


Vol. 55, No. 7 (2006)

A spectral blanking-out controller for demonstration of information barrier technology
Liu Su-Ping, Gong Jian, Hu Guang-Chun, Zhang Jian-Hua
2006, 55 (7): 3203-3207. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3203
Abstract +
Bi-material mircocantilever array room-temperature IR imaging
Miao Zheng-Yu, Zhang Qing-Chuan, Chen Da-Peng, Wu Xiao-Ping, Li Chao-Bo, Guo Zhe-Ying, Dong Feng-Liang, Xiong Zhi-Ming
2006, 55 (7): 3208-3214. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3208
Abstract +
Reproducing kernel particle boundary element-free method for elasticity
Qin Yi-Xiao, Cheng Yu-Min
2006, 55 (7): 3215-3222. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3215
Abstract +
Fuzzy edge detection technique using multi-information fusion algorithm
Zong Xiao-Ping, Xu Yan, Dong Jiang-Tao
2006, 55 (7): 3223-3228. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3223
Abstract +
A delayed sea-air oscillator coupling model for the ENSO
Mo Jia-Qi, Wang Hui, Lin Wan-Tao
2006, 55 (7): 3229-3232. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3229
Abstract +
Calculation of the transmission wave of a laser pulse amplifier
Mo Jia-Qi, Zhang Wei-Jiang, He Ming
2006, 55 (7): 3233-3236. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3233
Abstract +
Perturbation of symmetries and Hojman adiabatic invariants for Lagrangian system
Zhang Yi, Fan Cun-Xin, Mei Feng-Xiang
2006, 55 (7): 3237-3240. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3237
Abstract +
Integrating factors and conservation theorems of Lagrange’s equations for generalized nonconservative systems in terms of quasi-coordinates
Zheng Shi-Wang, Qiao Yong-Fen
2006, 55 (7): 3241-3245. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3241
Abstract +
New type of exact solitary wave solutions for dispersive long-wave equation and Benjamin equation
Taogetusang, Sirendaoreji
2006, 55 (7): 3246-3254. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3246
Abstract +
Single N-dimensional quNit quantum secret sharing
Yang Yu-Guang, Wen Qiao-Yan, Zhu Fu-Chen
2006, 55 (7): 3255-3258. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3255
Abstract +
Quantum measurement of single electron state by a quantum point contact
Hu Xue-Ning, Li Xin-Qi
2006, 55 (7): 3259-3264. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3259
Abstract +
Solution of the ground state wave function of Bose-condensed gas in a harmonic trap based on the Gross-Pitaevskii function
Xu Zhi-Jun, Shi Jian-Qing, Li Zhen, Cai Ping-Gen
2006, 55 (7): 3265-3271. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3265
Abstract +
Entropy of Dirac field in a generalized non-stationary spherically symmetric black hole with charge
Zheng Yuan-Qiang
2006, 55 (7): 3272-3276. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3272
Abstract +
Modulation and demodulation for detecting weak periodic signal of stochastic resonance
Lin Min, Huang Yong-Mei
2006, 55 (7): 3277-3282. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3277
Abstract +
A switch-modulated method for hyperchaotic digital secure communications based on drive functions
Sun Lin, Jiang De-Ping
2006, 55 (7): 3283-3288. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3283
Abstract +
Emulation of multi-scroll chaotic attractors in four-dimensional systems
Wang Fa-Qiang, Liu Chong-Xin, Lu Jun-Jie
2006, 55 (7): 3289-3294. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3289
Abstract +
A new three-dimensional quadratic chaotic system and its circuitry implementation
Wang Guang-Yi, Qiu Shui-Sheng, Xu Zhi-Yi
2006, 55 (7): 3295-3301. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3295
Abstract +
Prediction of chaotic time series based on hierarchical fuzzy-clustering
Liu Fu-Cai, Sun Li-Ping, Liang Xiao-Ming
2006, 55 (7): 3302-3306. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3302
Abstract +


Theoretical analysis and circuit implementation of a new four dimensional chaotic system
Zhang Yu-Hui, Qi Guo-Yuan, Liu Wen-Liang, Yan Yan
2006, 55 (7): 3307-3314. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3307
Abstract +
Energy eigenstates of two ions in a two-dimensional paul trap
Wu Yun-Wen, Hai Wen-Hua
2006, 55 (7): 3315-3321. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3315
Abstract +
Non-autonomous feedback control for a class of chaotic systems
Jiang Shu-Min, Tian Li-Xin
2006, 55 (7): 3322-3327. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3322
Abstract +
Investigation of the bottleneck in high speed traffic caused by a bridge
Xiao Shi-Fa, Liu Mu-Ren, Kong Ling-Jiang
2006, 55 (7): 3328-3335. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3328
Abstract +
On the characteristics of phase transition in CA traffic models
Guo Si-Ling, Wei Yan-Fang, Xue Yu
2006, 55 (7): 3336-3342. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3336
Abstract +
The fractal structure of silicon content in molten iron in blast furnace
Luo Shi-Hua, Liu Xiang-Guan
2006, 55 (7): 3343-3348. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3343
Abstract +
Distribution of impurities on nonlattice substraes influence for fractal aggregates
Gao Guo-Liang, Qian Chang-Ji, Li Hong, Gu Wen-Jing, Huang Xiao-Hong, Ye Gao-Xiang
2006, 55 (7): 3349-3354. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3349
Abstract +
Self-organized criticality in one-dimensional sandpile model with avalanche probability included
Zhou Hai-Ping, Cai Shao-Hong, Wang Chun-Xiang
2006, 55 (7): 3355-3359. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3355
Abstract +
A WKB solution of excess carriers in conductivity modulation base with non-uniform lifetime
Fang Jian, Lin Wei, Zhou Xian-Da, Li Zhao-Ji
2006, 55 (7): 3360-3362. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3360
Abstract +
A confocal measurement method based on superresolution image restoration and shaped annular beam
Zhao Wei-Qian, Chen Shan-Shan, Feng Zheng-De
2006, 55 (7): 3363-3367. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3363
Abstract +
Theoretical calculation of the modulation transfer function in a femoto-second electron diffraction system
Tian Jin-Shou, Zhao Bao-Sheng, Wu Jian-Jun, Zhao Wei, Liu Yun-Quan, Zhang Jie
2006, 55 (7): 3368-3374. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3368
Abstract +
Research on D→Klv~l decay
Wu Xiang-Yao, Gong Pi-Feng, Su Xi-Yu, Liu Xiao-Jing, Fan Xi-Hui, Wang Li, Shi Zong-Hua, Guo Yi-Qing
2006, 55 (7): 3375-3379. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3375
Abstract +
Calculation of diamagnetic spectrum of Rydberg hydrogen atom using B-spline basis sets
Kang Shuai, Liu Qiang, Zhong Zhen-Xiang, Zhang Xian-Zhou, Shi Ting-Yun
2006, 55 (7): 3380-3385. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3380
Abstract +
Laser phase determination and transfer equation to directly measure the temporal structure of narrow bandwidth attosecond XUV pulse
Ge Yu-Cheng
2006, 55 (7): 3386-3392. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3386
Abstract +
A two-level atom in a cavity with a moving mirror
Qu Zhao-Jun, Liu Sheng-Dian, Yang Chuan-Lu, Ma Xiao-Guang
2006, 55 (7): 3393-3395. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3393
Abstract +
Array of micro-optical traps for cold atoms or cold molecules using a Damman grating
Ji Xian-Ming, Lu Jun-Fa, Mu Ren-Wang, Yin Jian-Ping
2006, 55 (7): 3396-3402. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3396
Abstract +
Measurement of the number of cold atoms trapped in cesium magneto-optical trap via probe absorption
Wang Yan-Hua, Yang Hai-Jing, Zhang Tian-Cai, Wang Jun-Min
2006, 55 (7): 3403-3407. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3403
Abstract +
The molecular structure and potential energy function of the ground state of BH2 molecule
Yan Shi-Ying
2006, 55 (7): 3408-3412. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3408
Abstract +
Optimization of the method to measure d electron occupancy in transition elements from electron energy loss spectrum
Yang Wei-Guo, Zhang Xiao-Zhong, Yuan Jun
2006, 55 (7): 3413-3419. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3413
Abstract +
Molecular structure of AlHn(n=1—3) and thermodynamic stability of AlH3
Sheng Xiao-Hong, Zhu Zheng-He, Gao Tao, Luo Shun-Zhong
2006, 55 (7): 3420-3432. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3420
Abstract +
Research on photoionization of Ar·NO cluster using synchrotron radiation
Wang Si-Sheng, Kong Rui-Hong, Tian Zhen-Yu, Shan Xiao-Bin, Zhang Yun-Wu, Sheng Liu-Si, Wang Zhen-Ya, Hao Li-Qing, Zhou Shi-Kang
2006, 55 (7): 3433-3437. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3433
Abstract +
Nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings model of a trapped ion and the evolution of the ion population inversion
Wang Zhong-Qing, Duan Chang-Kui, An Guang-Lei
2006, 55 (7): 3438-3442. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3438
Abstract +
The effect of ion oscillation on the self-sustenance of low pressure electronegative discharge
Wu Yan-Qing, Xiao Ti-Qiao
2006, 55 (7): 3443-3450. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3443
Abstract +
Characterization of DC argon plasma jet at atmospheric pressure
Yan Jian-Hua, Tu Xin, Ma Zeng-Yi, Pan Xin-Chao, Cen Ke-Fa, Cheron Bruno
2006, 55 (7): 3451-3457. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3451
Abstract +
Numerical calculation of radiation pattern and impedance of column plasma
Zhao Guo-Wei, Xu Yue-Min, Chen Cheng
2006, 55 (7): 3458-3463. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3458
Abstract +
SO-FDTD method and its application to the calculation of electromagnetic wave reflection coefficients of plasma
Yang Hong-Wei, Chen Ru-Shan, Zhang Yun
2006, 55 (7): 3464-3469. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3464
Abstract +
FDTD analysis of 3-D conducting target coated by anisotropic magnetized plasma
Xu Li-Jun, Liu Shao-Bin, Mo Jin-Jun, Yuan Nai-Chang
2006, 55 (7): 3470-3474. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3470
Abstract +
J×B heating by non-relativistic linearly polarized laser light
Jing Guo-Liang, Yu Wei, Li Ying-Jun, Zhao Shi-Hua, Qian Lie-Jia, Tian You-Wei, Liu Bing-Chen
2006, 55 (7): 3475-3479. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3475
Abstract +
B-site Fe doping effect on the structure and electronic transport properties of quasi-one-dimensional spin ladder compound Sr14(Cu1-yFey)24O41
Hu Ni, Xie Hui, Wang Li-Li, Lin Ying, Xiong Rui, Yu Zu-Xing, Tang Wu-Feng, Shi Jing
2006, 55 (7): 3480-3487. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3480
Abstract +
Studies of implosion processes of nested tungsten wire-array Z-pinch
Ning Cheng, Ding Ning, Liu Quan, Yang Zhen-Hua
2006, 55 (7): 3488-3493. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3488
Abstract +
Generation of multi-source inductively coupled plasma and its diagnostics
Xin Yu, Di Xiao-Lian, Yu Yi-Qing, Ning Zhao-Yuan
2006, 55 (7): 3494-3500. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3494
Abstract +
Numerical study of dynamic effects and evaporation of target material under irradiation of intense pulsed ion beam
Wu Di, Gong Ye, Liu Jin-Yuan, Wang Xiao-Gang, Liu Yue, Ma Teng-Cai
2006, 55 (7): 3501-3505. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3501
Abstract +
Numerical simulation of plasma of large-dimensions produced by injecting electron beam into air
Li Hong, Su Tie, Ouyang Liang, Wang Hui-Hui, Bai Xiao-Yan, Chen Zhi-Peng, Liu Wan-Dong
2006, 55 (7): 3506-3513. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3506
Abstract +
Dispersion equation of a tape helix slow wave structure filled with plasma
Xie Hong-Quan, Liu Pu-Kun
2006, 55 (7): 3514-3518. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3514
Abstract +
Simulation electro-optic switch of plasma-electrode Pockels cells driven by one-pulse process
Guo Wen-Qiong, Zhou Xiao-Jun, Zhang Xiong-Jun, Sui Zhan, Wu Deng-Sheng
2006, 55 (7): 3519-3523. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3519
Abstract +
Effect of adding hydrogen to a nitrogen glow discharge on electron behavior
Zhang Lian-Zhu, Gao Shu-Xia
2006, 55 (7): 3524-3530. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3524
Abstract +
Structure and magnetic properties of (Nd1-xGdx)3 Fe27.31Ti1.69 compounds
Wang Wen-Quan, Xu Shi-Feng, Xu Qin-Ying, Zhang Wen-Liang, Chen Dong-Feng
2006, 55 (7): 3531-3535. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3531
Abstract +
The structure analysis of novel Ti: LiAlO2 crystal
Zou Jun, Huang Tao-Hua, Wang Jun, Zhang Lian-Han, Zhou Sheng-Ming, Xu Jun
2006, 55 (7): 3536-3539. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3536
Abstract +
Monte Carlo simulation of the SRAM single event upset
Li Hua
2006, 55 (7): 3540-3545. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3540
Abstract +
A comparison of ionizing radiation damage in CMOS devices from 60Co Gamma rays, electrons and protons
He Bao-Ping, Chen Wei, Wang Gui-Zhen
2006, 55 (7): 3546-3551. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3546
Abstract +
Study of thermal conduction of carbon nanotube by molecular dynamics
Bao Wen-Xing, Zhu Chang-Chun
2006, 55 (7): 3552-3557. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3552
Abstract +
Size effect on serrated yielding in Al-Cu polycrystals
Lu Jun-Yong, Jiang Zhen-Yu, Zhang Qing-Chuan, Jiang Hui-Feng, Liu Hao-Wen
2006, 55 (7): 3558-3568. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3558
Abstract +
Study of an anomalous serrated yielding phenomenon in 3004 aluminum alloy
Peng Kai-Ping, Chen Wen-Zhe, Qian Kuang-Wu
2006, 55 (7): 3569-3575. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3569
Abstract +
Theoretical study of phase transition of 3C-SiC under high pressure
Lü Meng-Ya, Chen Zhou-Wen, Li Li-Xin, Liu Ri-Ping, Wang Wen-Kui
2006, 55 (7): 3576-3580. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3576
Abstract +
Preparation and mechanism of p-type ZnO films formed by modified ion beam enhanced deposition method
Yuan Ning-Yi, Li Jin-Hua, Fan Li-Ning, Wang Xiu-Qin, Xie Jian-Sheng
2006, 55 (7): 3581-3584. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3581
Abstract +
First-principles study on the electrical structures and optical properties of β-Si3N4
Pan Hong-Zhe, Xu Ming, Zhu Wen-Jun, Zhou Hai-Ping
2006, 55 (7): 3585-3589. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3585
Abstract +
Study of 2D metallic photonic band gap structures
Lu Zhi-Gang, Gong Yu-Bin, Wei Yan-Yu, Wang Wen-Xiang
2006, 55 (7): 3590-3596. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3590
Abstract +
GW quasiparticle band structure of BaSe
Chen De-Yan, Lü Tie-Yu, Huang Mei-Chun
2006, 55 (7): 3597-3600. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3597
Abstract +
Structural and electronic properties of C72 and La2@C72
Tang Chun-Mei, Yuan Yong-Bo, Deng Kai-Ming, Yang Jin-Long
2006, 55 (7): 3601-3605. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3601
Abstract +
A new method to grow high quality GaN film by MOCVD
Peng Dong-Sheng, Feng Yu-Chun, Wang Wen-Xin, Liu Xiao-Feng, Shi Wei, Niu Han-Ben
2006, 55 (7): 3606-3610. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3606
Abstract +
Optimization design of the band profiles of HgCdTe heterojunctions
Quan Zhi-Jue, Sun Li-Zhong, Ye Zhen-Hua, Li Zhi-Feng, Lu Wei
2006, 55 (7): 3611-3616. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3611
Abstract +
A new small signal physical model of InP-based composite channel high electron mobility transistor
Li Xiao, Liu Liang, Zhang Hai-Ying, Yin Jun-Jian, Li Hai-Ou, Ye Tian-Chun, Gong Min
2006, 55 (7): 3617-3621. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3617
Abstract +
Current slump mechanism and its physical model of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under DC bias
Hao Yue, Han Xin-Wei, Zhang Jin-Cheng, Zhang Jin-Feng
2006, 55 (7): 3622-3628. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3622
Abstract +
Density-functional theory calculations for the carbon-monoxide and hydrogen co-adsorbed on Ni(111) surface
Zhao Xin-Xin, Tao Xiang-Ming, Chen Wen-Bin, Chen Xin, Shang Xue-Fu, Tan Ming-Qiu
2006, 55 (7): 3629-3635. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3629
Abstract +
Study of the modulated spectra of dilute GaNxAs1-x (x≤0.03) thin films
Wang Chong, Chen Ping-Ping, Liu Zhao-Lin, Li Tian-Xin, Xia Chang-Sheng, Chen Xiao-Shuang, Lu Wei
2006, 55 (7): 3636-3641. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3636
Abstract +
The grating optical coupling of the very long wavelength quantum well infrared photodetectors
Xiong Da-Yuan, Zeng Yong, Li Ning, Lu Wei
2006, 55 (7): 3642-3648. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3642
Abstract +
The localized electronic states and transmission spectra in N-layer superlattice with structural defects in finite magnetic fields
Wang Xin-Jun, Wang Ling-Ling, Huang Wei-Qing, Tang Li-Ming, Chen Ke-Qiu
2006, 55 (7): 3649-3655. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3649
Abstract +
Electric field distribution in charge imbalance super junction
Fang Jian, Qiao Ming, Li Zhao-Ji
2006, 55 (7): 3656-3663. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3656
Abstract +
Dielectric properties of a three-phase Fe-Ni-BaTiO3 composite
Huang Ji-Quan, Hong Lan-Xiu, Han Gao-Rong, Weng Wen-Jian, Du Pi-Yi
2006, 55 (7): 3664-3669. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3664
Abstract +
2-D threshold voltage model for short-channel MOSFET with quantum-mechanical effects
Li Yan-Ping, Xu Jing-Ping, Chen Wei-Bing, Xu Sheng-Guo, Ji Feng
2006, 55 (7): 3670-3676. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3670
Abstract +
Theoretical analysis about the influence of channel layer thickness on the 2D electron gas and its distribution in InP-based high-electron-mobility transistors
Li Dong-Lin, Zeng Yi-Ping
2006, 55 (7): 3677-3682. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3677
Abstract +
Study of high temperature superconduction under pressure
Liang Fang-Ying, Liu Hong, Li Ying-Jun
2006, 55 (7): 3683-3687. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3683
Abstract +
Ground state properties of spin-Peierls ladder model with interchain superexchange interactions
Liu Hai-Lian, Wang Zhi-Guo, Yang Cheng-Quan, Shi Yun-Long
2006, 55 (7): 3688-3691. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3688
Abstract +
Magnetic transition and conducting behavior of the Cu-doped LaMn1-xCuxO3 system
Gao Tian, Cao Shi-Xun, Li Wen-Juan, Kang Bao-Juan, Yuan Shu-Juan, Zhang Jin-Cang
2006, 55 (7): 3692-3697. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3692
Abstract +
Theory and calculation of giant magneto-impedance effect in amorphous alloy ribbons and films
Bao Bing-Hao, Song Xue-Feng, Ren Nai-Fei, Li Chang-Sheng
2006, 55 (7): 3698-3704. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3698
Abstract +
Electrical polarization and charge dynamics of cellular polypropylene ferroelectret films
Wang Fei-Peng, Xia Zhong-Fu, Qiu Xun-Lin, Shen Jun
2006, 55 (7): 3705-3710. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3705
Abstract +
Dielectric properties of Na0.25K0.25Bi0.5TiO3 lead-free ceramics
Zhao Su-Chuan, Li Guo-Rong, Zhang Li-Na, Wang Tian-Bao, Ding Ai-Li
2006, 55 (7): 3711-3715. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3711
Abstract +
Ferroelectric and dielectric properties of Mo-doped SrBi4Ti4O15 ceramics
Jin Can, Zhu Jun, Mao Xiang-Yu, He Jun-Hui, Chen Xiao-Bing
2006, 55 (7): 3716-3720. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3716
Abstract +
Ferroelectric-paraelectric interface dynamics related to latent heat and its finite-size effects
Ai Shu-Tao, Cai Yuan-Zhen
2006, 55 (7): 3721-3724. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3721
Abstract +
F-P photonic crystal filter in terahertz region
Zhou Mei, Chen Xiao-Shuang, Wang Shao-Wei, Zhang Jian-Biao, Lu Wei
2006, 55 (7): 3725-3729. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3725
Abstract +
Preparation and characterization of Au/SiO2 nano-composite multilayer films
Zhang Yun, Zhang Bo-Ping, Jiao Li-Shi, Zhang Hai-Long, Li Xiang-Yang
2006, 55 (7): 3730-3735. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3730
Abstract +
Third-order nonlinear response of conjugated polymer coated carbon nanotubes
Yi Wen-Hui, Xu You-Long, Feng Wei, Wu Hong-Cai, Gao Chao
2006, 55 (7): 3736-3742. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3736
Abstract +
Influence of irradiation dose on free volume and microstructure of SB biblock copolymer study by PALS and FT-IR
Jiang Zhong-Ying, Yu Wei-Zhong, Zhao Yong-Fu, Jiang Xi-Qun, Xia Yuan-Fu
2006, 55 (7): 3743-3747. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3743
Abstract +
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films deposited on copper substrate through preparation of intermediate layers
Wang Jing, Liu Gui-Chang, Ji Da-Peng, Xu Jun, Deng Xin-Lu
2006, 55 (7): 3748-3755. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3748
Abstract +
Poly-SiGe films prepared by metal-induced growth using UHVCVD system
Wu Gui-Bin, Ye Zhi-Zhen, Zhao Xing, Liu Guo-Jun, Zhao Bin-Hui
2006, 55 (7): 3756-3759. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3756
Abstract +
Preparation and Raman spectra of high quality ZnO nano-bulk materials
Qin Xiu-Juan, Shao Guang-Jie, Liu Ri-Ping, Wang Wen-Kui, Yao Yu-Shu, Meng Hui-Min
2006, 55 (7): 3760-3765. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3760
Abstract +
Analysis of magnetoelectric properties of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic columnar composites
Zhou Jian-Ping, Shi Zhan, Liu Gang, He Hong-Cai, Nan Ce-Wen
2006, 55 (7): 3766-3771. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3766
Abstract +
In-situ polymerization and third-order nonlinear optical properties of polyaniline/carbon natotube composite
Feng Wei, Yi Wen-Hui, Feng Yi-Yu, Wu Zi-Gang, Zhang Zhen-Zhong
2006, 55 (7): 3772-3777. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3772
Abstract +
Influence of magnetic field on the morphology of Zn electrodeposits grown on filter paper
Luo Cheng-Lin, Yang Bing-Chu, Rong Mao-Hua
2006, 55 (7): 3778-3784. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3778
Abstract +
Metal nano-hole array copied from AAO template
Zhao Xin-Feng, Fang Yan
2006, 55 (7): 3785-3788. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3785
Abstract +
Radiative energy flux of diffusive supersonic wave in a cylinder
Lan Ke, He Xian-Tu, Lai Dong-Xian, Li Shuang-Gui
2006, 55 (7): 3789-3795. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3789
Abstract +
Massive particles’ Hawking radiation via tunneling
Zhang Jing-Yi, Zhao Zheng
2006, 55 (7): 3796-3798. doi: 10.7498/aps.55.3796
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