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杨宇贤 王镇华 王清 唐才宇 万鹏 曹达华 董闯



杨宇贤, 王镇华, 王清, 唐才宇, 万鹏, 曹达华, 董闯

Microstructure structure and mechanical properties of coherent precipitation strengthened ultrahigh strength maraging stainless steel

YANG Yuxian, WANG Zhenhua, WANG Qing, TANG Caiyu, WAN Peng, CAO Dahua, DONG Chuang
  • 超高强度马氏体时效不锈钢同时拥有优异的强度及易加工等良好性能, 广泛应用于如飞机起落架等关键承载部件中. 然而, 由于析出的纳米粒子通常与体心立方(BCC)马氏体基体呈半共格或非共格关系, 传统马氏体时效不锈钢在追求超高强度的同时依然面临材料强韧性制衡这一难题. 本工作通过团簇式设计方法设计了一种新型共格析出强化的超高强度马氏体时效不锈钢(Fe-7.95Cr-13.47Ni-3.10Al-1.83Mo-0.03C-0.23Nb, 数字为各元素的质量百分含量). 实验结果表明, 该冷轧态不锈钢时效后马氏体组织晶粒破碎、拉长, 同时BCC马氏体基体中存在高密度位错(~1.8 × 10–3 nm–2)和大量的共格析出的B2-NiAl纳米粒子(< 5 nm). 力学性能方面, 该不锈钢在时效过程后表现出明显的时效硬化, 峰值时效硬度达到651 HV. 并且该不锈钢不仅具有极高的屈服强度(σYS = 2.3 GPa), 而且具有良好的断后延伸率(El = 3.6%), 表明实现了良好的强塑性匹配. 最后, 对该不锈钢的超高强度来源进行深入讨论, 发现该不锈钢的超高强度来自于各不同微观结构的强化作用. 本工作为进一步设计开发出高性能超高强度马氏体时效不锈钢提供了有价值的参考.
    Ultra-high strength maraging stainless steels possess many important applications such as in aircraft landing gears owing to their excellent strength and good process ability. However, traditional ultra-high strength maraging stainless steels are facing the challenge of balancing strength and ductility while pursuing ultra-high strength. This is mainly due to the semi-coherent or non-coherent relationship between the precipitated nanoparticles and the body-centered cubic (BCC) martensitic matrix. In this work, a novel ultra-high strength maraging stainless steel (Fe-7.95Cr-13.47Ni-3.10Al-1.83Mo-0.03C-0.23Nb, weight percent, %) is designed using a cluster formula approach. Alloy ingots are prepared by vacuum induction melting under an argon atmosphere, followed by hot rolling at 950℃ and multiple passes of cold rolling. Finally, the alloy is aged at 500℃ for 288 h. Microstructural characterizations of the alloy in different aging states are performed using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). As a result, the martensitic structure of the alloy is fragmented and elongated, with high-density dislocations (~ 1.8 × 10–3 nm–2) and a large number of coherent B2-NiAl nanoparticles (< 5 nm) observed in the BCC martensitic matrix after cold rolling and aging. In terms of mechanical properties, the alloy exhibits significant age-hardening, with a peak-aged hardness of 651 HV after ageing treatment. It also demonstrates an extraordinarily high yield strength (σYS = 2.3 GPa) and a decent elongation (El = 3.6%), indicating a well-balanced strength-ductility property. Finally, the origins of the ultra-high strength in the novel alloy are discussed in depth, showing that the ultra-high strength of this stainless steel comes from the strengthening effect of different microstructures. This study provides valuable guidance for designing high-performance ultra-high strength maraging stainless steels.
  • 图 1  由Pandat软件计算得到的Fe-7.95Cr-13.47Ni-3.10Al-1.83Mo-0.23Nb-0.03C合金的平衡相图

    Fig. 1.  Equilibrium phase diagram of the designed Fe-7.95Cr-13.47Ni-3.10Al-1.83Mo-0.23Nb-0.03C alloy calculated by Pandat software.

    图 2  合金冷轧态(CR)的EBSD反极图(IPF)和相分布图(a), (b); 冷轧态合金TEM明场像及其对应的SAED花样(c); HRTEM图像及其对应的FTT图像(d)

    Fig. 2.  EBSD IPF image and phase image of the designed alloy after cold-rolling (CR) treatment (a), (b); TEM bright-field (BF) image and corresponding SAED patterns (c) and High-resolution TEM image and its FTT pattern (d) of CR.

    图 3  12 h时效后CRA合金的微观结构合金冷轧+时效态(CRA)的EBSD反极图(IPF)和相分布图(a), (b); CRA合金TEM明场、暗场像及其对应的SAED花样(c)(d), CRA合金HRTEM图像及其对应的FTT图像(e, e-1, e-2)以及衍射环图像(f)

    Fig. 3.  Microstructures of 12 h-aged CRA alloys: EBSD IPF image and phase image of the CRA alloy (a), (b), TEM bright-field (BF) image and corresponding SAED patterns (c), TEM DF image (d), HRTEM image and its FTT patterns (e), (e-1), (e-2) and diffraction ring (f) of the CRA alloy.

    图 4  冷轧态合金在时效48 h后的TEM明场(a)、暗场像(b)

    Fig. 4.  TEM bright-field image (a), the corresponding dark-field image (b) of 48 h-aged CRA alloy.

    图 5  合金经热轧(HR)处理(a)和热轧+500 ℃/12 h时效(HRA)处理(c)后的EBSD反极图(IPF), HR(b)和HRA(d)处理后的EBSD相图

    Fig. 5.  EBSD inverse pole figures (IPFs) of the designed alloy after hot-rolling (HR) treatment (a) and hot-rolling + aging at 500 ℃/12 h (HRA) treatment (c), EBSD phase images of HR (b) and HRA (d).

    图 6  12 h时效HRA合金(a)和12 h时效冷轧+时效态(CRA)合金(c)的晶界分布图, HRA(b)和CRA(d)的核平均取向差(KAM)   

    Fig. 6.  Grain boundary distribution maps of 12 h-aged HRA alloys (a) and 12 h-aged CRA alloys (c), kernel average misorientation (KAM) of HRA (b) and CRA (d).

    图 7  CRA合金在500 ℃时效时显微硬度随时效时间的变化(a), 不同热处理状态下合金在室温拉伸下的工程应力-应变曲线(b)和室温三点弯曲下的载荷-位移曲线(c)

    Fig. 7.  Variation tendency of microhardness of the CRA alloy with aging time at 500℃ (a), room-temperature engineering stress-strain tensile curves of the current alloy at different heat-treated (b), and 3-points bending test of the current alloy at different heat-treated (c).

    图 8  根据不同强化机制计算得到的CR合金以及时效12 h CRA合金的屈服强度

    Fig. 8.  Calculated strength increments from different strengthening mechanisms in CR and 12 h-aged CRA alloys, in which the measured yield strength values are also presented with black star symbols for comparison.

    表 1  不同热处理状态下设计合金以及18 Ni(300)[45]H, σYS, σUTS, El, 极限弯曲载荷(FB), 及极限弯曲角度(θB)

    Table 1.  Mechanical properties of the current stainless steel at different heat-treated states and the 18 Ni(350) steel[45], including microhardness (H), yield strength (σYS), ultimate tensile strength (σUTS), elongation to fracture (El), ultimate bending force (FB), and ultimate bending angle (θB).

    HRA: 5 h-aged573±6170419403.910.19.7
    CRA: 5 h-aged645±6232623443.622.215.4
    CRA: 12 h-aged641±8225423243.018.217.9
    18 Ni(300)200020507.0
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-10-23
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