Nanobeam is an advanced technology for preparing charged ion beams with spot diameters on a nanometer scale, and mainly used for high-resolution and high-precision ion beam analysis, ion beam fabrication and ion beam material modification research. The nanobeam devices play an important role in realizing material analysis, micro/nano fabrication, microelectronic device manufacturing and quantum computing. The high-quality ion source is one of the key components of nanobeam device, the performance of which directly affects the resolution and precision of the nanobeam system. However, the traditional ion source used in this system is limited to available ionic species, large energy spread and complex structure. These issues hinder their ability to meet emerging application scenarios that require multi-ion types and high resolution. This emphasizes the importance of creating newion sources as soon as possible. With the development of laser cooling technology, ultracold ions with temperatures in the range of mK or even μK can be obtained based on photoionization of cold atoms and laser cooling of ions. The typical characteristics of low temperature and easy operation greatly promote the emergence of ultracold ion sources. The ultracold ions exhibit extremely small transverse velocity divergence, which can significantly enhance the brightness and emittance quality parameters of the ion source, bringing great opportunities for innovating nano-ion beam technology. Therefore, the research on ultracold ion sources is of great significance for achieving high-quality ion sources with higher brightness, smaller size, lower energy dispersion, more diverse ion species, and simplified structure. Here, we introduce the important achievements in basic research and application technology development of magneto-optical trap ion sources, cold atomic beam ion sources, and ultracold single ion sources from the aspects of preparation principles, generation methods, and typical applications, and review the recent research progress of ultracold ion sources. Finally, we provide an outlook on the future development and application prospects of ultracold ion sources. -
- nanobeam /
- magneto-optical trap ion source /
- cold atom beam ion source /
- ultracold single ion source
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图 2 原子的一维冷却示意图 (a)速度为$ {\mathrm{\nu }} $的原子与动量为$ {\mathrm{\hslash }}\kappa $在单方向上的光子相互作用; (b)原子吸收定向光子后, 速度减小了$ \hslash \kappa /m $; (c)激发态原子经自发辐射过程随机释放光子回到基态; (d)二能级系统中原子对负失谐光子的吸收($ \hslash \omega $)和发射过程($ \hslash {\omega }_{0} $)
Figure 2. The schematic of one-dimensional cooling atoms: (a) An incoming atom with velocity $ {\mathrm{\nu }} $ interaction with laser with the specific momentum $ {\mathrm{\hslash }}\kappa $ in a single direction; (b) the photon is absorbed and the velocity of the atom has been reduced $ \hslash \kappa /m $ induced by the net momentum transfer; (c) after spontaneous emission, the excited state atom emits a photon in all directions; (d) in a two-level system, the absorption of a red-detuned photon by an atom and the subsequent emission process.
图 5 含时电场对超冷离子束相空间的操控 (a)纵向相对能散σU/U与脉冲电场宽度U之间的关系; (b)双极性电场(Vp = 1000 V)条件下, 离子束在x方向上的横向尺寸σx 与Vn 的函数关系[36]
Figure 5. Phase-space manipulation of ultracold ion bunches with time-dependent fields: (a) The longitudinal relative energy spread σU/U versus U is plotted; (b) demonstration of focusing by bipolar voltage pulses with Vp = 1000 V, the transverse size in the x direction σx of the bunch on the detector is measured as a function of Vn[36].
图 7 四种离子束分布及其空间电荷驱动的扩散[39] (a) 径向平均激发光轮廓(实线)与相对激发概率(虚线)的关系; (b) 径向扩散因子与离子数的关系
Figure 7. Four ion bunch distributions and their expansion properties[39]: (a) Measured radially averaged excitation laser profiles (solid lines) and desired profiles (dashed lines), plotted as the relative excitation probability; (b) radial expansion factors against ion number for each shape individually.
图 8 分子动力学模拟里德伯阻塞机制抑制无序诱导加热[40] (a)不同阻塞半径条件下, 离子平衡时的发射度和温度随扩散时间的关系; (b)不同扩散时间下, 不同阻塞半径对于阻塞与无序发射度比率的影响
Figure 8. Rydberg blockade mechanism suppressing disorder-induced heating with molecular dynamics simulation[40]: (a) The relationship between the emittance and temperature of ions at equilibrium under different blocking radii, as a function of diffusion time; (b) suppression of disorder-induced heating, expressed as the ratio of blockaded to disordered emittance for different blockade parameters at different expansion times.
图 9 冷离子源中电场分布测量[41] (a)实验装置示意图; (b)85Rb能级示意图及光电离和激发所需的激光波长; (c)低离子计数率和(d)高离子计数率条件下, 实验测量的57F5/2的Stark 图; (e), (f)对应的模拟Stark图
Figure 9. Measurement of electric field in a cold ion source[41]: (a) Sketch of the experimental setup; (b) diagram of the utilized 85Rb energy levels and configuration of laser beams for photoionization and excitation; (c), (d) experimental Stark maps of 57F5/2 and the neighboring hydrogenic states at the different γ values; (e), (f) the corresponding simulated Stark maps with empirically determined ion rates.
图 13 场电离里德伯态原子方案的CABIS装置结构示意图[23], 利用2D-MOT技术对高通量原子束进行横向冷却和压缩, 离子或电子(取决于电极的极性)由场电离冷里德伯态原子产生, 之后束流在FIB系统中被加速和聚焦
Figure 13. Sketch of the ultracold electron-ion source producing from CABIS[23], an intense effusive atomic beam is transversely cooled and compressed using laser-cooling techniques, electrons or ions (depending on electrode polarities) are produced by laser excitation to Rydberg states that are then field ionized, the beam is finally focused and accelerated in a FIB column.
图 14 拍摄的碳衬底上锡球的图像比较 (a)束流能量5 keV, 束流电流7 pA的Cs+-FIB; (b)束流能量5 keV, 束流电流20 pA的商业化产品Ga-LMIS FIB[50]
Figure 14. Comparison between images acquired on a tin on carbon test sample: (a) Our system at 5 keV ion beam energy and 7 pA current; (b) a commercial Ga-LMIS FIB at 5 keV ion beam energy and current 20 pA[50].
图 16 Rb-CABIS-FIB装置示意图(左), 不同剂量Rb+和Ga+刻蚀材料的SEM图像(右图) (a) 8.5 keV的Rb+刻蚀后GaAs靶俯视图; (b) 多晶Au靶俯视图(0°); (c) Au靶侧视图(52°); (d)多晶Cu靶侧视图(52°); (e) 30 keV的Ga+刻蚀后Cu靶侧视图(52°)[53], 标尺为1 μm
Figure 16. Schematic of corresponding Rb-CABIS-FIB (left), SEM images of Rb+ and Ga+ milling patterns on standard samples (right): (a) Top view (0°) of milling patterns on GaAs at 8.5 keV; (b) top view (0°) of milling patterns on polycrystalline Au; (c) tilt view (52°) of (b); (d) tilt view (52°) of milling patterns on polycrystalline Cu; (e) tilt view (52°) of 30 keV Ga+ milling patterns on polycrystalline Cu, ion dose is marked below each pattern[53], scale bar is 1 μm.
图 17 (a)慢原子束CABIS装置结构示意图, 显示了离子束产生的4个阶段, 即带推杆束磁光压缩器的二维磁光阱、光学糖蜜和电离; (b)标准锡球二次电子图像, 获取自CABIS的聚焦10 keV, 1 pA Cs+离子束[60]
Figure 17. (a) Schematic of the slow cold atomic beam ion source, showing the four stages of ion beam production: 2D magneto-optical trap with pusher beam magneto-optical compressor, optical molasses, and ionization; (b) secondary electron image of a standard tin ball resolution target acquired using a focused 10 keV, 1 pA Cs+ ion beam from the CABIS[60].
图 18 (a) 单离子显微镜示意图; (b) 波导腔结构的SEM图像, 孔直径约为150 nm; (c)单离子源成像结果, 分辨率为每像素(25 nm×25 nm), 图中的全部信息基于4141个提取的离子中的2659个; (d)泊松分布的离子源成像结果[66]
Figure 18. (a) Sketch of the single ion microscope; (b) SEM image of the waveguide-cavity structure, holes have a diameter of about 150 nm; (c) scan of the cavity structure using one ion at each lateral position, with a resolution of (25 nm× 25 nm) per pixel, the entire information in the picture is based on 2659 transmission events out of 4141 extracted ions; (d) imaging a source with emulated Poissonian behavior[66].
图 19 (a) 单离子注入装置的示意图; (b)离子荧光的成像; (c) Ca+和Pr+离子束斑测量的直方图[67]; (d)植入区域的共聚焦显微镜图像[68]
Figure 19. (a) Sketch of the single-ion implantation setup; (b) fluorescence of ions imaged; (c) histograms of the profiling edge measurement for Ca+ and Pr+ ions[67]; (d) confocal images of the implanted regions [68].
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