The calculations using GW method based on Green’s function show that two-dimensional monolayer InSe and InTe have desired electronic band gaps for absorbing visible light, high electron mobilities, and suitable electronic band structures for water splitting, and that the spin orbit coupling (SOC) leads to an indirect-to -direct band gap transition for monolayer InTe. On the basis of quasi-particle energy levels, the calculations via solving Bethe-Salpter equation (BSE) show that the exciton binding energy of isolated monolayer InSe and InTe are much higher than that of the dissociation energy of exciton at room temperature. On the other hand, two-dimensional semiconductors in laboratory are often supported by substrates for mechanical stability, and the atomic thickness values of two-dimensional semiconductors are also various in different experiments. These factors will change the dielectric environments of two-dimensional semiconductor, and the further calculations show that the exciton binding energy of InSe and InTe decrease with the increase of the thickness of InSe and InTe and also the thickness of their substrates, also revealing that the exciton binding energy can be accurately controlled by engineering the thickness of two-dimensional semiconductors and the substrates. Our results provide important theoretical basis for accurately controlling the binding energy of two-dimensional InSe and InTe.
- two-dimensional material /
- electronic structure /
- screening effects /
- exciton
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[6] 张芳, 贾利群, 孙现亭, 戴宪起, 黄奇祥, 李伟 2020 69 157302
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[9] Lei S, Ge L, Najmaei S, George A, Kappera R, Lou J, Chhowalla M, Yamaguchi H, Gupta G, Vajtai R, Mohite A D, Ajayan P M 2014 ACS Nano 8 1263
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[24] Shi H L, Pan H, Zhang Y W, Yakobson B I 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 155304
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[25] Qiu D Y, Felipe H da J, Louie, S G 2017 Nano Lett. 17 4706
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[27] Ugeda Miguel M, Bradley Aaron J, Shi S F, Jornada Felipe H da, Zhang Y, Qiu Diana Y, Ruan W, Mo S K, Hussain Z, Shen Z X, Wang F, Louie Steven G, Crommie Michael F 2014 Nat. Mater. 13 1091
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表 1 InSe和InTe导带和价带带边电子和空穴的有效质量
Table 1. The effective masses of electrons and holes of conduction and valence band edges for InSe and InTe.
n (InSe/InTe) 1 5 10 20 30 Eb (InSe)/eV 0.419 0.350 0.342 0.338 0.337 Eb (InTe)/eV 0.294 0.244 0.237 0.235 0.234 表 2 不同原子层厚度InSe以及InTe放置在50个原子层厚度h-BN衬底上时的激子结合能
Table 2. The exciton binding energies for different atomic thicknesses of InSe and InTe on h-BN substrate with 50 atomic layer thickness.
n (InSe/InTe) 1 5 10 20 30 Eb (InSe)/eV 0.419 0.350 0.342 0.338 0.337 Eb (InTe)/eV 0.294 0.244 0.237 0.235 0.234 -
[1] Dai M, Gao C, Nie Q, Wang Q J, Lin, Y, F, Chu J, Li W 2022 Adv. Mater. Technol. 7 2200321
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[2] Bandurin D A, Tyurnina A V, Yu G L, Mishchenko A, Zolyomi V, Morozov S V, Kumar R K, Gorbachev R V, Kudrynskyi Z R, Pezzini S, Kovalyuk Z D, Zeitler U, Novoselov K S, Patanè A, Eaves L, Grigorieva I V, Fal’ko V I, Geim A K, Cao Y 2017 Nat. Nanotechnol. 12 223
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[3] Li Z Y, Cheng H Y, Kung S H, Yao H C, Inbaraj C R P, Sankar R, Ou M N, Chen Y F, Lee C C, Lin K H 2023 Nanomaterials 13 750
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[4] Feng W, Zhou X, Tian W Q, Zheng W, Hu P 2015 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 3653
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[5] Mudd G W, Svatek S A, Hague L, Makarovsky O, Kudrynskyi Z R, Mellor C J, Beton P H, Eaves L, Novoselov K S, Kovalyuk Z D, Vdovin E E, Marsden A J, Wilson N R, Patane A 2015 Adv. Mater. 27 3760
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[6] 张芳, 贾利群, 孙现亭, 戴宪起, 黄奇祥, 李伟 2020 69 157302
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Zhang F, Jia L Q, Sun X T, Dai X Q, Huang Q X, Li W 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 157302
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[7] Mudd G W, Svatek S A, Ren T, Patanè A, Makarovsky O, Eaves L, Beton P H, Kovalyuk Z D, Lashkarev G V, Kudrynskyi Z R, Dmitriev A I 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 5714
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[9] Lei S, Ge L, Najmaei S, George A, Kappera R, Lou J, Chhowalla M, Yamaguchi H, Gupta G, Vajtai R, Mohite A D, Ajayan P M 2014 ACS Nano 8 1263
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[10] Zhou J, Shi J, Zeng Q, Chen Y, Niu L, Liu F, Yu T, Suenaga Kazu, Liu X, Lin J, Liu Z 2018 2D Mater. 5 025019
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[11] Sucharitakul S, Goble N J, Kumar U R, Sankar R, Bogorad Z A, Chou F, Chen Y T, Gao Xuan P A 2015 Nano Lett. 156 3815
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[12] Lauth J, Gorris F E S, Khoshkhoo M S, Chassé T, Friedrich W, Lebedeva V, Meyer A, Klinke C, Kornowski A, Scheele M, Weller H 2016 Chem. Mater. 28 1728
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Fan R J, Jiang X Y, Tao Q R, Mei Q C, Tang Y F, Chen Z Q, Su X L, Tang X F 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 137102
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[27] Ugeda Miguel M, Bradley Aaron J, Shi S F, Jornada Felipe H da, Zhang Y, Qiu Diana Y, Ruan W, Mo S K, Hussain Z, Shen Z X, Wang F, Louie Steven G, Crommie Michael F 2014 Nat. Mater. 13 1091
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