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刘芙妍 颜冰



刘芙妍, 颜冰

Applicability and optimization analysis of magnetic dipole array model

Liu Fu-Yan, Yan Bing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 随着我国水下探测、通信技术的发展, 传统的磁性测量模型已无法满足高精度、高效率建模的需要. 本文从舰船磁场积分模型出发, 综合分析模型离散化为磁偶极子阵列模型产生的复化中矩形, 以及Gauss-Legendre积分余项分析过程引起的离散误差、算法误差, 模型简化产生的拟合误差、模型误差等, 对模型适用性条件进行分析; 同时, 以建模精度和计算复杂度为目标构造多目标优化函数, 通过NSGA-II算法对多目标函数进行求解, 得到使精度、复杂度较为均衡的最优解集, 提出了不同精度、复杂度需求下的选择规则. 为了保证结果的有效性, 在舰船磁场混合模型的基础上利用数值实验对模型进行验证, 充分考虑模型拟合误差, 通过对磁性均匀、磁性不均匀潜艇的仿真分析得到模型达到适用范围时距离与磁偶极子数目的相关关系; 在保证模型适用的条件下, 基于NSGA-II算法的多目标优化过程所得结果运算效率、精度高, 具有很好的工程应用价值.
    With the development of underwater detection and communication technology, the traditional magnetic measurement model cannot meet the requirements for high precision and high efficiency modeling. In order to solve this problem, according to the integral model of ship magnetic field, we comprehensively analyze the discretization error caused by the composite middle rectangular and Gauss-Legendre integral remainders generated by discretizing the integral model into the magnetic dipole array model, the algorithm error, the fitting error caused by the model simplification, the model error, etc. and we also use these research results to analyze the model applicability conditions. Then based on the correlation between model error and parameters as well as accuracy and computational complexity, the multi-objective optimization problem is constructed. The NSGA-II algorithm is used to solve the multi-objective function, and the optimal solution set with balanced accuracy and complexity is obtained. The selection rules under the different requirements for accuracy and complexity are proposed. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the results, the model is simulated by using the actual submarine data on the basis of the hybrid model of ship magnetic field. The relationship between the distance to reach the applicable range of the model and the number of magnetic dipoles is obtained through the simulation analysis of the submarines with uniform and nonuniform magnetic field, and the simulation results are compared with the existing research results to ensure the effectiveness of the simulation results. At the same time, under the condition of ensuring the applicability of the model, the results obtained in the multi-objective optimization process based on NSGA-II algorithm are of high computational efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, this method has good engineering application value.
      通信作者: 颜冰, yanbing19@nudt.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国防基础科研计划(批准号: JCKY2020550C011)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 42176197)和水声对抗技术国防科技重点实验室基金(批准号: 6412214200403)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Yan Bing, yanbing19@nudt.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Defense Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. JCKY2020550C011), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42176197), and the Foundation of Key Laboratory of National Defense Technology for Underwater Acoustic Countermeasure Technology, China (Grant No. 6412214200403).

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    戴忠华, 周穗华, 单珊 2017 水雷战与舰船防护 25 10

    Dai Z H, Zhou S H, Dan S 2017 Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defence 25 10


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  • 图 1  单磁偶极子条件下相对误差随$\eta $的变化

    Fig. 1.  Relative error as a function of $\eta $ for a magnetic dipole.

    图 2  基于复化中矩形法模型误差随距离及磁偶极子数目的变化规律

    Fig. 2.  Variation of model error with distance and the number of magnetic dipoles based on composite middle rectangular method.

    图 3  基于Gauss-Legendre法模型误差随距离及磁偶极子数目的变化规律

    Fig. 3.  Variation of model error with distance and the number of magnetic dipoles based on Gauss-Legendre method.

    图 4  潜艇模型

    Fig. 4.  Submarine model.

    图 5  r = 224时选取的均匀采样点

    Fig. 5.  Uniform sampling points selected when r = 224.

    图 6  磁性均匀时模型相对误差变化趋势 (a)磁偶极子数目、距离对模型误差影响的三维柱状图; (b) 磁偶极子数目、距离对模型误差影响的等高线剖面图

    Fig. 6.  Trend of relative error of the model when the magnetic is uniform: (a) Three dimensional histogram of effects of number and distance of magnetic dipoles on model error; (b) contour of effects of number and distance of magnetic dipoles on model error.

    图 7  距离为224时模型相对误差随潜艇磁性差异的变化趋势 (a)潜艇磁性差异对模型相对误差影响的折线图; (b) 潜艇磁性差异对模型相对误差影响的等高线图

    Fig. 7.  Variation trend of model relative error with submarine magnetic difference when r = 224: (a) Line graph of the effect of submarine magnetic differences on the relative error of the model; (b) Contour plot of the effect of submarine magnetic differences on the relative error of the model

    图 8  a1 = 40000时模型相对误差的变化趋势 (a)磁偶极子数目、距离对模型误差影响的三维柱状图; (b) 磁偶极子数目、距离对模型误差的影响等高线剖面图

    Fig. 8.  Tendency of the relative error of the model when a1 = 40000: (a) Three dimensional histogram of the effect of the number and distance of magnetic dipoles on the model error; (b) contour map of effects of the number and distance of magnetic dipoles on model errors.

    图 9  (a) r = 234 和(b) r = 124时Pareto前沿

    Fig. 9.  Pareto front for (a) r = 234 and (b) r = 124.

    表 1  磁性均匀情况下, 达到建模有效范围的磁偶极子数目及距离

    Table 1.  Number and distance of magnetic dipoles reaching the modeling effective range when the magnetic is uniform.

    r = 841.0503 r = 1441.8002
    r = 941.1753r = 1541.9252
    r = 1041.3002r = 1642.0502
    r = 1141.4252r = 1742.1752
    r = 1241.5502r = 1842.3001
    r = 1341.6752r = 1942.4251
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  磁性不均匀情况下, 达到建模有效范围的磁偶极子数目及距离

    Table 2.  Number and distance of magnetic dipoles reaching modeling effective range when the magnetic is nonuniform.

    r = 841.0506 r = 1642.0505
    r = 941.1755r = 1742.1755
    r = 1041.3005r = 1842.3005
    r = 1141.4255r = 1942.4255
    r = 1241.5505r = 2042.5505
    r = 1341.6755r = 2142.6755
    r = 1441.8005r = 2242.8005
    r = 1541.9255r = 2342.9255
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  平衡点附近磁偶极子数目及相对误差值

    Table 3.  Number of magnetic dipoles near equilibrium point and relative error.

    距离倍数偶极子数目相对误差 距离倍数偶极子数目相对误差
    r = 941.175100.90% r = 1842.30060.39%
    r = 1041.30090.77%r = 1942.42560.32%
    r = 1141.42580.71%r = 2042.55060.32%
    r = 1241.55080.60%r = 2142.67560.30%
    r = 1341.67580.52%r = 2242.80060.27%
    r = 1441.80070.52%r = 2342.92550.30%
    r = 1541.92570.46%r = 3003.75050.18%
    r = 1642.05070.41%r = 4005.00050.11%
    r = 1742.17570.36%r = 5006.25050.085%
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    Cameron D, Luca M, Ferruccio R 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 2346Google Scholar


    Jin H H, Zhuang Z H, Wang H B 2018 IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 15 1294Google Scholar


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    Dai Z H, Zhou S H, Zhang X B 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 164101Google Scholar


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    Nilsson M 2016 Modelling of Civilian Ships’ Ferromagnetic Signatures (Norwegian: FFI-rapport) pp13–19


    戴忠华, 周穗华, 单珊 2017 水雷战与舰船防护 25 10

    Dai Z H, Zhou S H, Dan S 2017 Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defence 25 10


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    Shi L, Chen Y M 2017 International Conference on Information Science & Control Engineering Changsha, China, July 21–23, 2017 p55


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  • 收稿日期:  2021-12-01
  • 修回日期:  2022-02-22
  • 上网日期:  2022-06-10
  • 刊出日期:  2022-06-20

