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马陈文 陈芳芳 郑继红



马陈文, 陈芳芳, 郑继红

Research on the Characteristics of Reflective Liquid Crystal Polarization Holographic Cylindrical Lenses

Ma Chen-Wen, Chen Fang-Fang, Zhen Ji-Hong
科大讯飞全文翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 光取向液晶技术是利用偏振光照射来实现液晶分子的定向排列,该技术可以研制成偏振体全息光栅(Polarization Volume Grating,PVG),具有偏振和体全息选择特性,且作为光耦合元件在光学波导及扩瞳输出方面有广泛应用前景。本文报道了一种采用光控取向技术与偏振离轴全息光路相结合的方法,制备了光斑直径为2cm的液晶偏振体全息柱透镜(Polarization Variable Line-Space,PVLS)。实验过程中可通过控制曝光角度来获得所需光栅周期变化范围,实现红绿蓝RGB三色光入射不同光栅周期下的衍射角角度相同。实验结果表明:在1721.2 nm~5346.5nm的光栅周期变化范围内,当RGB三色光分别入射至光栅周期为3147nm、2649.1nm、2275.6nm位置上时,所测得的衍射角度均为11.59°,实际衍射角度与理论衍射角度的误差在±0.5°以内;在532nm右旋圆偏光下,正入射的衍射效率达90.6%,满足布拉格条件的斜入射衍射效率为84.4%;同时实现光斑在一维方向上扩束,初步实现了PVLS在彩色波导领域应用的可行性验证。
    Photo-oriented liquid crystal technology utilizes polarized light illumination to achieve the directional alignment of liquid crystal molecules. This technology can be developed into polarization volume gratings (PVG), which possess polarization and volume holographic selectivity characteristics. It also has a broad application prospect as an optical coupling element in optical waveguides and for pupil expansion output. This paper reports on the fabrication of a liquid crystal polarization volume holographic cylindrical lens (PVLS) with a beam diameter of 2cm using photo-oriented technology combined with a polarization off-axis holographic optical path. During the experiment, the exposure angle can be controlled to achieve the desired grating period variation range, enabling the diffraction angles of red, green, and blue (RGB) light incident on different grating periods to be the same. The experimental results show that within the grating period variation range of 1721.2 nm to 5346.5 nm, when RGB light is incident on grating periods of 3147 nm, 2649.1 nm, and 2275.6 nm respectively, the measured diffraction angles are all 11.59°, with an error between the actual and theoretical diffraction angles within ±0.5°; under 532nm right-handed circularly polarized light, the diffraction efficiency for 18 normal incidence reaches 90.6%, and the diffraction efficiency for oblique incidence satisfying the Bragg condition is 84.4%; simultaneously, beam expansion in one-dimensional direction is achieved, preliminarily verifying the feasibility of PVLS application in the field of color waveguides.
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