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王玉蓉 屈薇薇 李桂琳 邓琥 尚丽平



王玉蓉, 屈薇薇, 李桂琳, 邓琥, 尚丽平

An optimization method for terahertz metamaterial absorber based on multi-objective particle swarm optimization

WANG Yurong, QU Weiwei, LI Guilin, DENG Hu, SHANG Liping
  • 传统太赫兹超材料吸收器设计需多次试错调整, 十分依赖设计人员的经验, 设计时间成本高、效率低, 而目前基于机器学习的设计方法或需要准备大量样本, 或无法并行优化多个目标. 为解决这一问题, 本文提出一种基于多目标粒子群的几何参数优化方法, 以吸收率和品质因子为设计目标寻找符合要求的结构参数和介质厚度, 并以一个由四个角码型金属组成的中心对称结构的吸收器为例进行优化设计. 仿真结果表明, 多目标粒子群所快速获取的结构几何参数可以同时满足高吸收率和高品质因子两个设计目标, 明显优于粒子群算法. 通过该方法设计的吸收器在1.613 THz的吸收率大于99%、品质因子为319.72, 其传感灵敏度可达264.5 GHz/RIU. 相比于传统设计方法, 此方法设计出的超材料吸收器可以实现高吸收率、高品质因子和高灵敏度, 为超材料吸收器的设计提供了新的思路, 具有广阔的应用前景.
    Metamaterials can freely control terahertz waves by designing the geometric shape and direction of the unit structure to obtain the desired electromagnetic characteristics, so they have been widely used in sensing, communication and radar stealth technology. The traditional design of terahertz metamaterial absorber usually requires continuous structural adjustment and a large number of simulations to meet the expected requirements. The process largely relies on the experience of researchers, and the physical modeling and simulation solution process is time-consuming and inefficient, greatly hindering the development of metamaterial absorbers. Therefore, due to its powerful learning ability, deep learning has been used to predict the structural parameters or spectra of metamaterial absorbers. However, when designing a new structure, it is necessary to prepare a large number of training samples again, which is both time-consuming and not universal. Particle swarm optimization algorithm can quickly converge to the optimal solution through the sharing and cooperation of individual information in the group, with no need for prior preparation. Therefore, a method of fast designing terahertz metamaterial absorber is proposed based on multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm in this work. Taking a new center symmetric absorber structure composed of four Ls for example, the structure parameters are optimized to achieve rapid and automatic design of metamaterial absorber. The multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm takes the absorptivity and quality factor as independent targets to design the structure parameters of the absorber, realizing the dual-objective optimization of the absorber, and overcoming the shortcoming of the multi-objective conflicts that cannot be solved by PSO. When used for refractive index sensing, the optimally-designed absorber achieves perfect absorption at 1.613 THz with a quality factor of 319.72 and a sensing sensitivity of 264.5 GHz/RIU. In addition, the reasons of absorption peaks are analyzed in detail through impedance matching, surface current, and electric field distribution. By studying the polarization characteristics of the absorber, it is found that the absorber is not sensitive to polarization, which is more stable in practical application. In summary, the multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm can realize the design according to the requirements, reduce the experience requirement of researchers in the design of metamaterial absorber, thereby improving design efficiency and performance, and has great potential for application in the design of terahertz functional devices.
  • 图 1  单元结构示意图 (a) 单元结构侧视图; (b) 单元结构俯视图

    Fig. 1.  Unit structure diagram: (a) Side view of the unit structure; (b) top view of the unit structure.

    图 2  自适应网格法步骤 (a)寻找边界; (b)边界扩张; (c)网格划分

    Fig. 2.  Adaptive mesh method steps: (a) Boundary finding; (b) boundary expansion; (c) mesh generation.

    图 3  设计实现流程

    Fig. 3.  Implementation flow chart.

    图 4  经过优化的单元结构及其光谱

    Fig. 4.  Optimized cell structure and spectrum.

    图 5  等效阻抗的实部与虚部

    Fig. 5.  The real and imaginary parts of the equivalent impedance.

    图 6  1.613 THz处表面电流和电场分布图 (a) 1.613 THz处有反射底板表面电流; (b)无反射底板表面电流; (c)1.613 THz处表面电场分布; (d)1.613 THz处y = 100平面电场分布; (e) 1.613 THz处x = 100平面电场分布

    Fig. 6.  Surface current and electric field distribution at 1.613 THz: (a) Surface current at 1.613 THz of an absorber with reflective backplate; (b) surface current of the absorber without reflective backplate; (c) surface electric field distribution at 1.613 THz; (d) y = 100 plane electric field distribution at 1.613 THz; (e) x = 100 plane electric field distribution at 1.613 THz.

    图 7  不同折射率下主峰和次峰的谐振频率变化量及拟合曲线 (a)不同折射率下的谐振频率变化量; (b)灵敏度拟合曲线

    Fig. 7.  The variation of resonant frequency of main and secondary resonant peaks under different refractive indices and their fitting curves.(a) The variation of resonant frequency under different refractive indices; (b) the sensitivity fitting curve of the resonant peak.

    图 8  吸收器不同极化角度φ(φ = 15, 30, 45, 60, 75和90°)的吸收光谱

    Fig. 8.  Absorption spectra of the absorber at different polarization angles φ ( φ = 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90°).

    表 1  参数优化范围

    Table 1.  Parameter optimization range.

    Parameter d l g h
    Range/${\text{μm}}$ 10—30 40—85 10—30 10—25
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    表 2  非支配解集

    Table 2.  Non-dominant solution set.

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    表 3  不同制造误差对性能的影响

    Table 3.  Effect of different manufacturing errors on performance.

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    表 4  其他设计方法与本文方法所设计的吸收器性能对比

    Table 4.  Compares the performance of absorbers designed by other design methods with those in this paper.

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-12-05
  • 修回日期:  2024-12-31
  • 上网日期:  2025-01-13

