Accurate atmospheric wind field measurements are critical for understanding global climate dynamics and facilitating space exploration. Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Interferometers (DASH) measure atmospheric wind speed by detecting the phase changes in interferograms induced by Doppler shifts of airglow emission lines. However, environmental temperature fluctuations and mechanical vibrations often cause imaging plane shifts, introducing phase deviations that degrade measurement accuracy. In this study, we propose a novel global fitting-based imaging shift monitoring method. By etching periodic notches on the diffraction grating surface, the method models and fits the notch patterns formed on the detector plane to achieve precise imaging shift detection and correction. The optimization of notch signal modeling significantly reduces the number of fitting parameters, improving computational efficiency and detection precision. Through extensive simulations, we analyze the impact of SNR and model parameter variations on detection accuracy. Results indicate that when the SNR exceeds 11, the detection uncertainty remains below 6.5 nm. Sensitivity analysis reveals that the detection error stays within acceptable limits when the notch number and notch width variation are controlled within 40% and 0.7%, respectively, while the edge smoothness parameter of notch pattern has negligible influence. To validate the method’s performance, a thermal stability test using a near-infrared DASH prototype was conducted. The experimental results demonstrate a strong correlation between interferogram phase shifts, imaging plane shifts, and environmental temperature variations. After applying the proposed correction method, local phase fluctuations in the interferogram are significantly reduced, improving phase stability. Further, artificially applied imaging shifts were accurately detected with errors consistently below 9.96 nm, confirming the method’s reliability and precision. In conclusion, the proposed method effectively detects and corrects imaging plane shifts caused by temperature variations, enhancing interferogram phase stability and ensuring high-precision wind speed measurements. This approach offers a robust and computationally efficient solution for mitigating imaging shifts in DASH systems, with significant potential for atmospheric wind field measurement and space-based observational applications.
- Atmospheric wind field measurement /
- Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Interferometer /
- image plane Shift /
- Global fitting
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