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An efficient calculation method for particle transport problems based on neural network

Ma Rui-Yao Wang Xin Li Shu Yong Heng Shangguan Dan-Hua


An efficient calculation method for particle transport problems based on neural network

Ma Rui-Yao, Wang Xin, Li Shu, Yong Heng, Shangguan Dan-Hua
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Monte Carlo (MC) method is a powerful tool for solving particle transport problems. However, it is extremely time-consuming to obtain results that meet the specified statistical error requirements, especially for large-scale refined models. This paper focuses on improving the computational efficiency of neutron transport simulations. Specifically, this study presents a novel method of efficiently calculating neutron fixed source problems, which has many applications. This type of particle transport problem aims at obtaining a fixed target tally corresponding to different source distributions for fixed geometry and material. First, an efficient simulation is achieved by treating the source distribution as the input to a neural network, with the estimated target tally as the output. This neural network is trained with data from MC simulations of diverse source distributions, ensuring its reusability. Second, since the data acquisition is time consuming, the importance principle of MC method is utilized to efficiently generate training data. This method has been tested on several benchmark models. The relative errors resulting from neural networks are less than 5% and the times needed to obtain these results are negligible compared with those for original Monte Carlo simulations. In conclusion, in this work we propose a method to train neural networks, with MC simulation results containing importance data and we also use this network to accelerate the computation of neutron fixed source problems.
      Corresponding author: Shangguan Dan-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12305173, 12375164, 12331010), the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U2230208), and the Key Laboratory of Nuclear Data Foundation, China (Grant No. JCKY2022201C155).

    Wu Y C 2017 Fusion Neutronics (Singapore: Springer Singapore) p21


    邓力, 李刚 2019 粒子输运问题的蒙特卡罗模拟方法与应用 (北京: 科学出版社)

    Deng L, Li G 2019 Monte Carlo Simulation Methods and Applications for Particle Transport Problems (Beijing: Science Press


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  • 图 1  本文技术路线图

    Figure 1.  Study framework of this paper.

    图 2  用于代理加速MC模拟的神经网络结构

    Figure 2.  Data-driven neural network for Monte Carlo simulation.

    图 3  重要性结果和MC模拟结果对比(MC-MC计算结果, IMP-重要性原理计算结果)

    Figure 3.  Comparison of results of MC simulation and importance data (MC- results of Monte Carlo simulation, IMP- results of importance data).

    图 4  网络训练损失曲线 (a) 使用 1000 个MC模拟结果样本进行训练; (b) 结合重要性数据和MC结果进行训练

    Figure 4.  Network training loss curves: (a) Trained with 1000 results samples of MC simulation; (b) trained with a combination of importance data and MC results.

    图 5  Kobayashi-1模型几何示意图

    Figure 5.  Diagram of Kobayashi-1 benchmark

    图 6  Kobayashi-1模型不同探测器的网络预测偏差分布

    Figure 6.  Deviation distributions of predicted-results for different detectors by networks of Kobayashi-1.

    图 7  HBR-2模型几何结构示意图

    Figure 7.  Detector geometry diagram of HBR-2 benchmark.

    图 8  HBR-2模型不同探测器的网络预测偏差分布

    Figure 8.  Deviation distributions of predicted-results for different detectors by networks of HBR-2.

    表 1  简单模型相空间划分参数

    Table 1.  Phase space meshing parameters of the Fe model.

    变量 范围 网格尺寸 网格数目
    X/Y/Z –3—3 cm 0.2 cm 30
    E 9—10 MeV 0.2 MeV 10
    U 1.04—2.05 rad 0.2 rad 5
    W 1.04—2.05 rad 0.2 rad 5
    注: X/Y/Z 为相空间网格空间维度在X/Y/Z 方向坐标; E 为相空间网格能量维度坐标; U/W 为相空间网格角度维度在极角和方位角的坐标
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  Kobayashi模型相空间划分参数

    Table 2.  Phase space division parameters of Kobayashi benchmark.

    X/Y/Z–10.1—10.1 cm0.2 cm100
    U0—1.57 rad0.79 rad11
    W0—1.57 rad0.79 rad11
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  Kobayashi模型不同探测器的网络预测结果

    Table 3.  Prediction results for different detectors by networks of Kobayashi-1.

    基准题 探测器
    训练偏差 验证偏差 测试偏差
    Kobayashi-1-i (15, 15, 15) 0.0424 0.0458 0.0408
    (25, 25, 25) 0.0426 0.0431 0.0442
    (35, 35, 35) 0.0473 0.0478 0.0458
    (45, 45, 45) 0.0473 0.0483 0.0452
    Kobayashi-1-ii (15, 15, 15) 0.0392 0.0401 0.0387
    (25, 25, 25) 0.0394 0.0404 0.0364
    (35, 35, 35) 0.0402 0.0456 0.0443
    (45, 45, 45) 0.0413 0.0455 0.0425
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  Kobayashi-1模型不同探测器的网络预测偏差分布

    Table 4.  Deviation distributions of predicted-results for different detectors by networks of Kobayashi-1.

    基准题 探测器位置/cm 测试偏差
    均值 最大值 标准差 < 0.05比例*/%
    Kobayashi-1-i (15, 15, 15) 0.0408 0.152 0.0078 95.5
    (25, 25, 25) 0.0442 0.178 0.0116 94.2
    (35, 35, 35) 0.0458 0.214 0.0256 92.6
    (45, 45, 45) 0.0452 0.220 0.0250 92.2
    Kobayashi-1-ii (15, 15, 15) 0.0387 0.126 0.0106 96.2
    (25, 25, 25) 0.0364 0.211 0.0230 95.7
    (35, 35, 35) 0.0443 0.245 0.0288 93.4
    (45, 45, 45) 0.0425 0.253 0.0298 93.3
    注: *预测结果与真值相对偏差小于5%的样本占总测试样本量的比例
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  HBR-2模型不同探测器的网络预测结果

    Table 5.  Prediction results for different location detector networks of HBR-2 benchmark.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 6  HBR-2模型不同探测器的网络预测偏差分布

    Table 6.  Deviation distributions of predicted-results for different detectors by networks of HBR-2.

    探测器 测试偏差
    均值 最大值 标准差 < 0.05比例*
    0.0398 0.0826 0.0096 92.3%
    0.0442 0.0965 0.0132 90.2%
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Wu Y C 2017 Fusion Neutronics (Singapore: Springer Singapore) p21


    邓力, 李刚 2019 粒子输运问题的蒙特卡罗模拟方法与应用 (北京: 科学出版社)

    Deng L, Li G 2019 Monte Carlo Simulation Methods and Applications for Particle Transport Problems (Beijing: Science Press


    Shangguan D H, Yan W H, Wei J X, Gao Z M, Chen Y B, Ji Z C 2023 Nucl. Sci. Tech. 34 58Google Scholar


    上官丹骅, 闫威华, 魏军侠, 高志明, 陈艺冰, 姬志成 2022 71 090501Google Scholar

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    Wagner J C, Peplow D E, Mosher S W 2014 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 176 37Google Scholar


    Sun A K, Chen Z P, Li L M, Liu C W, Yu T 2022 Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference Beijing, China, November 1–4, 2022 p821


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    Hu Z H, Ying Y J, Yong H, Xu R R 2023 At. Energy Sci. Technol. 57 812Google Scholar


    Lu H Y, Li C H, Chen B B, Li W, Qi Y, Meng Z Y 2022 Chin. Phys. Lett. 39 050701Google Scholar


    Ma Y G, Pang L G, Wang R, Zhou K 2023 Chin. Phys. Lett. 40 122101Google Scholar


    Sun K W, Wang F 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 070705Google Scholar


    武长春, 周莆钧, 王俊杰, 李国, 胡绍刚, 于奇, 刘洋 2022 71 148401Google Scholar

    Wu C C, Zhou P J, Wang J J, Li G, Hu S G, Yu Q, Liu Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 148401Google Scholar


    杨莹, 曹怀信 2023 72 110301Google Scholar

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    张海明, 张昊春 2022 现代应用物理 13 020209Google Scholar

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    Kim S H, Shin S G, Han S, Kim M H, Pyeon C H 2020 Prog. Nucl. Energy 119 103183Google Scholar


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    Peng Z, Shan H M, Liu T Y, Pei X, Wang G, Xu X G 2019 IEEE Access 7 76680Google Scholar


    Ma J H, Piao Z, Huang S, Duan X M, Qin G G, Zhou L H, Xu Y 2021 Photonics Res. 9 B45Google Scholar


    Romano P K, Horelik N E, Herman B R, Nelson A G, Forget B, Smith K 2015 Ann. Nucl. Energy 82 90Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  17 October 2023
  • Accepted Date:  02 February 2024
  • Available Online:  06 February 2024
  • Published Online:  05 April 2024

