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Numerical analysis of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells on Si substrate

Liu Hui-Cheng Xu Jia-Xiong Lin Jun-Hui


Numerical analysis of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells on Si substrate

Liu Hui-Cheng, Xu Jia-Xiong, Lin Jun-Hui
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) solar cell prepared on Si substrate has an advantage of low lattice mismatch between CZTS and Si substrate, but the conversion efficiency of reported p-CZTS/n-Si solar cells is still low at present. In this work, the CZTS solar cells on Si substrate are calculated numerically by heterojunction solar cell simulation software Afors-het. The calculated results show that the p-CZTS and n-Si act as window layer and absorber respectively in the p-CZTS/n-Si solar cell because the band gap of p-CZTS is larger than that of n-Si. The conversion efficiency of p-CZTS/n-Si solar cell increases as the thickness of p-CZTS window layer decreases. The highest calculated conversion efficiency of p-CZTS/n-Si solar cell is 18.57%. In the best p-CZTS/n-Si solar cell, most of the incident light cannot pass through the p-CZTS window layer due to the high absorption coefficient of p-CZTS, which limits the conversion efficiency of solar cell. In order to solve the problems existing in the p-CZTS/n-Si structure, a novel n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si solar cell structure is proposed, where n-ZnO:Al and i-ZnO are window layers, n-CdS is buffer layer, p-CZTS is absorber, and p-Si is substrate and back electrode. The dark current density-voltage (J-V) characteristic curves of p-CZTS/p-Si structure varying with the thickness and doping concentration of p-Si and the doping concentration of p-CZTS are calculated to investigate the feasibility of p-Si as a back electrode of p-CZTS. All the calculated J-V characteristic curves of p-CZTS/p-Si structure are linear, indicating the formation of ohmic contact between p-CZTS and p-Si. The photovoltaic properties of n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si solar cell are further calculated. The built-in electric field distributed in n-ZnO:Al, i-ZnO, n-CdS, and p-CZTS contribute to the collection of photo-generated carriers. The conversion efficiency of n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si solar cell is enhanced with the decrease of the thickness of p-Si and the increase of doping concentrations of p-Si and p-CZTS and the thickness of p-CZTS. Without considering the effect of parasitic series resistance and parallel resistance and defect states, the highest conversion efficiency of ideal n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si solar cell is 28.41%. The calculated results in this work show that the n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si solar cell has an appropriate structure for CZTS solar cell on Si substrate.
      Corresponding author: Xu Jia-Xiong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61504029) and the Science and Technology Project of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2017A010104017)

    Matsushita H, Ichikawa T, Katsui A 2005 J. Mater. Sci. 40 2003Google Scholar


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    Jiang F, Shen H L, Wang W, Zhang L 2011 Appl. Phys. Express 4 074101Google Scholar


    许佳雄, 姚若河 2012 61 187304Google Scholar

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    Prabeesh P, Selvam I P, Potty S N 2016 Thin Solid Films 606 94Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  仿真结构示意图 (a) p-CZTS/n-Si; (b) p-CZTS/p-Si; (c) n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si

    Figure 1.  Diagrams of different structures: (a) p-CZTS/n-Si; (b) p-CZTS/p-Si; (c) n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/CdS/CZTS/p-Si.

    图 2  p-CZTS/n-Si太阳能电池性能随 (a) n-Si的厚度dn-Si, (b) n-Si的掺杂浓度Nn-Si, (c) p-CZTS的厚度dp-CZTS, (d) p-CZTS的掺杂浓度Np-CZTS的变化关系

    Figure 2.  The performances of p-CZTS/n-Si solar cell with the changes of (a) the thickness of n-Si (dn-Si), (b) the doping concentration of n-Si (Nn-Si), (c) the thickness of p-CZTS (dp-CZTS), (d) the doping concentration of p-CZTS (Np-CZTS).

    图 3  最优p-CZTS/n-Si太阳能电池的 (a) J–V特性曲线, (b)光谱响应, (c)载流子产生率分布图

    Figure 3.  The (a) J–V characteristic curve, (b) spectral response, (c) generation rate distribution of the optimal p-CZTS/n-Si solar cell

    图 4  p-CZTS/p-Si的J-V特性曲线随p-Si厚度dp-Si的变化

    Figure 4.  J-V characteristic curves of p-CZTS/p-Si with the change of the thickness of p-Si (dp-Si).

    图 5  p-CZTS/p-Si的J-V特性曲线随p-Si掺杂浓度Np-Si的变化

    Figure 5.  J-V characteristic curves of p-CZTS/p-Si with the change of the doping concentration of p-Si (Np-Si).

    图 6  p-Si掺杂浓度为 (a) 1 × 1015 cm–3, (b) 1 × 1017 cm–3, (c) 1 × 1019 cm–3时, p-CZTS/p-Si的能带图

    Figure 6.  Band diagrams of p-CZTS/p-Si when the doping concentrations of p-Si are (a) 1 × 1015 cm–3, (b) 1 × 1017 cm–3, (c) 1 × 1019 cm–3

    图 7  p-CZTS/p-Si的J-V特性曲线随p-CZTS掺杂浓度Np-CZTS的变化

    Figure 7.  J-V characteristic curves of p-CZTS/p-Si with the change of the doping concentration of p-CZTS (Np-CZTS).

    图 8  p-CZTS掺杂浓度为 (a) 1 × 1015 cm–3, (b) 1 × 1017 cm–3, (c) 1 × 1019 cm–3时, p-CZTS/p-Si的能带图

    Figure 8.  Band diagrams of p-CZTS/p-Si when the doping concentrations of p-CZTS are (a) 1 × 1015 cm–3, (b) 1 × 1017 cm–3, (c) 1 × 1019 cm–3.

    图 9  n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si太阳能电池的性能随 (a) p-Si厚度dp-Si, (b) p-Si掺杂浓度Np-Si, (c) p-CZTS厚度dp-CZTS, (d) p-CZTS掺杂浓度Np-CZTS的变化关系

    Figure 9.  The performances of n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si solar cell with the changes of (a) the thickness of p-Si (dp-Si), (b) the doping concentration of p-Si (Np-Si), (c) the thickness of p-CZTS (dp-CZTS), (d) the doping concentration of p-CZTS (Np-CZTS).

    图 10  优化的n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si太阳能电池的 (a) J–V特性曲线, (b)光谱响应, (c)内建电场, (d)能带图

    Figure 10.  The (a) J–V characteristic curve, (b) spectral response, (c) built-in electric field, (d) band diagram of the optimal n-ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/n-CdS/p-CZTS/p-Si solar cell.

    表 1  仿真参数取值

    Table 1.  Simulated parameters.

    导带有效密度/cm–32.2 × 10181.8 × 10192.2 × 10182.2 × 10183.32 × 10183.32 × 1018
    价带有效密度/cm–31.8 × 10192.4 × 10181.8 × 10191.8 × 10191.44 × 10191.44 × 1019
    施主掺杂浓度/cm–301 × 10171 × 1051 × 10180变量
    缺陷浓度/cm–31 × 10126 × 10161 × 10171 × 1017
    电子俘获截面/cm24.13 × 10–141 × 10–171 × 10–121 × 10–12
    空穴俘获截面/cm24.13 × 10–111 × 10–131 × 10–151 × 10–15
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    Matsushita H, Ichikawa T, Katsui A 2005 J. Mater. Sci. 40 2003Google Scholar


    Steinhagen C, Panthani M G, Akhavan V, Goodfellow B, Koo B, Korgel B A 2009 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 12554Google Scholar


    Todorov T, Gunawan O, Chey S J, De Monsabert T G, Prabhakar A, Mitzi D B 2011 Thin Solid Films 519 7378Google Scholar


    Scragg J J, Dale P J, Peter L M, Zoppi G, Forbes I 2008 Phys. Status Solidi B 245 1772Google Scholar


    Maklavani S E, Mohammadnejad S 2020 Sol. Energy 204 489Google Scholar


    Nadaraja M, Singh O P, Gour K S, Singh V N 2020 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 20 3925Google Scholar


    Akcay N, Ataser T, Ozen Y, Ozcelik S 2020 Thin Solid Films 704 138028Google Scholar


    Karade V, Lokhande A, Babar P, Gang M G, Suryawanshi M, Patil P, Kim J H 2019 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 200 109911Google Scholar


    Ataca C, Topsakal M, Akturk E, Ciraci S 2011 J. Phys. Chem. C 115 16354Google Scholar


    Song N, Young M, Liu F Y, Erslev P, Wilson S, Harvey S P, Teeter G, Huang Y D, Hao X J, Green M A 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 252102Google Scholar


    Xu J X, Yang Y Z, Cao Z M, Xie Z W 2016 Optik 127 1567Google Scholar


    Shin B H, Zhu Y, Gershon T, Bojarczuk N A, Guha S 2014 Thin Solid Films 556 9Google Scholar


    Sheng X, Wang L, Tian Y, Luo Y P, Chang L T, Yang D R 2013 J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Electron. 24 548Google Scholar


    李琳, 文亚南, 董燕, 汪壮兵, 梁齐 2012 真空 49 45Google Scholar

    Li L, Wen Y N, Dong Y, Wang Z B, Liang Q 2012 Vacuum 49 45Google Scholar


    Yeh M Y, Lei P H, Lin S H, Yang C D 2016 Materials 9 526Google Scholar


    Singh S, Katiyar A K, Midya A, Ghorai A, Ray S K 2017 Nanotechnology 28 435704Google Scholar


    Wang W, Winkler M T, Gunawan O, Gokmen T, Todorov T K, Zhu Y, Mitzi D B 2014 Adv. Energy Mater. 4 1301465Google Scholar


    Varache R, Leendertz C, Gueunier-farret M E, Haschke J, Munoz D, Korte L 2015 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 141 14Google Scholar


    Amin N, Hossain M I, Chelvanathan P, Uzzaman A M, Sopian K 2010 International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 18–20, 2010 p730


    Jiang F, Shen H L, Wang W, Zhang L 2011 Appl. Phys. Express 4 074101Google Scholar


    许佳雄, 姚若河 2012 61 187304Google Scholar

    Xu J X, Yao R H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 187304Google Scholar


    Prabeesh P, Selvam I P, Potty S N 2016 Thin Solid Films 606 94Google Scholar


    Ali K, Khan S A, Jafri M Z M 2014 Sol. Energy 101 1Google Scholar


    Yoshikawa K, Kawasaki H, Yoshida W, Irie T, Konishi K, Nakano K, Uto T, Adachi D, Kanematsu M, Uzu H, Yamamoto K 2017 Nat. Energy 2 17032Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  17 November 2020
  • Accepted Date:  07 January 2021
  • Available Online:  11 May 2021
  • Published Online:  20 May 2021

