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Switchable frequency terahertz vortex beam generator

Zhong Min Li Jiu-Sheng


Switchable frequency terahertz vortex beam generator

Zhong Min, Li Jiu-Sheng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Most of the reported vortex beam generators generate vortex beams at a fixed frequency, which limits the practical applications. Therefore, it is inevitable to explore a vortex beam generator, which can actively control the operating frequency. We propose a switchable frequency terahertz vortex beam metasurface, it is freely switchable under single-frequency mode and dual-frequency mode by changing the external temperature, the phase state of vanadium dioxide (VO2) is also changeable. External temperature changes will cause VO2 to transform from insulating state to metallic state. Generally, VO2 conductivity can increase by several orders of magnitude as operating temperature changes. By using the phase change property of VO2, we can obtain a metasurface with switchable operating frequencies. For operating at room temperature, the proposed metasurface behaves as a single-frequency terahertz vortex generator. When (left-handed circularly polarized, LCP) terahertz wave is vertically incident on the metasurface, it generates vortex beams with different topological charge numbers at a frequency of 1.1 THz, and the mode purity is above 85%. The simulation results show that the mode purity of the vortex beam with the topological charge l = 1 is 90%, and the mode purity is about 91.1% for the vortex beam with l = 2, and 85.4% for the vortex beam with l = 3. When the external temperature is of 68 ℃, the designed metasurface becomes a dual-frequency vortex beam generator. At this time, the operating frequencies of vortex beams with different topological charges (l = 1, 2, 3) are 0.7 and 1.23 THz, whose mode purities are both above 60%. That is to say, the corresponding mode purities at topological charge with l = 1 for two operating frequencies are 89.1% and 71.6%, respectively. The mode purities are 83.2% and 94.4% with topological charge l = 2, respectively. The mode purities are 62.4% and 68.2% with topological charge l = 3, respectively. Therefore, the proposed switchable frequency terahertz vortex generator provides a new design idea for working frequency modulation in wireless terahertz communication.
      Corresponding author: Li Jiu-Sheng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61871355, 61831012), the Talent Project of Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No. 2018R52043), and the Zhejiang Provincial Key R & D Project of China (Grant Nos. 2021C03153, 2022C03166).

    Wang D, Li N N, Li Z S, Chen C, Lee B, Wang Q H 2022 Opt. Express 30 3157Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  频率可切换太赫兹涡旋波束调控示意图 (a) 25 ℃时, LCP波入射、RCP涡旋波输出; (b) 68 ℃时, LCP波入射、两个频率的RCP涡旋波输出

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of switchable frequency terahertz vortex beam regulation: (a) At room temperature, the LCP wave incidence and RCP vortex wave output; (b) at 68 ℃, the LCP wave is incidence and RCP vortex wave output under two frequencies.

    图 2  不同温度下超表面单元结构的(a), (c)透射振幅和(b), (d)相位 (a), (b) 室温; (c), (d) 68 ℃

    Figure 2.  (a), (c) Transmission amplitudes and (b), (d) phases of metasurface cell structure under different temperatures: (a), (b) Room temperature; (c), (d) 68 ℃.

    图 3  l = 1, 2, 3时, 频率可切换太赫兹涡旋波束超表面的(a)—(c)相位分布与(d)—(f)单元阵列排布 (a), (d) l = 1; (b), (e) l = 2; (c), (f) l = 3

    Figure 3.  Phase distribution (a)–(c) and cell array arrangement (d)–(f) of switchable frequency terahertz vortex beam metasurface (l = 1, 2, 3): (a), (d) l = 1; (b), (e) l = 2; (c), (f) l = 3.

    图 4  室温下, f = 1.1 THz涡旋波束在不同拓扑荷数下的远场强度、远场相位、电场相位和振幅图 (a) l = 1; (b) l = 2; (c) l = 3

    Figure 4.  At room temperature, far-field intensity, far-field phase, electric field phase and amplitude of vortex beam with different topological charges at a frequency of 1.1 THz: (a) l = 1; (b) l = 2; (c) l = 3.

    图 5  室温下, f = 1.1 THz涡旋波束在不同拓扑荷数下的模式纯度 (a) l = 1; (b) l = 2; (c) l = 3

    Figure 5.  At room temperature, mode purity of vortex beam with different topological charges at a frequency of 1.1 THz: (a) l = 1; (b) l = 2; (c) l = 3.

    图 6  温度为68 ℃时, 拓扑荷数l = 1的涡旋波束的远场强度、远场相位、电场相位和振幅图 (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz

    Figure 6.  Far-field intensity, far-field phase, electric field phase and amplitude of vortex beam with topological charge l = 1 at 68 ℃: (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz.

    图 7  温度为68 ℃时, 拓扑荷数l = 1的涡旋波束的模式纯度 (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz

    Figure 7.  Mode purity of vortex beam with topological charge l = 1 at 68 ℃: (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz.

    图 8  温度为68 ℃时, 拓扑荷数l = 2的涡旋波束远场强度、远场相位、电场相位和振幅图 (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz

    Figure 8.  Far-field intensity, far-field phase, electric field phase and amplitude of vortex beam with topological charge l = 2 at 68 ℃: (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz.

    图 9  68 ℃时, 拓扑荷数l = 2的涡旋波束的模式纯度 (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz

    Figure 9.  Mode purity of vortex beam with topological charge l = 2 at 68 ℃: (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz.

    图 10  温度为68 ℃时, 拓扑荷数l = 3的涡旋波束远场强度、远场相位、电场相位和振幅图 (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz

    Figure 10.  Far-field intensity, far-field phase, electric field phase and amplitude of vortex beam with topological charge l = 3 at 68 ℃: (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz.

    图 11  温度为68 ℃时, 拓扑荷数l = 3的涡旋波束的模式纯度 (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz

    Figure 11.  Mode purity of vortex beam with topological charge l = 3 at 68 ℃: (a) f = 0.7 THz; (b) f = 1.23 THz.

  • [1]

    Wang D, Li N N, Li Z S, Chen C, Lee B, Wang Q H 2022 Opt. Express 30 3157Google Scholar


    Inoue K, Anand A, Cho M 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 1470Google Scholar


    Yang Z B, Tang D Y, Hu J, Tang M J, Zhang M K, Cui H L, Wang L H, Chang C, Fan C H, Li J, Wang H B 2021 Small 17 2005814Google Scholar


    Oda N 2010 C. R. Physique 11 496Google Scholar


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    Zhou Z, Cao Z J, Pi Y M 2018 Sensors 18 10Google Scholar


    Han J Q, Li L, Yi H, Shi Y 2018 Opt. Mater. Express 8 3470Google Scholar


    Bao L, Fu X J, Wu R Y, Ma Q, Cui T J 2021 Adv. Mater. Technol. 6 2001032Google Scholar


    李晓楠, 周璐, 赵国 2019 68 238101Google Scholar

    Li X N, Zhou L, Zhao G Z 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 238101Google Scholar


    Li W Y, Zhao G Z, Meng T H, Sun R, Guo J Y 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 058103Google Scholar


    Zhang X D, Kong D P, Yuan Y, Mei S, Wang L L, Wang G X 2020 Opt. Commun. 465 125561Google Scholar


    Tang S W, Li X K, Pan W K, Zhou J, Jiang T, Ding F 2019 Opt. Express 27 4281Google Scholar


    Akram M R, Mehmood M Q, Bai X D, Jin R H, Premaratne M, Zhu W R 2019 Adv. Opt. Mater. 7 1801628Google Scholar


    Liu KY, Wang G M, Cai T, Dai B J, Xia Y, Li H P, Guo W L 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 255002Google Scholar


    Xin M B, Xie R S, Zhai G H, Gao J J, Zhang D J, Wang X, An S S, Zheng B W, Zhang H L, Ding J 2020 Opt. Express 28 17374Google Scholar


    Xie J F, Guo H M, Zhuang S L, Hu J B 2021 Opt. Express 29 3081Google Scholar


    Cheng K X, Hu Z D, Kong X L, Shen X P, Wang J C 2022 Opt. Commun. 507 127631Google Scholar


    Ding F, Zhong S M, Bozhevolnyi S I 2018 Adv. Opt. Mater. 6 1701204Google Scholar


    Liu X B, Wang Q, Zhang X Q, Li H, Xu Q, Xu Y H, Chen X Y, Li S X, Liu M, Tian Z, Zhang C H, Zou C W, Han J G, Zhang W L 2019 Adv. Opt. Mater. 7 1900175Google Scholar


    Fan J P, Cheng Y Z 2020 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 025109Google Scholar


    Bi F, Ba Z L, Wang X 2018 Opt. Express 26 25693Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  15 June 2022
  • Accepted Date:  14 July 2022
  • Available Online:  22 October 2022
  • Published Online:  05 November 2022

