Amorphous alloys exhibit unique physical and mechanical properties, which are closely connected with their microstructural heterogeneity. The correlation between structural heterogeneity and mechanical properties is one of the important issues of amorphous alloys. Micro-alloying is an effective way to tune the mechanical and physical properties of amorphous alloys. In the present study, Zr50–xCu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x = 0 and 2) amorphous alloys with ability to form excellent glass are chosen as model alloys. The evolutions of heat flow and shear modulus in different states (as-cast, relaxed and crystalline) with temperature of Zr50–xCu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x = 0 and 2) glass system are studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electromagnetic-acoustic transformation (EMAT) technique, respectively. The experiment demonstrates that a decrease of the shear modulus is accompanied by the endothermic heat flow and vice versa. The correlation between the heat flow and shear modulus is investigated according to the interstitialcy theory. The calculations of the interstitialcy defect concentration and activation energy spectra suggest that the microstructure remains stable at relatively low temperatures. When temperature increases, the interstitialcy defect structure is activated. Compared with that in the as-cast state, the interstitialcy defect concentration in the relaxed state is reduced by structural relaxation, indicating that temperature-dependent shear modulus softening is inhibited. At temperatures above glass transition temperature, a rapid growth of interstitialcy defect concentration results in the accelerated shear softening, which is accompanied by significant endothermic heat flow. It is noted that the minor addition of palladium reduces the interstitialcy defect concentration in the Zr50–xCu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x = 0 and 2) metallic glass systems. It is suggested that the introduction of Pd reduces the atomic mobility and increases the characteristic relaxation time. In parallel, the change of shear modulus as a function of the aging time (below the glass transition temperature) is studied by using EMAT equipment. The results indicate that the interstitialcy defect concentration decreases in the physical aging process, which is accompanied by an increase of shear modulus. The interstitialcy defect concentration and shear modulus change towards the quasi-equilibrium state with aging time increasing. A reduction of the interstitialcy defect concentration leads to a decrease of the shear modulus change upon microalloying by Pd into Zr50–x Cu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x = 0 and 2) metallic glass system.
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图 1 (a) Zr50Cu34Ag8Al8和(b)Zr48Cu34Ag8Al8Pd2非晶合金DSC曲线. Run1为由室温升温至715 K的过程, Run2为室温升温至823 K的过程, Run3为室温升温至823 K的过程. 升温速率为3 K/min; (c) Zr50–xCu34Ag8Al8Pdx(x = 0, 2)非晶合金铸态DSC曲线; (d)升温过程示意图
Figure 1. (a) DSC curves of Zr50Cu34Ag8Al8 and (b) Zr48Cu34Ag8Al8Pd2 metallic glasses. Run1, Run2 and Run3 correspond to heating from room temperature up to 715 K, 823 K and 823 K, respectively; (c) DSC curves of Zr50–xCu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x = 0, 2) metallic glasses (as-cast state) on an enlarged scale; (d) schematic diagram of heating process.
图 3 Zr50–xCu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x = 0, 2)非晶合金的(a)铸态和弛豫态自间隙缺陷浓度以及(b)自间隙缺陷浓度随温度的变化率(
${{{\rm{d}}c(T)} / {{\rm{d}}T}}$ )随温度的演化Figure 3. (a) Evolution of the defect concentration in the as-cast and relaxed samples and (b) the rate of defect concentration change (
${{{\rm{d}}c(T)} / {{\rm{d}}T}}$ ) as a function of temperature for Zr50–xCu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x = 0, 2) metallic glasses. -
[1] Qiao J C, Wang Q, Crespo D, Yang Y, Pelletier J M 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 016402
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[2] Debenedetti P G, Stillinger F H 2001 Nature 410 259
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[3] Torquato S 2000 Nature 405 521
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[4] 王军强, 欧阳酥 2017 66 176102
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Wang J Q, Ouyang S 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 176102
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[5] Qiao J C, Wang Q, Pelletier J M, Kato H, Casalini R, Crespo D, Pineda E, Yao Y, Yang Y 2019 Prog. Mater Sci. 104 250
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[6] Wang W H 2012 Prog. Mater Sci. 57 487
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[7] 王峥, 汪卫华 2017 66 176103
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Wang Z, Wang W H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 176103
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[8] Perez J 1988 Polymer 29 483
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[10] Spaepen F 1977 Acta Metall. 25 407
[11] Dyre, J C 2008 Rev. Mod. Phys. 78 953
[12] Makarov A S, Khonik V A, Mitrofanov Y P, Granato A V, Joncich D M, Khonik S V 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 091908
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[13] Chen H S 1980 Rep. Prog. Phys. 43 353
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[14] Kobelev N P, Khonik V A 2015 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 427 184
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[16] Demetriou M D, Harmon J S, Tao M, Duan G, Samwer K, Johnson W L 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 065502
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[18] Granato A V 2014 Eur. Phys. J. B 87 18
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[19] Khonik V A 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 016401
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[20] Makarov A S, Mitrofanov Y P, Afonin G V, Kobelev N P, Khonik V A 2019 Scripta Mater. 168 10
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[21] Hao Q, Qiao J C, Goncharova E V, Afonin G V, Liu M N, Cheng Y T, Khonik V A 2020 Chin. Phys. B 29 86402
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[22] Duan Y J, Qiao J C, Crespo D, Goncharova E V, Makarov A S, Afonin G V, Khonik V A 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 830 154564
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[23] Jiang Q K, Wang X D, Nie X P, Zhang G Q, Ma H, Fecht H J, Bednarcik J, Franz H, Liu Y G, Cao Q P, Jiang J Z 2008 Acta Mater. 56 1785
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[24] Afonin G V, Mitrofanov Y P, Makarov A S, Kobelev N P, Wang W H, Khonik V A 2016 Acta Mater. 115 204
Google Scholar
[25] 张浪渟, Khonik V A, 乔吉超 2020 力学学报 52 1709
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Zhang L T, Khonik V A, Qiao J C 2020 Chin. J Theor. Appl. Mech. 52 1709
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[26] Cheng Y T, Hao Q, Qiao J C, Crespo D, Pineda E, Pelletier J M 2021 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 553 120496
Google Scholar
[27] Vasilev A N, Gaidukov Y P 1983 Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 141 431
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[28] Zhang W, Zhang Q, Inoue A 2008 Adv. Eng. Mater. 10 1034
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[29] Makarov S, Mitrofanov Y P, Afonin G V, Kobelev N P, Khonik V A 2017 Intermetallics 87 1
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[30] Tao K, Qiao J C, He Q F, Song K K, Yang Y 2021 Int. J. Mech. Sci. 201 106469
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[31] Khonik S V, Granato A V, Joncich D M, Pompe A, Khonik V A 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 065501
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[32] Ma E 2015 Nat. Mater. 14 547
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[33] Yu H B, Shen X, Wang Z, Gu L, Wang W H, Bai H Y 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 015504
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[34] Shen J, Huang Y J, Sun J F 2007 J. Mater. Res. 22 3067
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[35] Ketov S V, Sun Y H, Nachum S, Lu Z, Checchi A, Beraldin A R, Bai H Y, Wang W H, Louzguine-Luzgin D V, Carpenter M A, Greer A L 2015 Nature 524 200
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[36] Park K W, Lee C M, Wakeda M, Shibutani Y, Falk M L, Lee J C 2008 Acta Mater. 56 5440
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[37] Tong Y, Iwashita T, Dmowski W, Bei H, Yokoyama Y, Egami T 2015 Acta Mater. 86 240
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[38] Lu Z, Jiao W, Wang W H, Bai H Y 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 045501
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[39] Qiao J C, Yao Y, Pelletier J M, Keer L M 2016 Int. J. Plast. 82 62
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