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Relationship between solar energetic particle intensity and coronal mass ejections and its associated type II radio bursts

Yan Hao Ding Liu-Guan Feng Li Gu Bin


Relationship between solar energetic particle intensity and coronal mass ejections and its associated type II radio bursts

Yan Hao, Ding Liu-Guan, Feng Li, Gu Bin
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Based on the multiple-vantage observations of STEREO, SOHO, wind and other spacecraft, the fast and wide coronal mass ejections (CME) during the 24th solar cycle from January 2010 to September 2014 are selected in this paper. Using the outputs of Richardson’s (2014) empirical model of solar energetic particle (SEP) intensity under different conditions, the effects of its associations such as CME, pre-CME, and type II radio bursts, on SEP intensity are analyzed, and the relationship between SEP event and these characteristics is also discussed. The main conclusions are as follows. 1) The presence or absence of pre-CME within 13 h before fast CME significantly improves the model prediction effect and has a significant influence on whether fast CME produces SEP event. Compared with the events without pre-CMEs, the events with pre-CMEs have a low proportion of false alarms (FR: 47.7% vs. 70%). However, the number of pre-CMEs does not improve the model output. 2) CMEs with type-II radio bursts have significantly lower FR to generate SEP events than fast CMEs without type-II radio bursts (42% vs. 68%). And selecting type-II radio bursts as a constraint will filter out some small/weak SEP events, the relationship between model predictions and observations especially for large SEP events (e.g. Ip ≥ 0.01 pfu/MeV) will stand out. Moreover, if the type-II radio enhancement is taken into account, FR can be further reduced to 29.4%, and the proportion of hits can be further increased (HR: 48.5%), and the model prediction is significantly improved. 3) The larger the start frequency of type II radio bursts, the smaller the end frequency is, and FR decreases slightly, but at the same time, a large number of SEP events are excluded by this condition, and the results show that the constraints on the start/end frequency of type-II radio bursts do not improve the model predictions distinctly. 4) If the sub-classification of type-II radio bursts is considered as the model constraint, the CMEs associated with multi-band type-II radio bursts have better model predictions than those with single-band events. For example, m-DH-km type-II radio bursts have lower FR (35.4%) and higher HR (48%), and the accuracy of empirical model is higher. In summary, we find that in addition to the velocity and angular width of CME, the associations of pre-CME, type II radio bursts and their enhancement, and multi-band sub-classification are the favorable conditions for CME to generate SEP events. The SEP intensities obtained by the empirical model have better consistency with the observations, and better predictions can be obtained. This investigation indicates that SEP events are more likely generated by fast and wide CMEs accompanied by pre-CMEs, multi-band type II radio bursts and their enhancements, which seem to serve as discriminative signal for SEP-rich and SEP-poor CMEs.
      Corresponding author: Ding Liu-Guan,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42274215), the “Qing Lan” Program of Jiangsu Province, China, and the “333” High-Level Talent Cultivation Project of Jiangsu Province, China.

    王劲松, 吕建永 2010 空间天气学 第1版 (北京: 气象出版社) 第16—31页

    Wang J S, Lü J Y 2010 Space Weather Science (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Meteorological Press) pp16–31


    Kahler S W 2001 J. Geophys. Res. 106 20947Google Scholar


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    Gopalswamy N, Yashiro S, Krucker S, Stenborg G, Howard R A 2004 J. Geophys. Res. 109 12Google Scholar


    Ding L G, Jiang Y, Zhao L, Li G 2013 Astrophys. J. 763 30Google Scholar


    Cane H V, Von Rosenvinge T T, Cohen C M S, Mewaldt R A 2003 Geophys. Res. Lett. 30 12Google Scholar


    Cane H V, Mewaldt R A, Cohen C M S, Von Rosenvinge T T 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 90Google Scholar


    Le G M, Zhang X F 2017 Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 17 123Google Scholar


    Le G M, Li C, Zhang X F 2017 Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 17 73Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Lyu D, Wu X H, Qin G 2022 Astrophys. J. 940 67Google Scholar


    Stewart R T, McCabe M K, Koomen M J, Hansen R T, Dulk G A 1974 Sol. Phys. 36 203Google Scholar


    Hundhausen A J, Holzer T E, Low B C 1987 J. Geophys. Res. 92 0148Google Scholar


    Vršnak B, Lulić S 2000 Sol. Phys. 196 181Google Scholar


    Vršnak B, Cliver E 2008 Sol. Phys. 253 215Google Scholar


    Kahler S W 1982 J. Geophys. Res. 87 2439Google Scholar


    Cane H V, Erickson W C, Prestage N P 2002 J. Geophys. Res. 107 1315Google Scholar


    Wild J, McCready L 1950 Aust. J. Sci. Res. Ser. A: Phys. Sci. 3 387


    Cane H V, Stone R G, Fainberg J, Stewart R T, Steinberg J L, Hoang S 1981 Geophys. Res. Lett. 8 1285Google Scholar


    Prakash O, Umapathy S, Shanmugaraju A, Vršnak B 2009 Sol. Phys. 258 105Google Scholar


    Kahler S W 1996 Amer. Inst. Phys. 374 61


    Gopalswamy N, Aguilar-Rodriguez E, Yashiro S, Nunes S, Kaiser M L, Howard R A 2005 J. Geophys. Res. 110 07Google Scholar


    Winter L M, Ledbetter K 2015 Astrophys. J. 809 105Google Scholar


    Kahler S W, Ling A G, Gopalswamy N 2019 Sol. Phys. 294 13Google Scholar


    朱聪, 丁留贯, 周坤论, 钱天麒 2021 70 099601Google Scholar

    Zhu C, Ding L G, Zhou K L, Qian T Q 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 099601Google Scholar


    Marqué C, Posner A, Klein K L 2006 Astrophys. J. 642 1222Google Scholar


    Gopalswamy N, Yashiro S, Akiyama S, Mäkelä P, Xie H, Kaiser M, Howard R, Bougeret J 2008 Ann. Geophys. 26 3033Google Scholar


    Kahler S W, Reames D V, Burkepile J T 2000 High Energy Solar Physics- Anticipating Hessi 206 468


    Shen C, Li G, Kong X, Hu J, Sun X D, Ding L, Chen Y, Wang Y M, Xia L 2013 Astrophys. J. 763 2Google Scholar


    Ding L G, Li G, Dong L H, Jiang Y, Jian Y, Gu B 2014 J. Geophys. Res. 119 1463Google Scholar


    Gopalswamy N, Yashiro S, Kaiser M L, Howard R A, Bougeret J L 2001 Astrophys. J. 548 L91Google Scholar


    Ding L G, Wang Z W, Feng L, Li G, Jiang Y 2019 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 19 001Google Scholar


    周坤论, 丁留贯, 钱天麒, 朱聪, 王智伟, 封莉 2020 69 169601Google Scholar

    Zhou K L, Ding L G, Qian T Q, Zhu C, Wang Z W, Feng L 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 169601Google Scholar


    Posner A 2007 Space Weather 5 05001Google Scholar


    Richardson I G, Mays M L, Thompson B J 2018 Space Weather 16 1862Google Scholar


    Falconer D, Barghouty A F, Khazanov I, Moore R 2011 Space Weather 9 04003Google Scholar


    Papaioannou A, Anastasiadis A, Kouloumvakos A, Paassilta M, Vainio R, Valtonen E, Belov A V, Eroshenko E, Abunina M, Abunin A 2018 Sol. Phys. 293 1Google Scholar


    Laurenza M, Cliver E W, Hewitt J, Storini M, Ling A G, Balch C C, Kaiser M L 2009 Space Weather 7 4Google Scholar


    Balch C C 1999 Radiat. Meas. 30 231Google Scholar


    Bruno A, Richardson I G 2021 Sol. Phys. 296 36Google Scholar


    Garcia H A 2004 Space Weather 2 02002Google Scholar


    Huang X, Wang H N, Li L P 2012 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 12 313Google Scholar


    Núñez M 2011 Space Weather 9 07003Google Scholar


    Núñez M 2015 Space Weather 13 727Google Scholar


    Núñez M, Santiago P, Malandraki O 2017 Space Weather 15 861Google Scholar


    Núñez M 2018 J. Space Weather Space Clim. 8 A36Google Scholar


    Richardson L G, von Rosenvinge T T, Cane H V, Christian E R, Cohen C M S, Labrador A W, Leske R A, Mewaldt R A, Wiedenbeck M E, Stone E C 2014 Sol. Phys. 289 3059Google Scholar


    Torres J, Zhao L, Chan P K, Zhang M 2022 Space Weather 20 002797Google Scholar


    王智伟, 丁留贯, 周坤论, 乐贵明 2018 地球 61 3515Google Scholar

    Wang Z W, Ding L G, Zhou K L, Le G M 2018 Chin. J. Geophys. 61 3515Google Scholar


    Hanssen A W, Kuipers W J A 1965 Koninklijk Ned. Meteor. Instit. 81 2

  • 图 1  SEP强度预测值(Ip)与观测值(Io)对比, SEP事件阈值准线将事件样本分为四类

    Figure 1.  Predicted versus observed SEP peak intensities at SOHO or STEREO-A/B (STA/STB) spacecraft for the fast and wide CMEs with speed greater than 900 km/s and width greater than 60º in the study period. The quadrants defined by crosshairs set at equal predicted and observed intensity thresholds divide the events into hits, false alarms, correct rejections, and misses.

    图 2  (a)不存在pre-CME时, SEP强度预测值与观测值关系; (b)存在pre-CME时, SEP强度预测值与观测值关系; (c)样本事件数量随pre-CME事件数量的变化(黑), HR, FR, CR和MR随pre-CME事件数量的变化(蓝、红、橙、紫)

    Figure 2.  Predicted versus observed SEP intensities for the fast and wide CMEs without (a) or with (b) pre-CMEs, and (c) the number of selected events (black) and percentages of HR (blue), FR (red), CR (yellow), and MR (purple) versus the number of pre-CMEs.

    图 3  不伴随II型射电暴(a)和伴随II型射电暴(b)时, SEP强度预测值与观测值关系

    Figure 3.  Predicted versus observed proton intensities for the fast and wide CMEs without (a) and with (b) type II radio bursts, respectively.

    图 4  II型射电暴无射电增强(a)和II型射电暴有射电增强(b)时, SEP强度预测值与观测值关系

    Figure 4.  Predicted versus observed proton intensities for the fast and wide CMEs without (a) and with (b) radio enhancements during the period of type II radio bursts.

    图 5  (a) 击中、误报、正确拒绝和漏报占比随II型射电暴起始频率上限阈值($ {f}_{{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{t}}} $)的变化; (b) HR, FR, CR, MR随起始频率下限阈值($ {f}_{{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{t}}} $)的变化; (c) 不同SEP事件强度阈值情况下, 击中事件数量随II型射电暴起始频率阈值条件的变化

    Figure 5.  (a) Fraction of hits, false alarms, correct rejections, and misses in all predictions versus the upper limit threshold ($ {f}_{{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{t}}} $) of the starting frequency of type II radio bursts; (b) similar to panel (a) but for the lower limit threshold $ {(f}_{{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{t}}}) $; (c) number of hit events among all the predictions in different thresholds of SEP intensity using the lower limit starting frequency threshold for type II radio bursts.

    图 6  (a) 击中、误报、正确拒绝和漏报占比随II型射电暴结束频率上限阈值($ {f}_{{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{d}}} $)的变化; (b) HR, FR, CR, MR随下限阈值$ ({f}_{{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{d}}} $)的变化; (c) 不同SEP事件强度阈值情况下, 击中事件数量随II型射电暴结束频率阈值条件的变化

    Figure 6.  (a) Fraction of hits, false alarms, correct rejections, and misses in all predictions versus the upper limit threshold ($ {f}_{{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{d}}} $) of the ending frequency of type II radio bursts; (b) similar to panel (a) but for the lower limit threshold $ {(f}_{{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{d}}}) $; (c) number of hit events among all the predictions in different thresholds of SEP intensity using the lower limit ending frequency threshold for type II radio bursts.

    图 7  不同类型的II型射电暴对模型输出结果的影响 (a) metric; (b) m-DH; (c) DH; (d) km; (e) DH-km; (f) m-DH-km

    Figure 7.  Predictions versus observations of SEP intensities for different classes of type II radio bursts: (a) metric; (b) m-DH; (c) DH; (d) km; (e) DH-km; (f) m-DH-km.

    图 8  (a)误报率FAR和(b)准确率ACC随SEP事件峰值强度阈值设定值的变化. 黑色“+”表示CME速度≥900 km/s且角宽≥60°; 红色“*”表示存在pre-CME; 橙色菱形表示存在II型射电暴; 绿色正方形表示伴随DH-km或m-DH-km波段的II型射电暴, 即IP II型射电暴; 蓝色正方形表示伴随m-DH-km波段的II型射电暴; 紫色三角形表示伴随的II型射电暴存在射电增强

    Figure 8.  (a) False alarm ratio versus threshold of SEP peak intensity (0 is a perfect score), for different CME selections based on their associations. The curves are for CME with speed ≥ 900 km/s and angular width ≥ 60° (black crosses), pre-CME required (red asterisks), type II radio bursts required (orange diamonds), IP type II radio bursts (DH-km or m-DH-km) required (green squares), m-DH-km type II radio bursts required (blue squares); radio enhancement in type II radio bursts (purple triangles). (b) The accuracy (fraction of correct predictions) versus threshold (perfect score = 1).

    图 9  (a)偏差BIAS和(b)命中率POD随SEP强度阈值变化

    Figure 9.  (a) Frequency bias (BIAS) and (b) probability of detection (POD) versus threshold of solar energetic particle peak intensity (Bias: perfect score = 1, POD: perfect score = 1).

    图 10  (a)报空率POFD和(b) HK评分随SEP峰值强度阈值变化

    Figure 10.  (a) Probability of false detection (POFD) and (b) Hanssen-Kuipers Discriminant (HK) versus threshold of solar energetic particle peak intensity (POFD: perfect score = 0, HK: perfect score = 1).

    表 1  不同SEP事件强度阈值情况下有/无II型射电暴伴随的SEP事件误报对比

    Table 1.  False alarms fraction of SEP predictions for CMEs with/without type II radio bursts at different SEP intensity thresholds.

    $ {10}^{-2} $68.1%42.0%
    $ {10}^{-3} $71.8%32.8%
    $ {10}^{-4} $80.9%36.6%
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  不同类型II型射电暴条件下的模型输出结果

    Table 2.  Predicted results of SEPs associated with different classes of type II radio bursts.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  当SEP阈值强度选为0.01 pfu/MeV时的模型输出结果和评价指标

    Table 3.  Example of skill scores for SEP intensity threshold = 0.01 pfu/MeV.

    CME速度≥900 km/s, 角宽≥60°(对照组)50511926111690.690.932.970.690.240.47
    $ {f}_{{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{t}}} $<140 MHz279991185570.540.932.050.680.250.55
    $ {f}_{{\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{t}}} $≥140 MHz381315820.540.871.870.650.210.55
    $ {f}_{{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{d}}} $ < 0.1 MHz452217420.440.921.630.810.110.58
    $ {f}_{{\mathrm{e}}{\mathrm{d}}} $ ≥ 0.1 MHz272901165970.560.932.080.660.270.55
    m-DH-km II型射电暴12761451830.420.951.660.710.240.62
    DH-km II型射电暴10736442250.550.881.950.660.220.54
    m-DH-km + DH-km (行星际II型射电暴)23497894080.480.921.770.690.230.59
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    王劲松, 吕建永 2010 空间天气学 第1版 (北京: 气象出版社) 第16—31页

    Wang J S, Lü J Y 2010 Space Weather Science (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Meteorological Press) pp16–31


    Kahler S W 2001 J. Geophys. Res. 106 20947Google Scholar


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    Gopalswamy N, Yashiro S, Krucker S, Stenborg G, Howard R A 2004 J. Geophys. Res. 109 12Google Scholar


    Ding L G, Jiang Y, Zhao L, Li G 2013 Astrophys. J. 763 30Google Scholar


    Cane H V, Von Rosenvinge T T, Cohen C M S, Mewaldt R A 2003 Geophys. Res. Lett. 30 12Google Scholar


    Cane H V, Mewaldt R A, Cohen C M S, Von Rosenvinge T T 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 90Google Scholar


    Le G M, Zhang X F 2017 Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 17 123Google Scholar


    Le G M, Li C, Zhang X F 2017 Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 17 73Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Lyu D, Wu X H, Qin G 2022 Astrophys. J. 940 67Google Scholar


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    Hundhausen A J, Holzer T E, Low B C 1987 J. Geophys. Res. 92 0148Google Scholar


    Vršnak B, Lulić S 2000 Sol. Phys. 196 181Google Scholar


    Vršnak B, Cliver E 2008 Sol. Phys. 253 215Google Scholar


    Kahler S W 1982 J. Geophys. Res. 87 2439Google Scholar


    Cane H V, Erickson W C, Prestage N P 2002 J. Geophys. Res. 107 1315Google Scholar


    Wild J, McCready L 1950 Aust. J. Sci. Res. Ser. A: Phys. Sci. 3 387


    Cane H V, Stone R G, Fainberg J, Stewart R T, Steinberg J L, Hoang S 1981 Geophys. Res. Lett. 8 1285Google Scholar


    Prakash O, Umapathy S, Shanmugaraju A, Vršnak B 2009 Sol. Phys. 258 105Google Scholar


    Kahler S W 1996 Amer. Inst. Phys. 374 61


    Gopalswamy N, Aguilar-Rodriguez E, Yashiro S, Nunes S, Kaiser M L, Howard R A 2005 J. Geophys. Res. 110 07Google Scholar


    Winter L M, Ledbetter K 2015 Astrophys. J. 809 105Google Scholar


    Kahler S W, Ling A G, Gopalswamy N 2019 Sol. Phys. 294 13Google Scholar


    朱聪, 丁留贯, 周坤论, 钱天麒 2021 70 099601Google Scholar

    Zhu C, Ding L G, Zhou K L, Qian T Q 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 099601Google Scholar


    Marqué C, Posner A, Klein K L 2006 Astrophys. J. 642 1222Google Scholar


    Gopalswamy N, Yashiro S, Akiyama S, Mäkelä P, Xie H, Kaiser M, Howard R, Bougeret J 2008 Ann. Geophys. 26 3033Google Scholar


    Kahler S W, Reames D V, Burkepile J T 2000 High Energy Solar Physics- Anticipating Hessi 206 468


    Shen C, Li G, Kong X, Hu J, Sun X D, Ding L, Chen Y, Wang Y M, Xia L 2013 Astrophys. J. 763 2Google Scholar


    Ding L G, Li G, Dong L H, Jiang Y, Jian Y, Gu B 2014 J. Geophys. Res. 119 1463Google Scholar


    Gopalswamy N, Yashiro S, Kaiser M L, Howard R A, Bougeret J L 2001 Astrophys. J. 548 L91Google Scholar


    Ding L G, Wang Z W, Feng L, Li G, Jiang Y 2019 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 19 001Google Scholar


    周坤论, 丁留贯, 钱天麒, 朱聪, 王智伟, 封莉 2020 69 169601Google Scholar

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    Falconer D, Barghouty A F, Khazanov I, Moore R 2011 Space Weather 9 04003Google Scholar


    Papaioannou A, Anastasiadis A, Kouloumvakos A, Paassilta M, Vainio R, Valtonen E, Belov A V, Eroshenko E, Abunina M, Abunin A 2018 Sol. Phys. 293 1Google Scholar


    Laurenza M, Cliver E W, Hewitt J, Storini M, Ling A G, Balch C C, Kaiser M L 2009 Space Weather 7 4Google Scholar


    Balch C C 1999 Radiat. Meas. 30 231Google Scholar


    Bruno A, Richardson I G 2021 Sol. Phys. 296 36Google Scholar


    Garcia H A 2004 Space Weather 2 02002Google Scholar


    Huang X, Wang H N, Li L P 2012 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 12 313Google Scholar


    Núñez M 2011 Space Weather 9 07003Google Scholar


    Núñez M 2015 Space Weather 13 727Google Scholar


    Núñez M, Santiago P, Malandraki O 2017 Space Weather 15 861Google Scholar


    Núñez M 2018 J. Space Weather Space Clim. 8 A36Google Scholar


    Richardson L G, von Rosenvinge T T, Cane H V, Christian E R, Cohen C M S, Labrador A W, Leske R A, Mewaldt R A, Wiedenbeck M E, Stone E C 2014 Sol. Phys. 289 3059Google Scholar


    Torres J, Zhao L, Chan P K, Zhang M 2022 Space Weather 20 002797Google Scholar


    王智伟, 丁留贯, 周坤论, 乐贵明 2018 地球 61 3515Google Scholar

    Wang Z W, Ding L G, Zhou K L, Le G M 2018 Chin. J. Geophys. 61 3515Google Scholar


    Hanssen A W, Kuipers W J A 1965 Koninklijk Ned. Meteor. Instit. 81 2

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  26 November 2023
  • Accepted Date:  19 January 2024
  • Available Online:  23 January 2024
  • Published Online:  05 April 2024

