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Nuclear structure effects to atomic Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting

Ji Chen


Nuclear structure effects to atomic Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting

Ji Chen
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241063
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The development of precision atomic spectroscopy experiments and theoretical advancements plays a crucial role in measuring fundamental physical constants and testing quantum electrodynamics (QED) theories. It also provides a significant platform for studying the internal structure of atomic nuclei and developing high-precision nuclear structure theories. Nuclear structure effects such as charge distribution, magnetic moment distribution, and nuclear polarizability have been accurately determined in many atomic spectroscopy experiments, significantly enhancing the precision of nuclear structure detection.This paper systematically reviews the theoretical research and developments on the corrections of two-photon exchange (TPE) effects on the Lamb shift and hyperfine structure (HFS) in light ordinary and muonic atoms. Advanced nuclear force models and ab initio methods are employed to analyze the TPE nuclear structure corrections to the Lamb shift in a series of light muonic atoms. The paper compares the calculation of TPE effects from various nuclear models and evaluates the model dependencies and theoretical uncertainties of TPE effect predictions.Furthermore, the paper discusses the significant impact of TPE theory on explaining the discrepancies between experimental measurements and QED theoretical predictions in atomic hyperfine structures, resolving the accuracy difficulties in traditional theories. Detailed analyses of TPE effects on HFS in electronic and muonic deuterium using pionless effective field theory show good agreement with experimental measurements, validating the accuracy of theoretical predictions.The theoretical studies of TPE effects in light atoms are instrumental for determining nuclear charge radii and Zemach radii from spectroscopy measurements. These results not only enhance the understanding of nuclear structure and nuclear interactions but also offer crucial theoretical guidance for future experiments, thereby advancing the understanding of the proton radius puzzle and related studies.
      Corresponding author: Ji Chen,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12175083, 12335002, 11805078).

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    Friar J L 2013 Phys. Rev. C 88 034003Google Scholar


    Emmons S B, Ji C, Platter L 2021 J. Phys. G 48 035101Google Scholar


    Lensky V, Hagelstein F, Pascalutsa V 2022 Eur. Phys. J. A 58 224Google Scholar


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    Carlson C E, Gorchtein M, Vanderhaeghen M 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 022504Google Scholar


    Nevo Dinur N, Ji C, Bacca S, Barnea N 2016 Phys. Lett. B 755 380Google Scholar


    Ji C, Nevo Dinur N, Bacca S, Barnea N 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 143402Google Scholar


    Ji C, Bacca S, Barnea N, Hernandez O J, Nevo-Dinur N 2018 J. Phys. G 45 093002Google Scholar


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    Krauth J J, Diepold M, Franke B, Antognini A, Kottmann F, Pohl R 2016 Ann. Phys. 366 168Google Scholar


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    Lin Y H, Hammer H W, Meißner U G 2021 Phys. Lett. B 816 136254Google Scholar


    Lin Y H, Hammer H W, Meißner U G 2021 Eur. Phys. J. A 57 255Google Scholar


    Lin Y H, Hammer H W, Meißner U G 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 052002Google Scholar


    Kelly J J 2004 Phys. Rev. C 70 068202Google Scholar

  • 图 1  轻子-原子核系统中的双光子交换费曼图, 从左至右依次对应箱图、交叉图与海鸥图. 波浪线、细直线、粗直线与椭圆分别对应光子、轻子、核基态与核激发态

    Figure 1.  Two-photon exchange diagrams in lepton-nucleus systems. The diagrams from left to right are respectively the box, cross and seagull diagrams. Wiggled, thin-straight, thick-straight lines and ellipse represent respectively the photon, lepton, nuclear ground state and nuclear excited states.

    表 1  不同μ原子中$ \delta_{\rm TPE} $的计算结果和理论误差(单位meV). 结果被分解为弹性部分和核极化部分, 以及单核子部分. 数据来源于文献[51]

    Table 1.  Theoretical prediction and uncertainty of $ \delta_{\rm TPE} $ in various muonic atoms (in unit of meV). The results are decomposed into elastic, polarizability, and single-nucleon parts. Data collected from Ref. [51].

    $ \delta^{N}_{\rm el} $ $ \delta^{N}_{\rm pol} $ $ \delta^{A}_{\rm el} $ $ \delta^{A}_{\rm pol} $ $ \delta_{\rm TPE} $
    $ \text{µ}^2{\rm H} $ –0.030(02) –0.020(10) –0.423(04) –1.245(13) –1.718(17)
    $ \text{µ}^3{\rm H} $ –0.033(02) –0.031(17) –0.227(06) –0.480(11) –0.771(22)
    $ \text{µ}^3 {\rm He}^{+} $ –0.52(03) –0.25(13) –10.49(23) –4.23(18) –15.49(33)
    $ \text{µ}^4 {\rm He}^{+} $ –0.54(03) –0.34(20) –6.14(31) –2.35(13) –9.37(44)
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  单质子、单中子、核弹性和核极化TPE效应对2H与µ2H中HFS的修正. 数据来源于文献[29]

    Table 2.  The single-proton, single-neutron, nuclear elastic, and nuclear-polarizability TPE contributions to HFS in 2H and µ2H. Data from Ref. [29].

    2H (1S)/kHzµ2H (1S)/meVµ2H (2S)/meV
    $ E_{\rm el} $–42.1(2.1)–0.984(46)–0.123(6)
    $ E_{\rm pol} $109.8(4.5)2.86(12)0.358(14)
    $ E_{\rm nucl}=E_{\rm el}+E_{\rm pol} $67.7(4.2)1.878(88)0.235(11)
    $ E_{\rm 1 p} $[71]–35.54(8)–1.018(2)–0.1272(2)
    $ E_{\rm 1 n} $[72]9.6(1.0)0.079(32)0.010(4)
    $ \varDelta_{3\gamma} $±0.49±0.052±0.0065
    $ E_{\rm TPE} $41.7(4.4)0.94(11)0.117(13)
    Ref. [64,65]43
    Ref. [26,69] mod64.5
    Ref. [70]0.304(68)0.0383(86)
    $ \nu_{\rm exp}-\nu_\text{QED} $[25,68]45.20.0966(73)
    注: “mod”对原文献修正核子反冲与极化效应; TPE效应在µ2H的1S和2S态中相差8倍.
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    Friar J L 2013 Phys. Rev. C 88 034003Google Scholar


    Emmons S B, Ji C, Platter L 2021 J. Phys. G 48 035101Google Scholar


    Lensky V, Hagelstein F, Pascalutsa V 2022 Eur. Phys. J. A 58 224Google Scholar


    Lensky V, Hagelstein F, Pascalutsa V 2022 Phys. Lett. B 835 137500Google Scholar


    Carlson C E, Gorchtein M, Vanderhaeghen M 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 022504Google Scholar


    Nevo Dinur N, Ji C, Bacca S, Barnea N 2016 Phys. Lett. B 755 380Google Scholar


    Ji C, Nevo Dinur N, Bacca S, Barnea N 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 143402Google Scholar


    Ji C, Bacca S, Barnea N, Hernandez O J, Nevo-Dinur N 2018 J. Phys. G 45 093002Google Scholar


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    Pudliner B S, Pandharipande V R, Carlson J, Wiringa R B 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 4396Google Scholar


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    Navrátil P 2007 Few-Body Syst. 41 117Google Scholar


    Pohl R, Nez F, Udem T, et al. 2017 Metrologia 54 L1Google Scholar


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    Shiner D, Dixson R, Vedantham V 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 3553Google Scholar


    van Rooij R, Borbely J S, Simonet J, Hoogerland M D, Eikema K S E, Rozendaal R A, Vassen W 2011 Science 333 196Google Scholar


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  • Cited By: 0
Publishing process
  • Received Date:  31 July 2024
  • Accepted Date:  08 September 2024
  • Available Online:  25 September 2024
  • Published Online:  20 October 2024

