The quantum restriction effect of charge carriers in two-dimensional materials can significantly improve their power factors. MXene, as a new type of two-dimensional double transition metal material, has attracted extensive attention due to thermoelectric properties, and higher controllability than single transition metal MXene, which has potential applications in thermoelectric devices. In this work, new two-dimensional monolayer double transition metal MXene, i.e. TiZrCO2 and VYCO2, are designed and their stabilities, electronic and thermoelectric properties are studied by the first principles and Boltzmann transport theory. It has been shown that both are indirect bandgap semiconductors with mechanical, thermodynamic and kinetic stability, and their thermoelectric properties (Seebeck coefficients, electrical and electronic thermal conductivities and lattice thermal conductivities) in a temperature range from 300 K to 900 K are studied. For the optimal carrier concentration at 300 K, the p-type TiZrCO2 power factor is 11.40 mW/(m·K2), much higher than that of n-type one, and the VYCO2 power factor of p-type (2.80 mW/(m·K2)) and n-type (2.20 mW/(m·K2)) are similar to each other. At 300 K, TiZrCO2 and VYCO2 have low lattice thermal conductivities of 5.08 W/(m·K) and 3.22 W/(m·K), respectively, and the contributions of optical phonon to the lattice thermal conductivity are both about 30%, i.e. 2.14 W/(m·K) and 1.09 W/(m·K) at 900 K, respectively. At the same time, it is found that at 300 K, when the material sizes of TiZrCO2 and VYCO2 are within 12.84 nm and 5.47 nm respectively, their lattice thermal conductivities are almost unchanged, and can be adjusted by adjusting the compositions. At 900 K, the thermoelectric value of p-type TiZrCO2 and VYCO2 reach 1.83 and 0.93, respectively, which are better than those of n-type, 0.23 and 0.84. The double transition metals MXene TiZrCO2 and VYCO2 have better thermoelectric properties than the single transition metal MXene (such as Sc2C(OH)2, ZT = 0.5), and have the potential applications in new thermoelectric materials with excellent comprehensive properties. A set of calculation methods used in this paper can also provide some reference for exploring the thermoelectric properties of a new double transition metal element MXene.
- double transition metal MXene /
- first principles /
- thermoelectric property /
- lattice thermal conductivity
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表 1 单层TiZrCO2 和VYCO2的晶格常数a、弹性张量和带隙
Table 1. Lattice constants a, elastic tensors, and bandgaps of monolayer TiZrCO2 and VYCO2.
a/Å C11(C22)/(N·m–1) C12/(N·m–1) C66/(N·m–1) EPBE/eV EHSE06/eV TiZrCO2 3.19 247.64 87.88 0.01 0.74 1.50 VYCO2 3.32 78.41 38.93 0.20 1.10 2.15 表 2 300 K下单层TiZrCO2 和VYCO2的形变势能E1、弹性常量C、有效质量$m^* $、弛豫时间τ (括号内数据为文献[35]的计算结果)
Table 2. Deformation potential energy E1, elastic constant C, effective mass $m^*$, relaxation time τ of monolayer TiZrCO2 and VYCO2 at 300 K (the data in brackets are the calculation results of Ref. [35]).
Carrier type C/(J·m–2) E1/eV $m^*/m_{\rm e}$ τ/fs TiZrCO2 Electro 248 10.8 2.69 6.39 Hole 248 2.7 0.75 366.56 VYCO2 Electro 78 3.7 1.67 27.48 Hole 78 4.81 0.94 28.96 MoS2 Electro 168(166) 8.34(8.61) 0.46(0.44) 42.51(40.9) Hole 168 3.81 0.56 167.3 -
[1] Zhang X, Zhao L D 2015 J. Materiomics 1 92
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[2] Snyder G J, Toberer E S 2008 Nat. Mater. 7 105
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[46] Guo Z L, Miao N H, Zhou J, Pan Y C, Sun Z M 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phy. 20 19689
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Liu C Y, Guan B, Zhong J B, Xu Y F, Jiang X H, Li D 2023 CIESC J. 74 3968
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[48] Pang G J, Zhang B, Meng F C, Liu Z, Chen Y, Li W 2023 Phys. Rev. B 108 054303
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[49] Schelling P K, Phillpot S R, Keblinski P 2002 Phys. Rev. B 65 144306
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