The dynamic relaxation process of amorphous alloys is an important issue to understand the diffusion behavior, plastic deformation as well as glass transition phenomenon. In the current research, (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25 amorphous alloy with a pronounced β relaxation process was selected as a model system to study the dynamic mechanical relaxation processes. Influence of driving frequency, physical aging and applied strain amplitude on the β relaxation of the La-based metallic glass was probed process using dynamic mechanical analysis. The experimental results demonstrated that the peak of the β relaxation process shifts to high temperature by increasing the driving frequency. Physical aging below the glass transition temperature induces a decrease of the intensity of the β relaxation process. The “defects” of amorphous alloy decreases during the physical aging process, which is ascribed to the glassy system shifts to more stable state induced by physical aging treatment. In parallel, the intensity of the β relaxation process of the amorphous alloy increases by increasing strain amplitude. The research sheds new light on further understanding the physical origin of β relaxation process of the amorphous alloy.
- Amorphous alloy /
- Dynamic mechanical relaxation /
- Physical aging /
- Microstructural heterogeneity
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图 2 (a) (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25非晶合金归一化储能模量
${E'}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ 和损耗模量${E''}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ 随温度的演化(升温速率: 3 K/min, 加载频率: 0.7 Hz); (b) (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25非晶合金归一化损耗模量${E''}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ 在不同加载频率随温度的演化 (升温速率为3 K/min). 插图是β弛豫峰温与加载频率的关系, 实线为Arrhenius方程拟合Figure 2. (a) Temperature dependence of the normalized storage modulus
${E'}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ and loss modulus${E''}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ for (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25 amorphous alloy (heating rate: 3 K/min , driving frequency: 0.7 Hz); (b) temperature dependence of the normalized loss modulus${E''}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ for (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25 amorphous alloy with different frequency. Inset shows the frequency versus peak temperature of the β relaxation, the solid line is the Arrhenius equation fit.图 3 (a) 不同温度下(La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25非晶合金损耗模量
${E''}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ 随加载频率演化; (b) (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25非晶合金等温和连续加热条件下β弛豫峰温与频率的关系, 实线为Arrhenius方程拟合Figure 3. (a) Frequency dependence of the normalized loss modulus
${E''}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ for (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25 amorphous alloy with different temperature; (b) the frequency versus peak temperature of the β relaxation with different states (isochronal mode and frequency sweep mode), the solid line is the Arrhenius equation fit.图 4 (a) (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25非晶合金等温原位退火过程储能模量
${E'}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ 和内耗$ \tan\delta $ 随退火时间演化(退火温度为403 K, 加载频率为1 Hz, 实线为KWW拟合); (b) (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25非晶合金在铸态和退火态(退火样品的退火温度为403 K, 退火时间为10 h)储能模量和损耗模量随温度演化过程(升温速率: 3 K/min, 加载频率: 1 Hz)Figure 4. (a) Time dependence of the loss factor
$ \tan\delta $ and normalized storage modulus${E'}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ of (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25 amorphous alloy, annealing temperature is 403 K, driving frequency is 1 Hz, the solid line is the best fitting by the KWW equation); (b) annealing temperature is 403 K, annealing time is 10 h, temperature dependence of the normalized storage modulus${E'}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ and loss modulus${E''}/{{E}}_{\text{u}}$ of (La0.6Ce0.4)65Al10Co25 amorphous alloy with different states (as-cast and annealed state, heating rate: 3 K/min driving frequency: 1 Hz). -
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