High-order interactions as exemplified by simplex and hyper-edge structures have emerged as a prominent area of interest in complex network research. These high-order interactions introduce much complexity into the interplay between nodes, which often require advanced analytical approaches to fully characterize the underlying network structures. For example, methods based on statistical dependencies have been proposed to identify high-order structures from multi-variate time series. In this work, we reconstruct the simplex structures of a network based on synchronization dynamics between network nodes. More specifically, we construct a topological structure of network by examining the temporal synchronization of phase time series data derived from the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi (KS) model. In addition, we show that there is an analytical relationship between the Laplacian matrix of the network and phase variables of the linearized KS model. Our method identifies structural symmetric nodes within a network, which therefore builds a correlation between node synchronization behavior and network’s symmetry. This representation allows for identifying high-order network structure, showing its advantages over statistical methods. In addition, remote synchronization is a complex dynamical process, where spatially separated nodes within a network can synchronize their states despite the lack of direct interaction. Furthermore, through numerical simulations, we observe the strong correlation between remote synchronization among indirectly interacting nodes and the network’s underlying symmetry. This finding reveals the intricate relationship between network structure and the dynamical process. In summary, we propose a powerful tool for analyzing complex networks, in particular uncovering the interplay between network structure and dynamics. We provide novel insights for further exploring and understanding the high-order interactions and the underlying symmetry of complex networks.
- complex network /
- simplex /
- phase synchronization /
- high order interaction
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图 4 (a)$N=12$的网络, 其中节点11和节点12随机连入一个全连网络; (b)节点11和节点12的相位差$|\theta_{11}-\theta_{12}|$的时间片段; (c)$N=5$的星形网络, 节点1为中心节点, 其余为叶子节点; (d)星形网络中心与叶子节点的相位差. 所有叶子节点间的相位差为0, 而中心与叶子节点之间存在恒定的非零相位差. 参数设置: $\omega=0$, $\lambda=1$, $\alpha=0.1$
Figure 4. (a) A network of $N= 12$ nodes with node 11 and node 12 being randomly connected to the fully connected network; (b) temporal segment of the phase difference $|\theta_{10} - \theta_{11} |$ between node 10 and node 11; (c) a star network with one hub node and four leaf nodes; (d) phase difference between leaf nodes are zeros, while non-zero values between the hub and leaf nodes. Parameter values: $\omega=0$, $\lambda=1$, $\alpha=0.1$.
图 5 三个节点组成的链式网络(左下角为网络结构示意图)中相位差的时间序列. 其中黑色虚线为方程(31)的理论解, 蓝色(橙色、绿色)点线分别对应节点1和2 (节点1和3、节点2和3)的相位差$\theta_{12}$($\theta_{13}$, $\theta_{23}$)
Figure 5. Phase difference of each pair of nodes in a chain of three oscillators (inset shows the schematic network structure). The black dashed line is the theoretical solution by Eq. (31). The blue (orange, green) dot line corresponds to the phase difference between node 1 and node 2 (node 1 and node 3, node 2 and node 3) $\theta_{12}$ ($\theta_{13}$, $\theta_{23}$).
图 6 (a) 由8个节点组成的网络结构示意图, 其中包含了一个二阶单纯复形(由节点1, 2, 3组成)和8个一阶单纯复形; (b) 节点2—8与节点1之间的相位差, 其中仅有$\theta_1-\theta_2$的相位差值快速收敛至稳态值0
Figure 6. (a) A network consisting of 8 nodes, including one second-order simplex (consisting of nodes 1, 2, 3) and eight first-order simplex; (b) the pairwise phase mismatch between nodes 2−8 and node 1 in the system, where only the phase difference $\theta_1-\theta_2$ converges to 0.
[1] Réka A, Albert-László B 2002 Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 47
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[2] Boccaletti S, Latora V, Moreno Y, Chavez M, Hwang D U 2006 Phys. Rep. 424 175
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[17] Jose C, Mor N, Sarah H, Marc T 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 2192
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[18] Xiao N J, Zhou A F, Megan L. Kempher, Jason Z. Shi, Yuan M T, Guo X, Wu L W, Ning D L, Joy Van Nostrand, Mary K F, Zhou J Z 2022 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119 e2109995119
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[19] Yu D C, Ulrich P 2010 Phys. Rev. E 82 026108
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[32] Tang Y, Shi D H, Lü L Y 2022 Commun. Phys. 5 96
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[33] Dummit D S, Foote R M 2004 Abstract Algebra (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons) pp106−111
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