针对主和副垂直腔表面发射激光器构成的外部注入激光器系统的偏振转换及其非线性动力学行为, 利用周期性极化铌酸锂晶体中准相位匹配线性电光调制, 本文提出了一种新的操控方案并且探索了其控制规律. 研究结果发现, 受到平行光注入或正交光注入的副激光器输出偏振度随外加电场成周期性振荡变化, 其振荡波峰轨迹包络曲线为正弦曲线, 而振荡波谷轨迹包络曲线为余弦曲线; 选取一定的主激光器偏置电流, 通过对来自主激光器的光进行电光调制, 受到两种方式注入的副激光器可以输出任意偏振模, 并且其非线性动力行为经历不同的演变. 另外, 副激光器的偏振度仅依赖于外加电场, 与副激光器的偏置电流无关.
- 外部光注入垂直腔表面发射激光器 /
- 准相位匹配线性电光效应 /
- 偏振转换 /
- 非线性动力学行为
For the polarization switching (PS) and the nonlinear dynamic behaviors (NDBs) of the optically injected laser system composed of master vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (M-VCSEL) and slave vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (S-VCSEL), we put forward a novel manipulation scheme and explore their control law by means of electro-optic (EO) modulation with quasi-phase matched technology in periodically poled LiNbO3. It is found that the PS of the S-VCSEL subjected to parallel or orthogonal optical injection undergoes a change of periodic oscillation with the applied transverse electric field. The envelope trajectory of the oscillation peak appears to be a cosine curve, and that of the oscillation wave trough becomes a sine curve. Besides, the PS of the S-VCSEL only depends on the applied transverse electric field and the bias current of the M-VCSEL, and is independent of the bias current of the S-VCSEL. When the bias current of the M-VCSEL takes a different value, the PS of the S-VCSEL shows a different evolution law in one period of the applied electric field. For a certain fixed bias current of the M-VCSEL, the optically injected S-VCSEL can emit an arbitrary polarization mode and its NDBs experience different evolutions when the light from the M-VCSEL goes through EO intensity modulation. If the output light of the M-VCSEL is subjected to EO intensity modulation and EO phase modulation simultaneously, while the bias current of the S-VCSEL is fixed at 1.06, that of the M-VCSEL is fixed at 1.18, and the optical injection strength is set at 5 ns-1, then the output polarization of the S-VCSEL is in turn switched from the y-LP to the left-handed elliptic polarization (EP), then the right-handed EP circular polarization, and lastly the left-handed EP. And its NDB shows in turn a single period, four doubled periods, chaos, four doubled periods, and chaos with the increase of the applied electric field.-
- vertical cavity surface emitting laser subjected to external optical injection /
- linear electro-optic effect with quasi-phase matching /
- polarization switching /
- nonlinear dynamic behavior
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[1] Koyama F 2006 J. Lightwave Technol. 24 4502
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[7] Deshmukh M V, Lee S H, Kim D W, Kim K H, Lee M H 2011 Opt. Express. 19 16934
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[20] Katayama T, Ooi T, Kawaguchi 2009 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 45 1495
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[23] Salvide M F, Masoller C, Torre M S 2013 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 49 886
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