In this paper we predict and evaluate the value of the nuclear charge radius by analyzing the relationship between nuclear mass and nuclear charge radius.We obtain 884 nuclei (Z, N ≥ 8) with known mass and known charge radii by combining AME2020 database with CR2013 database, and calculate the mass densities
$ \rho_\text{m} $ of the 884 nuclei. We aim to obtain an empirical formula of one constant which is useful in describing and predicting nuclear charge radius. With the empirical formula and the AME2020 database, the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the nuclear charge radius of$ \sigma = 0.093 $ fm is successfully obtained.Considering the influence of neutron numbers on$\rho_{\rm{m}}$ , we use the neutron factor${1}/{N} $ to correct the empirical formula, and the RMSD is reduced to σ = 0.047 fm (the accuracy is increased by about 50%). The second correction is shell effect of neutrons. The results show that the RMSD of nuclear charge radius is reduced to 0.034 fm based on shell effect of neutrons. We use the empirical formula with corrections to predict the nuclear charge radius (1573 nuclear charge radius with Z, N ≥ 8) which is difficult to measure experimentally. The difference between our predicted values based on AME2020 database and the experimental values measured in recent years is in the allowable range of deviation. The result shows that the new relation for nuclear charge radius is simple and reliable. In addition, the RMSD of the calculation value for 791 nuclei is reduced to σ = 0.032 fm after we have removed some nuclei with special shell effect and isotope chains. These results show that the new relation proposed in this paper can be comparable to$ A^{1/3} $ and$ Z^{1/3} $ formulas with corrections.Moreover, we study the 884 and 791 nuclear mass densities by using L-M neural network method to build description and prediction models. Comparing with CR2013, the RMSDs of nuclear charge radius are σ = 0.018 fm and σ = 0.014 fm, respectively. The RMSDs are reduced by about 50% compared with that from the empirical formula with corrections, and the predicted values are closer to the experimental values measured in recent years.-
- nuclear charge radius /
- shell effect of neutrons /
- neural network
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[5] Marinova K P, Angeli I https://www-nds.iaea.org/radii/.
[6] Angeli I 2004 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 87 185
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[7] Angeli I 1999 International Nuclear Data Commitee online: http://iaeand.iaea.or.at/indcsel.html.
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[48] Shang T S, Li J, Niu Z M 2022 Nucl. Sci. Tech. 33 153
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[49] Z M Niu and H Z Liang 2018 Phys. Lett. B 778 48
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[50] Ma Y F, Su C, Liu J, Ren Z Z, Xu C, Gao Y H 2020 Phys. Rev. C 101 014304
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[51] Audi G, Kondev F G, Wang M, Huang W J, Naimi S 2017 Chin. Phys. C 41 030001
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[52] Wang M, Huang W J, Kondev F G, Audi G, Naimi S 2021 Chin. Phys. C 45 030003
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[53] 卢希庭, 江栋兴, 叶沿林 2000 原子核物理 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第7—9 页
Lu X T, Jiang D X, Ye Y L 2000 Nuclear Physics (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) pp7–9 (in Chinese)
[54] Fu G J, Bao M, He Z, Jiang H, Zhao Y M, Arima A 2012 Phys. Rev. C 86 054303
图 2 884个原子核密度 (绿色折线表示的是原子核密度平均值线, 黑色光滑曲线是基于(6)式得到的拟合线, 粉色竖线分别表示中子数 N = 20, 28, 50, 82 和126的位置)
Figure 2. The green zigzag line is plotted by using the average values of
$ \rho_\text{m} $ for nuclei with the same mass number N. The black curve is plotted in terms of empirical formula Eq. (6). The vertical lines are plotted at the major neutron closure N = 20, 28, 50, 82 126.图 3 从上到下依次为884个核电荷半径的实验值与(2)式、(6)式、(7)式理论计算值的差值. 粉色竖直虚线分别表示中子数 N = 20, 28, 50, 82 和126的位置
Figure 3. The difference between the experimental value of 884 nuclear charge radii and the theoretical value calculated by Eq.(2),Eq.(6) and Eq.(7), respectively. A dash vertical line is plotted at the major neutron closure N = 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126.
图 4 核电荷半径的计算值与CR2013数据库中实验值之间的误差. 粉色竖直虚线分别表示中子数 N = 20, 28, 50, 82 和126的位置, 黑色横虚线分别表示质子数 Z = 20, 28, 50 和 82 的位置 (单位: fm)
Figure 4. The difference between the calculated values of nuclear charge radius and experimental values in the CR2013 database. A dash vertical line is plotted at the major neutron closure N = 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126. The dash horizontal line is plotted at the major proton closure Z = 20, 28, 50 and 82 (in units of fm).
图 5 (a) 和 (b)分别表示 Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy 同位素链核电荷半径与核质量的实验值; (c) 和 (d)分别表示Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf同位素链核电荷半径与核质量的实验值
Figure 5. (a) and (b) represent the nuclear charge radii and nuclear mass of Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy elements, respectively; (c) and (d) represent the nuclear charge radii and nuclear mass of Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf elements, respectively.
图 7 利用不同模型结合CR2013数据库预得到的预言值与近几年测得的实验值
$ ^{37}\text{K} $ [9],$ ^{48}\text{K} $ [9],$ ^{64}\text{Cu} $ [8,10],$ ^{65}\text{Zn} $ [11],$ ^{69}\text{Zn} $ [11]之间的差值Figure 7. The difference between the predicted values of nuclear charge radius (obtained by the CR2013 database) and experimental values
$ ^{37}\text{K} $ [9],$ ^{48}\text{K} $ [9],$ ^{64}\text{Cu} $ [8,10],$ ^{65}\text{Zn} $ [11],$ ^{69}\text{Zn} $ [11] in recent years.表 1 不同壳层范围的拟合参数 (单位: u/fm3)
Table 1. The parameter of different shell regions (in units of u/fm3).
Region $C_n$ $\delta1$ $a_n$ $\delta2$ 8 ≤ N ≤ 20 0.276 0.010 –0.828 0.153 21 ≤ N ≤ 28 0.363 0.007 –2.86 0.171 29 ≤ N ≤ 39 0.206 0.007 1.649 0.256 40 ≤ N ≤ 50 0.383 0.005 –5.387 0.217 51 ≤ N ≤ 66 0.242 0.005 1.812 0.316 67 ≤ N ≤ 82 0.345 0.007 –4.754 0.557 83 ≤ N ≤ 104 0.227 0.006 4.774 0.573 105 ≤ N ≤ 126 0.371 0.003 –9.614 0.433 127 ≤ N 0.230 0.003 8.088 0.516 -
[1] Campbell P, Moore I D, Pearson M R 2016 Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 86 127
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[6] Angeli I 2004 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 87 185
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[7] Angeli I 1999 International Nuclear Data Commitee online: http://iaeand.iaea.or.at/indcsel.html.
[8] De Groote R P, Billowes J, Binnersley C L, et al. 2020 Nat. Phys. 16 620
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[50] Ma Y F, Su C, Liu J, Ren Z Z, Xu C, Gao Y H 2020 Phys. Rev. C 101 014304
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[51] Audi G, Kondev F G, Wang M, Huang W J, Naimi S 2017 Chin. Phys. C 41 030001
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[52] Wang M, Huang W J, Kondev F G, Audi G, Naimi S 2021 Chin. Phys. C 45 030003
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[53] 卢希庭, 江栋兴, 叶沿林 2000 原子核物理 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第7—9 页
Lu X T, Jiang D X, Ye Y L 2000 Nuclear Physics (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) pp7–9 (in Chinese)
[54] Fu G J, Bao M, He Z, Jiang H, Zhao Y M, Arima A 2012 Phys. Rev. C 86 054303
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