plays the key role, and the underline decoherence may decreases the sensitivity. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a multi-level Rydberg atomic scheme with optimized quantum coherence that enhance both of the bandwidth and sensitivity for 4GHz microwave sensing. Using Optical pumping at D1 line, we show the enhanced quantum coherence of Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and microwave induced Autler-Townes(AT) splitting in EIT Windows. Based on the enhanced EIT-AT spectrum, the enhanced sensitivity at 3.4GHz with 0.3GHz bandwidth can be realized. The experimental results show that in the stepped Rydberg EIT system, the spectral width of EIT and microwave field EIT-AT can be narrowed by OP, so the sensitivity of microwave electric field measurement can be improved. After optimizing the EIT amplitude and adding single-frequency microwaves, the sensitivity of the microwave electric field measurement observed by the A-T splitting interval was improved by 1.3 times. This work provides a reference for the application of atomic microwave detection.
- quantum coherence effect /
- Rydberg /
- Microwave measurements /
- Optical pumping
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