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张顺欣 王硕 刘雪 王新占 刘富成 贺亚峰



张顺欣, 王硕, 刘雪, 王新占, 刘富成, 贺亚峰

Rectification of Dust Particles in a Dusty Plasma Metal Straight Ratchet

ZHANG Shunxin, WANG Shuo, LIU Xue, WANG Xinzhan, LIU Fucheng, HE Yafeng
科大讯飞全文翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 利用费曼棘轮原理可以实现将非平衡环境中粒子的随机运动整流成定向运动.本文通过设计尘埃等离子体金属直棘轮实验装置,构建沿棘轮通道分布的不对称等离子体环境,实现了对微米级尘埃颗粒的可控性整流.单分散尘埃颗粒在棘轮通道中能够形成定向输运,其输运方向可通过调节放电功率与气压来精确调控.通过对不同尺寸的尘埃颗粒输运研究发现,这种整流效应具有普适性.为了揭示尘埃颗粒的整流机制,利用等离子体流体模型计算得到了棘轮通道中等离子体参量的二维分布,进一步通过Langevin模拟研究发现,尘埃颗粒在棘轮通道中不同的悬浮高度上受到的棘轮势的不对称取向不同,使得其输运方向不同.本文研究结果为进一步实现尘埃等离子体金属直棘轮中双分散颗粒分离奠定了理论与实验基础.
    Utilizing the principle of the Feynman ratchet, it is possible to rectify the random motion into directed flow of particles under a nonequilibrium environment. In this paper, an experimental setup for a dusty plasma metal straight ratchet is designed to create an asymmetric plasma environment along the ratchet channel, enabling a controllable rectification of micron-sized dust particles. Monodispersed dust particles can form a directional flow in the ratchet channel, and the transport direction could be precisely controlled by adjusting the discharge power and the gas pressure. Research on the transport of dust particles of varying sizes proves that the rectification effect is universal. To reveal the rectification mechanism of dust particles, a fluid model of plasma is employed to calculate the two-dimensional distribution of plasma parameters within the ratchet channel. Further research through Langevin simulation shows that dust particles experience ratchet potentials with distinct asymmetric orientations at different suspension heights within the ratchet channel, leading to different transport directions. The results of this paper provide a theoretical and experimental foundation for further achieving the separation of bi-disperse particles in dusty plasma metal straight ratchets.
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