Complex networks serve as indispensable instruments for characterizing and understanding intricate real-world systems. Recently, researchers have delved into the realm of higher-order networks, seeking to delineate interactions within these networks with greater precision or analyze traditional pairwise networks from a higher-dimensional perspective. This effort has unearthed some new phenomena different from those observed in the traditional pairwise networks. However, despite the importance of higher-order networks, research in this area is still in its infancy. In addition, the complexity of higher-order interactions and the lack of standardized definitions for structure-based statistical indicators, also pose challenges to the investigation of higher-order networks. In recognition of these challenges, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of commonly employed statistics and their underlying physical significance in two prevalent types of higher-order networks: hypergraphs and simplicial complex networks. This paper not only outlines the specific calculation methods and application scenarios of these statistical indicators, but also provides a glimpse into future research trends. This comprehensive overview serves as a valuable resource for beginners or cross-disciplinary researchers interested in higher-order networks, enabling them to swiftly grasp the fundamental statistics pertaining to these advanced structures. By promoting a deeper understanding of higher-order networks, this paper facilitates quantitative analysis of their structural characteristics and provides guidance for researchers who aim to develop new statistical methods for higher-order networks.
- higher-order network /
- hypergraph /
- simplicial network /
- statistics
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图 2 单纯形网络相关示意图 (a) 一组时序高阶交互数据; (b) 一个11节点的单纯形网络; (c) 基于图(b)中单纯形网络的骨架网络; (d)一个11节点的团复形网络
Figure 2. Correlation diagrams of the simplicial network: (a) A set of temporal higher-order interaction data; (b) a simplicial network with 11 nodes; (c) a skeleton network based on the simplicial network in Fig. 2(b); (d) a clique complex with 11 nodes.
表 1 基于超图的统计指标总结
Table 1. Summary of statistical indicators of the hypergraph
指标类型 指标名称 度相关指标 度、超度、超边度、余平均度 聚集系数 节点的聚集系数、网络的聚集系数 距离相关指标 路径长度、超节点之间的距离 密度相关指标 超边密度、超图密度 曲率相关指标 Forman-Ricci曲率、Ollivier-Ricci曲率 中心性指标 度中心性、核心度中心性、接近中心性、
介数中心性、特征向量中心性熵相关指标 超图熵、超图的香农熵、加权超图的超图熵 表 2 基于单纯形网络的统计指标总结
Table 2. Summary of statistical indicators of the simplicial network
指标类型 指标名称 度相关指标 上邻接度、下邻接度、度、上 p 邻接度、下 p 邻接度、严格上 p 邻接度、严格下 p 邻接度、
上$(h, p)$邻接度、下$(h, p)$邻接度、p 邻接度、最大 p 邻接度、最大单纯形度路径和距离相关指标 $s_k$游走、p 游走、最短路径长度、离心率、直径 中心性指标 度中心性、特征向量中心性、Katz中心性、接近中心性、介数中心性 聚集系数 聚集系数 拓扑不变量 贝蒂数、欧拉示性数 -
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