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A method of modeling saddle point movement driven by multiple radio frequency fields



A method of modeling saddle point movement driven by multiple radio frequency fields

MAI Jun, WANG Zhao, YUAN Chang, XIAO Jie, MA Wei, WANG Xu
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241552
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In an integrated ion trap with integrated optical modules, the problem of misalignment between the optical focus and the trapped ion saddle point is very likely to occur, which seriously hinders the practicality of the experimental method. To solve this problem, the multi-RF field method can be used to compensate for and move the ion saddle point position. However, in the actual experimental process, the application of the multi-RF method requires the knowledge of the amplitude of the RF voltage to be loaded corresponding to the actual spatial position of the saddle point. Therefore, a set of mathematical models is established to describe the relationship. The accuracy of the model determines the control accuracy of the spatial position of the saddle point, and the simplicity of the model determines the speed of the solution process. Therefore, in this work, a mathematical model of the relationship between the multi-RF electric field voltage and the saddle point position is proposed based on the numerically simulated electric field distribution and the polynomial fitting method. It can quickly and accurately give a mathematical description between the two without considering the physical mechanism or model. Numerical method is adopted to verify and discuss the correctness and scope of application of the model, and can quickly and accurately provide the amplitude of the RF voltage to be loaded in the experiment, causing the saddle point to move and coincide with the optical focus. This method greatly reduces the time delay caused by the solution and improves the feedback loop bandwidth during the movement of the saddle point position.
      Corresponding author: WANG Zhao, ; WANG Xu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12474422, 11904423), the 100-level Selection and Training of High-level Innovative Talents of Guizhou Province, China (Grant No. GCC[2023]090), and the Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2020A1515010864).

    Siverns J D, Quraishi Q 2017 Quantum Inf. Process. 16 314Google Scholar


    Ding X Y, Yu Q, Lu X Q, Wang X H, Huo X M, Qian X 2023 Anal. Chem. 95 2348Google Scholar


    Papanastasiou D, Kounadis D, Lekkas A, et al. 2022 J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 33 1990Google Scholar


    Ozawa A, Davila-Rodriguez J, Bounds J R, Schuessler H A, Hänsch T W, Udem T 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 44Google Scholar


    Amitrano V, Roggero A, Luchi P, Turro F, Vespucci L, Pederiva F 2023 Phys. Rev. D 107 023007Google Scholar


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    Niroula P, Shaydulin R, Yalovetzky R, Minssen P, Herman D, Hu S, Pistoia M 2022 Sci. Rep. 12 17171Google Scholar


    Pogorelov I, Feldker T, Marciniak C D, et al. 2021 PRX Quantum 2 020343Google Scholar


    Wang P P, Luan C Y, Qiao M, Um M, Zhang J H, Wang Y, Yuan X, Gu M L, Zhang J N, Kim K 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 233Google Scholar


    Manovitz T, Shapira Y, Gazit L, Akerman N, Ozeri R 2022 PRX Quantum 3 010347Google Scholar


    Mehta K K, Bruzewicz C D, McConnell R, Ram R J, Sage J M, Chiaverini J 2016 Nature Nanotech. 11 1066Google Scholar


    Ballance C J, Harty T P, Linke N M, Sepiol M A, Lucas D M 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 060504Google Scholar


    Rudolph M S, Toussaint N B, Katabarwa A, Johri S, Peropadre B, Perdomo-Ortiz A 2022 Phys. Rev. X 12 031010Google Scholar


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    Ivory M, Setzer W J, Karl N, McGuinness H, DeRose C, Blain M, Stick D, Gehl M, Parazzoli L P 2021 Phys. Rev. X 11 041033Google Scholar


    Malinowski M, Allcock D T C, Ballance C J 2023 PRX Quantum 4 040313Google Scholar


    Romaszko Z D, Hong S, Siegele M, Puddy R K, Lebrun-Gallagher F R, Weidt S, Hensinger W K 2020 Nat. Rev. Phys. 2 285Google Scholar


    Wang Y H, Li Y, Yin Z Q, Zeng B 2018 npj Quantum Inf. 4 46Google Scholar


    Ryan-Anderson C, Bohnet J G, Lee K, et al. 2021 Phys. Rev. X 11 041058Google Scholar


    Mehta K K, Zhang C, Malinowski M, Nguyen T L, Stadler M, Home J P 2020 Nature 586 533Google Scholar


    Bao X Y, Cui J M, Fang D, Chen W B, Wang J, Huang Y F, Li C F, Guo G C 2023 JUSTC 53 0705Google Scholar


    Van Rynbach A, Maunz P, Kim J 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 221108Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Wang B R, Ma Q L, Guo J Y, Li M S, Wang Y, Rao X X, Huang Z Q, Luo L 2020 arXiv: 2004.08845 [quant-ph]


    Holz P C, Auchter S, Stocker G, Valentini M, Lakhmanskiy K, Rössler C, Stampfer P, Sgouridis S, Aschauer E, Colombe Y, Blatt R 2020 Adv. Quantum Technol. 3 2000031Google Scholar


    Liu Y R, Wang Z, Xiang Z X, Wang Q K, Hu T Y, Wang X 2024 Chip 3 100078Google Scholar


    Hong S, Lee M, Cheon H, Kim T, Cho D I 2016 Sensors 16 616Google Scholar


    Read F H, Bowring N J 2011 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 645 273Google Scholar


    House M G 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 033402Google Scholar


    Lauprêtre T, Achi B, Groult L, Carry É, Kersalé Y, Delehaye M, Hafiz M A, Lacroûte C 2023 Appl. Phys. B 129 37Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Ou B, Chen T, Xie Y, Wu W, Chen P 2020 Phys. Scr. 95 045103Google Scholar


    Zhang C, Mehta K K, Home J P 2022 New J. Phys. 24 073030Google Scholar


    王晨旭, 贺冉, 李睿睿, 陈炎, 房鼎, 崔金明, 黄运锋, 李传锋, 郭光灿 2022 71 133701Google Scholar

    Wang C X, He R, Li R R, Chen Y, Fang D, Cui J M, Huang Y F, Li C F, Guo G C 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 133701Google Scholar


    Kumph M, Holz P, Langer K, Meraner M, Niedermayr M, Brownnutt M, Blatt R 2016 New J. Phys. 18 023047Google Scholar


    Dehmelt H G 1968 Adv. At. Mol. Phys. 3 53Google Scholar


    Niedermayr M, Lakhmanskiy K, Kumph M, Partel S, Edlinger J, Brownnutt M, Blatt R 2014 New J. Phys. 16 113068Google Scholar


    吴宇恺, 段路明 2023 72 230302Google Scholar

    Wu Y K, Duan L M 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 230302Google Scholar

  • 图 1  建立多射频场驱动鞍点移动的基本电极结构 (a) 射频电极经分段处理的表面离子阱结构; (b) 调节多射频电压幅值驱动鞍点径向移动

    Figure 1.  Establishing the basic electrode structure for multi-RF field driven saddle point movement: (a) Surface ion trap structure after radio frequency electrode segmentation treatment; (b) adjusting the amplitude of multiple RF voltages to drive the radial movement of the saddle point.

    图 2  赝势分布情况 (a) 研究对象Z = 0处初始赝势分布; (b) 径向面内赝势梯度变化最小方向上的赝势分布

    Figure 2.  Pseudopotential distribution: (a) Initial pseudopotential distribution on the radial plane Z = 0; (b) pseudopotential distribution in the direction with the smallest pseudopotential gradient change in the radial plane.

    图 3  射频电极组各电极RFi (i = 0—2)依次施加单位电压时, Z = 0处电场分布情况 (a) RF0作用下X方向的电场分布EXRF0; (b) RF1作用下X方向的电场分布EXRF1; (c) RF2作用下X方向的电场分布EXRF2; (d) RF0作用下Y方向的电场分布EYRF0; (e) RF1作用下Y方向的电场分布EYRF1; (f) RF2作用下Y方向的电场分布EYRF2

    Figure 3.  When unit voltage is applied to each electrode RFi (i = 0—2) of the RF electrode group in turn, the electric field distribution at Z = 0: (a) Electric field distribution EXRF0 in the X direction under the action of electrode RF0; (b) electric field distribution EXRF1 in the X direction under the action of electrode RF1; (c) electric field distribution EXRF2 in the X direction under the action of electrode RF2; (d) electric field distribution in the Y direction under the action of electrode RF0; (e) electric field distribution in the Y direction under the action of electrode RF1; (f) electric field distribution in the Y direction under the action of electrode RF2.

    图 4  鞍点模拟移动量ΔXBEM, ΔYBEM与目标移动量ΔXobj, ΔYobj间的误差情况 (a) 模型1的Xerr分布; (b) 模型1的Yerr分布

    Figure 4.  Error between the simulated displacements of the saddle point (ΔXBEM, ΔYBEM) and the target displacements (ΔXobj, ΔYobj): (a) Xerr distribution of model 1; (b) Yerr distribution of model 1.

    图 5  鞍点模拟位移量(ΔXBEM, ΔYBEM)与目标移动量(ΔXobj, ΔYobj)间的误差情况 (a) 模型2的Xerr分布; (b) 模型2的Yerr分布

    Figure 5.  Error between the simulated displacements of the saddle point (ΔXBEM, ΔYBEM) and the target displacements (ΔXobj, ΔYobj): (a) Xerr distribution of model 2; (b) Yerr distribution of model 2.

    图 6  鞍点模拟位移量(ΔXBEM, ΔYBEM)与目标移动量(ΔXobj, ΔYobj)间的误差情况 (a) 模型3的Xerr分布; (b) 模型3的Yerr分布

    Figure 6.  Error between the simulated displacements of the saddle point (ΔXBEM, ΔYBEM) and the target displacements (ΔXobj, ΔYobj): (a) Xerr distribution of model 3; (b) Yerr distribution of model 3.

    表 1  初步拟合1的拟合情况

    Table 1.  The fitting situation of the preliminary fit 1.

    Adj R-sq0.99790.99770.99770.99920.99630.9963
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  拟合2的拟合情况

    Table 2.  The fitting situation of the fit 2.

    Adj R-sq0.99960.99970.99970.99920.99940.9994
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  拟合3的拟合情况

    Table 3.  The fitting situation of the fit 3.

    Adj R-sq1.00001.00001.00001.00000.99990.9999
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Siverns J D, Quraishi Q 2017 Quantum Inf. Process. 16 314Google Scholar


    Ding X Y, Yu Q, Lu X Q, Wang X H, Huo X M, Qian X 2023 Anal. Chem. 95 2348Google Scholar


    Papanastasiou D, Kounadis D, Lekkas A, et al. 2022 J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 33 1990Google Scholar


    Ozawa A, Davila-Rodriguez J, Bounds J R, Schuessler H A, Hänsch T W, Udem T 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 44Google Scholar


    Amitrano V, Roggero A, Luchi P, Turro F, Vespucci L, Pederiva F 2023 Phys. Rev. D 107 023007Google Scholar


    Monroe C, Campbell W C, Duan L M, et al. 2021 Rev. Mod. Phys. 93 025001Google Scholar


    Niroula P, Shaydulin R, Yalovetzky R, Minssen P, Herman D, Hu S, Pistoia M 2022 Sci. Rep. 12 17171Google Scholar


    Pogorelov I, Feldker T, Marciniak C D, et al. 2021 PRX Quantum 2 020343Google Scholar


    Wang P P, Luan C Y, Qiao M, Um M, Zhang J H, Wang Y, Yuan X, Gu M L, Zhang J N, Kim K 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 233Google Scholar


    Manovitz T, Shapira Y, Gazit L, Akerman N, Ozeri R 2022 PRX Quantum 3 010347Google Scholar


    Mehta K K, Bruzewicz C D, McConnell R, Ram R J, Sage J M, Chiaverini J 2016 Nature Nanotech. 11 1066Google Scholar


    Ballance C J, Harty T P, Linke N M, Sepiol M A, Lucas D M 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 060504Google Scholar


    Rudolph M S, Toussaint N B, Katabarwa A, Johri S, Peropadre B, Perdomo-Ortiz A 2022 Phys. Rev. X 12 031010Google Scholar


    范桁 2018 67 120301Google Scholar

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    Murali P, Debroy D M, Brown K R, Martonosi M 2022 Commun. ACM 65 101Google Scholar


    Pino J M, Dreiling J M, Figgatt C, Gaebler J P, Moses S A, Allman M, Baldwin C, Foss-Feig M, Hayes D, Mayer K 2021 Nature 592 209Google Scholar


    Ivory M, Setzer W J, Karl N, McGuinness H, DeRose C, Blain M, Stick D, Gehl M, Parazzoli L P 2021 Phys. Rev. X 11 041033Google Scholar


    Malinowski M, Allcock D T C, Ballance C J 2023 PRX Quantum 4 040313Google Scholar


    Romaszko Z D, Hong S, Siegele M, Puddy R K, Lebrun-Gallagher F R, Weidt S, Hensinger W K 2020 Nat. Rev. Phys. 2 285Google Scholar


    Wang Y H, Li Y, Yin Z Q, Zeng B 2018 npj Quantum Inf. 4 46Google Scholar


    Ryan-Anderson C, Bohnet J G, Lee K, et al. 2021 Phys. Rev. X 11 041058Google Scholar


    Mehta K K, Zhang C, Malinowski M, Nguyen T L, Stadler M, Home J P 2020 Nature 586 533Google Scholar


    Bao X Y, Cui J M, Fang D, Chen W B, Wang J, Huang Y F, Li C F, Guo G C 2023 JUSTC 53 0705Google Scholar


    Van Rynbach A, Maunz P, Kim J 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 221108Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Wang B R, Ma Q L, Guo J Y, Li M S, Wang Y, Rao X X, Huang Z Q, Luo L 2020 arXiv: 2004.08845 [quant-ph]


    Holz P C, Auchter S, Stocker G, Valentini M, Lakhmanskiy K, Rössler C, Stampfer P, Sgouridis S, Aschauer E, Colombe Y, Blatt R 2020 Adv. Quantum Technol. 3 2000031Google Scholar


    Liu Y R, Wang Z, Xiang Z X, Wang Q K, Hu T Y, Wang X 2024 Chip 3 100078Google Scholar


    Hong S, Lee M, Cheon H, Kim T, Cho D I 2016 Sensors 16 616Google Scholar


    Read F H, Bowring N J 2011 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 645 273Google Scholar


    House M G 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 033402Google Scholar


    Lauprêtre T, Achi B, Groult L, Carry É, Kersalé Y, Delehaye M, Hafiz M A, Lacroûte C 2023 Appl. Phys. B 129 37Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Ou B, Chen T, Xie Y, Wu W, Chen P 2020 Phys. Scr. 95 045103Google Scholar


    Zhang C, Mehta K K, Home J P 2022 New J. Phys. 24 073030Google Scholar


    王晨旭, 贺冉, 李睿睿, 陈炎, 房鼎, 崔金明, 黄运锋, 李传锋, 郭光灿 2022 71 133701Google Scholar

    Wang C X, He R, Li R R, Chen Y, Fang D, Cui J M, Huang Y F, Li C F, Guo G C 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 133701Google Scholar


    Kumph M, Holz P, Langer K, Meraner M, Niedermayr M, Brownnutt M, Blatt R 2016 New J. Phys. 18 023047Google Scholar


    Dehmelt H G 1968 Adv. At. Mol. Phys. 3 53Google Scholar


    Niedermayr M, Lakhmanskiy K, Kumph M, Partel S, Edlinger J, Brownnutt M, Blatt R 2014 New J. Phys. 16 113068Google Scholar


    吴宇恺, 段路明 2023 72 230302Google Scholar

    Wu Y K, Duan L M 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 230302Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  04 November 2024
  • Accepted Date:  27 December 2024
  • Available Online:  04 January 2025
  • Published Online:  20 February 2025

