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Dynamics of ferrimagnetic domain wall driven by oscillating magnetic field

ZHAO Chenrui YANG Qianqian JIAO Ju TANG Zhenghua QIN Minghui


Dynamics of ferrimagnetic domain wall driven by oscillating magnetic field

ZHAO Chenrui, YANG Qianqian, JIAO Ju, TANG Zhenghua, QIN Minghui
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241033
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Ferrimagnetic materials exhibit ultrafast dynamic behaviors similar to those of antiferromagnetic materials near the angular momentum compensation point, where a non-zero net spin density is maintained. This unique feature makes their magnetic structures detectable and manipulable by using traditional magnetic techniques, thus positioning ferrimagnetic materials as promising candidates for next-generation high-performance spintronic devices. However, effectively controlling the dynamics of ferrimagnetic domain walls remains a significant challenge in current spintronics research.In this work, based on the classic Heisenberg spin model, Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) simulation is used to investigate the dynamic behaviors of ferrimagnetic domain walls driven by sinusoidal wave periodic magnetic field and square wave periodic magnetic field, respectively. The results show that these two types of oscillating magnetic fields induce distinct domain wall motion modes. Specifically, the domain wall surface, which has non-zero net spin angular momentum, oscillates in response to the external magnetic field. It is found that the domain wall velocity decreases as the net spin angular momentum increases. Moreover, the displacement of the ferrimagnetic domain wall driven by a sinusoidal magnetic field increases monotonically with time, while the displacement driven by a square wave magnetic field follows a more tortuous trajectory over time. Under high-frequency field conditions, the domain wall displacement shows more pronounced linear growth, and the domain wall surface rotates linearly with time. In this work, how material parameters, such as net spin angular momentum, anisotropy, and the damping coefficient, influence domain wall dynamics is also explored. Specifically, increasing the anisotropy parameter (dz) or the damping coefficient (α) results in a reduction of domain wall velocity. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that, compared with the square wave magnetic fields, the sinusoidal magnetic fields drive the domain wall more efficiently, leading domain wall to move faster. By adjusting the frequency and waveform of the periodic magnetic field, the movement of ferrimagnetic domain walls can be precisely controlled, enabling fine-tuned regulation of both domain wall velocity and position.Our findings show that sinusoidal magnetic fields, even at the same intensity, offer higher driving efficiency. The underlying physical mechanisms are discussed in detail, providing valuable insights for guiding the design and experimental development of domain wall-based spintronic devices.
      Corresponding author: TANG Zhenghua, ; QIN Minghui,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U22A20117, 52371243), the Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant Nos. 2022A1515011727, 2024A1515012665), and the 2021 College Student Innovation Project of Xiangnan University, China.

    Hirohata A, Yamada K, Nakatani Y, Prejbeanu I, Diény B, Pirro P, Hillebrands B 2020 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 509 166711Google Scholar


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    Li W H, Jin Z, Wen D L, Zhang X M, Qin M H, Liu J M 2020 Phys. Rev. B 101 024414Google Scholar


    Kim K J, Kim S K, Hirata Y, Oh S H, Tono T, Kim D H, Okuno T, Ham W S, Kim S, Go G, Tserkovnyak Y, Tsukamoto A, Moriyama T, Lee K J, Ono T 2017 Nat. Mater. 16 1187Google Scholar


    Oh S H, Kim S K, Xiao J, Lee K J 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 174403Google Scholar


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    Caretta L, Oh S H, Fakhrul T, Lee D K, Lee B H, Kim S K, Ross C A, Lee K J, Beach G S D 2020 Science 370 1438Google Scholar


    Sun C, Yang H, Jalil M 2020 Phys. Rev. B 102 134420Google Scholar


    张玉洁, 李贵江, 刘恩克, 陈京兰, 王文洪, 吴光恒, 胡俊雄 2013 62 037501Google Scholar

    Zhang Y J, Li G J, Liu E K, Chen J L, Wang W H, Wu G H, Hu J X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 037501Google Scholar


    Chen Z Y, Qin M H, Liu J M, 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 020402(RGoogle Scholar


    Yu H, Xiao J, Schultheiss H 2021 Phys. Rep. 905 1Google Scholar


    Jin M S, Hong I S, Kim D H, Lee K J, Kim S K 2021 Phys. Rev. B 104 184431Google Scholar


    Jing K Y, Gong X, Wang X R 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 174429Google Scholar


    Haltz E, Krishnia S, Berges L, Mougin A, Sampaio J 2021 Phys. Rev. B 103 014444Google Scholar


    Tono T, Taniguchi T, Kim K J, Moriyama T, Tsukamoto A, Ono T 2015 Appl. Phys. Express 8 073001Google Scholar


    Luo C, Chen K, Ukleev V, Wintz S, Weigand M, Abrudan R M, Prokeš K, Radu F 2023 Comm. Phys. 6 218Google Scholar


    Nishimura T, Kim D H, Hirata Y, Okuno T, Futakawa Y, Yoshikawa H, Tsukamoto A, Shiota Y, Moriyama T, Ono T 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 112 172403Google Scholar


    Chen J, Dong S 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 117603Google Scholar


    Oh S H, Kim S K, Lee D K, Go G, Kim K J, Ono T, Tserkovnyak Y, Lee K J 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 100407(RGoogle Scholar


    Ghosh S, Komori T, Hallal A, Garcia J P, Gushi T, Hirose T, Mitarai H, Okuno H, Vogel J, Chshiev M, Attané J P, Vila L, Suemasu T, Pizzini S 2021 Nano Lett. 21 2580Google Scholar


    Caretta L, Avc C O 2024 APL Mater. 12 011106Google Scholar


    Gushi T, Klug M J, Garcia J P, Ghosh S, Attané J P, Okuno H, Fruchart O, Vogel J, Suemasu T, Pizzini S, Vila L 2019 Nano Lett. 19 8716Google Scholar


    Vélez S, Ruiz-Gómez S, Schaab J, Gradauskaite E, Wörnle M S, Welter P, Jacot B J, Degen C L, Trassin M, Fiebig M, Gambardella P 2022 Nat. Nanotechnol. 17 834Google Scholar


    Haltz E, Sampaio J, Krishnia S, Berges L, Weil R, Mougin A 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 16292Google Scholar


    Kim D H, Kim D H, Kim K J, Moon K W, Yang S M, Lee K J, Kim S K 2020 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 514 167237Google Scholar


    Sala G, Gambardella P 2022 Adv. Mater. Interfaces 9 2201622Google Scholar


    Li Z L, Su J, Lin S Z, Liu D, Gao Y, Wang S G, Wei H X, Zhao T Y, Zhang Y, Cai J W, Shen B G 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 5604Google Scholar


    Donges A, Grimm N, Jakobs F, Selzer S, Ritzmann U, Atxitia U, Nowak U 2020 Phys. Rev. Res. 2 013293Google Scholar


    Yan Z R, Chen Z Y, Qin M H, Lu X B, Gao X S, Liu J M, 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 054308Google Scholar


    Yurlov V V, Zvezdin K A, Skirdkov P N, Zvezdin A K 2021 Phys. Rev. B 103 134442Google Scholar


    Lepadatu S, Saarikoski H, Beacham R, Benitez M J, Moore T A, Burnell G, Sugimoto S, Yesudas, Wheeler M C, Miguel J, Dhesi S S, McGrouther D, McVitie S, Tatara G, Marrows C H 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 1640Google Scholar


    Balan C, Garcia J P, Fassatoui A, Vogel J, Chaves D D S, Bonfim M, Rueff J P, Ranno L, Pizzini S 2022 Phys. Rev. Appl. 18 034065Google Scholar


    Wen D L, Chen Z Y, Li W H, Qin M H, Chen D Y, Fan Z, Zeng M, Lu X B, Gao X S, Liu J M, 2020 Phys. Rev. Res. 2 013166Google Scholar


    Liu T T, Liu Y, Liu, Y H, Tian G, Qin M H 2024 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 57 335002Google Scholar


    Liu T T, Hu Y F, Liu Y, Jin Z J Y, Tang Z H, Qin M H 2022 Rare Metals 41 3815Google Scholar


    赵晨蕊, 魏云昕, 刘婷婷, 秦明辉 2023 72 208502Google Scholar

    Zhao C R, Wei Y X, Liu T T, Qin M H 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 208502Google Scholar


    Chen Z Y, Yan Z R, Zhang Y L, Qin M H, Fan Z, Lu X B, Gao X S, Liu J M, 2018 New J. Phys. 20 063003Google Scholar


    Bassirian P, Hesjedal T, Parkin S S P, Litzius K 2022 APL Mater. 10 101107Google Scholar


    Zhang X C, Xia J, Tretiakov O A, Zhao G P, Zhou Y, Mochizuki M, Liu X X, Ezawa M 2023 Phys. Rev. B 108 064410Google Scholar


    Consolo G, Lopez-Diaz L, Torres L, Azzerboni B 2007 IEEE T. Magn. 43 2974Google Scholar

  • 图 1  亚铁磁畴壁纳米条模型示意图, 磁矩沿z轴方向排列, 在z轴方向分别施加周期为T的正弦波和方波动态磁场

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the ferrimagnetic domain wall model. The magnetic moments are arranged along the z-axis direction, and sine-wave and square-wave magnetic fields are applied along the z-axis direction.

    图 2  不同净自旋角动量δs下, (a)正弦波磁场和(b)方波磁场驱动亚铁磁畴壁速度v与振荡磁场频率ω的关系图, 其中, z轴各向异性dz = 0.1J, 磁场振幅h0 = 0.005J, 阻尼系数α = 0.01

    Figure 2.  Domain wall velocity v as functions of ω for various δs driven by the (a) sine-wave and (b) square-wave magnetic fields for dz = 0.1J, h0 = 0.005J, and the damping coefficient α = 0.01.

    图 3  h0 = 0.005J, dz = 0.1J, α = 0.01, ω = 0.05γJ/μs时, 正弦波磁场和方波磁场驱动畴壁速度与净自旋角动量δs的关系

    Figure 3.  Simulated domain wall velocity v as functions of the net angular momentum δs driven by the sine-wave and square-wave magnetic fields for h0 = 0.005J, dz = 0.1J, ω = 0.05γJ/μs, and α = 0.01.

    图 4  ω = 0.05γJ/μs时, 正弦波磁场驱动下(a)畴壁位置和(b)畴壁面角随时间的演化, 以及方波磁场驱动下(c)畴壁位置和(d)畴壁面角随时间的演化. 在图(a)和(b)中, δs = –1.24×10–7 J·s·m–3, 在图(c)和(d)中, δs = 1.24×10–7 J·s·m–3. 场强度图用红色虚线标注

    Figure 4.  Evolutions of the domain wall (DW) (a) position and (b) angle over time under the sine-wave magnetic field, and the DW (c) position and (d) angle evolutions under the square-wave magnetic field for ω = 0.05γJ/μs. In panels (a) and (b), δs = –1.24×10–7 J·s·m–3, while in panels (c) and (d), the opposite value is taken. The evolution of field magnitude is also depicted with red dashed lines.

    图 5  ω = 0.25γJ/μs, δs = 1.24×10–7 J·s·m–3时, 正弦波磁场驱动下(a)畴壁位置和(b)畴壁面角随时间的演化, 以及方波磁场驱动下(c)畴壁位置和(d)畴壁面角随时间的演化

    Figure 5.  The DW (a) position and (b) angle evolution over time under the triangular form magnetic field, and (c) position and (d) angle evolution under the square form magnetic field for ω = 0.25γJ/μs and δs = 1.24×10–7 J·s·m–3. The evolution of field magnitude is also depicted with red dashed lines.

    图 6  h0 = 0.005J正弦波磁场作用下, δs = (a) 0, (b) 0.62 × 10–7 J·s·m–3时不同各向异性系数dz对应的v(ω)图(α = 0.01); 以及 δs = (c) 0, (d) –0.62 × 10–7 J·s·m–3时不同阻尼系数α对应的v(ω)图(dz = 0.1J )

    Figure 6.  Simulated v(ω) curves driven by the sine-wave field for h0 = 0.005J for various dz for δs = (a) 0, (b) 0.62 × 10–7 J·s·m–3 and α = 0.01; and the curves for various α for δs = (c) 0, (d) –0.62×10–7 J·s·m–3 and dz = 0.1J.

    表 1  模拟过程中采用的磁性过渡金属磁矩(MTM)、稀土磁矩(MRE)以及净自旋角动量(δs)

    Table 1.  Magnetic transition metal moments (MTM), rare earth moments (MRE), and net angular momentum (δs) used in the simulations.

    参数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    MTM/(kA·m–1) 1120 1115 1110 1105 1100 1095 1090 1085 1080
    MRE/(kA·m–1) 1040 1030 1020 1010 1000 990 980 970 960
    δs/(10–7 J·s·m–3) –1.24 –0.93 –0.62 –0.31 0 0.31 0.62 0.93 1.24
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    Hirohata A, Yamada K, Nakatani Y, Prejbeanu I, Diény B, Pirro P, Hillebrands B 2020 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 509 166711Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Feng X Q, Zheng Z Y, Zhang Z Z, Lin K L, Sun X H, Wang G D, Wang J K, Wei J Q, Vallobra P, He Y, Wang Z X, Chen L, Zhang K, Xu Y, Zhao W S 2023 Appl. Phys. Rev. 10 011301Google Scholar


    Li W H, Jin Z, Wen D L, Zhang X M, Qin M H, Liu J M 2020 Phys. Rev. B 101 024414Google Scholar


    Kim K J, Kim S K, Hirata Y, Oh S H, Tono T, Kim D H, Okuno T, Ham W S, Kim S, Go G, Tserkovnyak Y, Tsukamoto A, Moriyama T, Lee K J, Ono T 2017 Nat. Mater. 16 1187Google Scholar


    Oh S H, Kim S K, Xiao J, Lee K J 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 174403Google Scholar


    Caretta L, Mann M, Büttner F, Ueda K, Pfau B, Günther C M, Hessing P, Churikova A, Klose C, Schneider M, Engel D, Marcus C, Bono D, Bagschik K, Eisebitt S, Beach G S D 2018 Nat. Nanotechnol. 13 1154Google Scholar


    Caretta L, Oh S H, Fakhrul T, Lee D K, Lee B H, Kim S K, Ross C A, Lee K J, Beach G S D 2020 Science 370 1438Google Scholar


    Sun C, Yang H, Jalil M 2020 Phys. Rev. B 102 134420Google Scholar


    张玉洁, 李贵江, 刘恩克, 陈京兰, 王文洪, 吴光恒, 胡俊雄 2013 62 037501Google Scholar

    Zhang Y J, Li G J, Liu E K, Chen J L, Wang W H, Wu G H, Hu J X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 037501Google Scholar


    Chen Z Y, Qin M H, Liu J M, 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 020402(RGoogle Scholar


    Yu H, Xiao J, Schultheiss H 2021 Phys. Rep. 905 1Google Scholar


    Jin M S, Hong I S, Kim D H, Lee K J, Kim S K 2021 Phys. Rev. B 104 184431Google Scholar


    Jing K Y, Gong X, Wang X R 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 174429Google Scholar


    Haltz E, Krishnia S, Berges L, Mougin A, Sampaio J 2021 Phys. Rev. B 103 014444Google Scholar


    Tono T, Taniguchi T, Kim K J, Moriyama T, Tsukamoto A, Ono T 2015 Appl. Phys. Express 8 073001Google Scholar


    Luo C, Chen K, Ukleev V, Wintz S, Weigand M, Abrudan R M, Prokeš K, Radu F 2023 Comm. Phys. 6 218Google Scholar


    Nishimura T, Kim D H, Hirata Y, Okuno T, Futakawa Y, Yoshikawa H, Tsukamoto A, Shiota Y, Moriyama T, Ono T 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 112 172403Google Scholar


    Chen J, Dong S 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 117603Google Scholar


    Oh S H, Kim S K, Lee D K, Go G, Kim K J, Ono T, Tserkovnyak Y, Lee K J 2017 Phys. Rev. B 96 100407(RGoogle Scholar


    Ghosh S, Komori T, Hallal A, Garcia J P, Gushi T, Hirose T, Mitarai H, Okuno H, Vogel J, Chshiev M, Attané J P, Vila L, Suemasu T, Pizzini S 2021 Nano Lett. 21 2580Google Scholar


    Caretta L, Avc C O 2024 APL Mater. 12 011106Google Scholar


    Gushi T, Klug M J, Garcia J P, Ghosh S, Attané J P, Okuno H, Fruchart O, Vogel J, Suemasu T, Pizzini S, Vila L 2019 Nano Lett. 19 8716Google Scholar


    Vélez S, Ruiz-Gómez S, Schaab J, Gradauskaite E, Wörnle M S, Welter P, Jacot B J, Degen C L, Trassin M, Fiebig M, Gambardella P 2022 Nat. Nanotechnol. 17 834Google Scholar


    Haltz E, Sampaio J, Krishnia S, Berges L, Weil R, Mougin A 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 16292Google Scholar


    Kim D H, Kim D H, Kim K J, Moon K W, Yang S M, Lee K J, Kim S K 2020 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 514 167237Google Scholar


    Sala G, Gambardella P 2022 Adv. Mater. Interfaces 9 2201622Google Scholar


    Li Z L, Su J, Lin S Z, Liu D, Gao Y, Wang S G, Wei H X, Zhao T Y, Zhang Y, Cai J W, Shen B G 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 5604Google Scholar


    Donges A, Grimm N, Jakobs F, Selzer S, Ritzmann U, Atxitia U, Nowak U 2020 Phys. Rev. Res. 2 013293Google Scholar


    Yan Z R, Chen Z Y, Qin M H, Lu X B, Gao X S, Liu J M, 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 054308Google Scholar


    Yurlov V V, Zvezdin K A, Skirdkov P N, Zvezdin A K 2021 Phys. Rev. B 103 134442Google Scholar


    Lepadatu S, Saarikoski H, Beacham R, Benitez M J, Moore T A, Burnell G, Sugimoto S, Yesudas, Wheeler M C, Miguel J, Dhesi S S, McGrouther D, McVitie S, Tatara G, Marrows C H 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 1640Google Scholar


    Balan C, Garcia J P, Fassatoui A, Vogel J, Chaves D D S, Bonfim M, Rueff J P, Ranno L, Pizzini S 2022 Phys. Rev. Appl. 18 034065Google Scholar


    Wen D L, Chen Z Y, Li W H, Qin M H, Chen D Y, Fan Z, Zeng M, Lu X B, Gao X S, Liu J M, 2020 Phys. Rev. Res. 2 013166Google Scholar


    Liu T T, Liu Y, Liu, Y H, Tian G, Qin M H 2024 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 57 335002Google Scholar


    Liu T T, Hu Y F, Liu Y, Jin Z J Y, Tang Z H, Qin M H 2022 Rare Metals 41 3815Google Scholar


    赵晨蕊, 魏云昕, 刘婷婷, 秦明辉 2023 72 208502Google Scholar

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    Chen Z Y, Yan Z R, Zhang Y L, Qin M H, Fan Z, Lu X B, Gao X S, Liu J M, 2018 New J. Phys. 20 063003Google Scholar


    Bassirian P, Hesjedal T, Parkin S S P, Litzius K 2022 APL Mater. 10 101107Google Scholar


    Zhang X C, Xia J, Tretiakov O A, Zhao G P, Zhou Y, Mochizuki M, Liu X X, Ezawa M 2023 Phys. Rev. B 108 064410Google Scholar


    Consolo G, Lopez-Diaz L, Torres L, Azzerboni B 2007 IEEE T. Magn. 43 2974Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  25 July 2024
  • Accepted Date:  11 December 2024
  • Available Online:  23 December 2024
  • Published Online:  05 February 2025

