Medium entropy alloys have attracted much attention because of their excellent physical and chemical properties. Nano-scaled L12 structure ordered phase plays an important role in strengthening the mechanical properties of medium entropy alloys, and its local atomic arrangement plays a decisive role in yield strength of medium entropy alloys. In this paper, the microscopic mechanism of the precipitation process of Ni60Al20V20 medium entropy alloy is studied by using the micro diffusion phase field dynamics model, in which the probability of atoms to occupy the lattice position is taken as a field variable to describe the configuration of atoms and the morphology of precipitates. In this model, the shape and concentration of precipitate phase, the position and appearance of new phase cannot be set in advance. Combined with the inversion algorithm, the precipitation mechanism of ordered phases of γ' (L12-Ni3Al) and θ (DO22-Ni3V) is discussed by analyzing the evolution of atomic images, the change of order parameters and volume fraction. The result shows that two kinds of ordered phases are precipitated in the kinetical process of disordered phase ordering into Ni60Al20V20 medium entropy alloys, which are of
$ {\gamma }' $ phase with L12 structure and of$ \theta $ phase with DO22 structure.The two ordered phases constitute a pseudo binary system. The L10 phase precipitates at the same time as DO22, and the L10 phase gradually transforms into the L12-γ′ phase, while the traditional Ni75Al7.5V17.5 alloy first precipitates L10 phase, and then the DO22 phase precipitates at the boundary of anti-phase domain of L12 phase. In the transition from L10 to L12, α position of fcc lattice is occupied by Ni atom, and the β position is occupied by Al atom and V atom. The congruent ordering of atoms results in the formation of θ single-phase ordered domain of DO22 structure, followed by spinodal decomposition; the non-classical nucleation of L10 structure gradually transforms into L12-γ′ phase and spinodal decomposition. The interaction potential between the first-nearest-neighbor atoms of Ni-Al increases linearly with temperature, and increases gradually with the increase of long range order parameters. The incubation period of Ni60Al20V20 medium entropy alloy lengthens with temperature increasing. This study can be applied to the design of Ni-Al-V medium entropy alloy.-
- microscopic phase-field model /
- Ni60Al20V20 medium entropy alloy /
- ordered phase precipitation mechanism /
- first neighbor interatomic potential
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图 1 1050 K时Ni60Al20V20中熵合金沉淀过程中的原子演化形貌 (a) t = 1000; (b) t = 3000; (c) t = 9000; (d) t = 40000; (e) t = 80000; (f) t = 500000
Figure 1. Atomic evolution morphology of Ni60Al20V20 middle entropy alloy during precipitation at 1050 K: (a) t = 1000; (b) t = 3000; (c) t = 9000; (d) t = 40000; (e) t = 80000; (f) t = 500000
[1] Pickering E J, Jones N G 2016 Int. Mater. Rev. 61 183
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[5] Zhao Y H, Wang S, Zhang B, Yuan Y, Guo Q W, Hou H 2019 J. Solid State Chem. 276 232
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[6] Chen J, Zhou X Y, Wang W L, Liu B, Lv Y K, Yang W, Xu D P, Liu Y 2018 J. Alloys Compd. 760 15
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[7] Agustuaningum M P, Ondicho I, Jodi D E, Park N, Lee U 2019 Mater. Sci. Eng., A 759 633
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[8] Jodi D E, Park J, Park N 2019 Mater. Charact. 157 109888
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[9] Agustuaningum M P, Yoshid S, Tsuji N, Park N 2019 J. Alloys Compd. 781 866
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[10] Zhao Y L, Yang T, Tong Y, Wang J, Luan J H, Jiao Z B, Chen D, Yang Y, Hu A, Liu C T, Kai J J 2017 Acta. Mater. 138 72
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[11] Yang K, Wang Y X, Dong W Q, Chen Z, Zhang M Y 2011 Rare Met. Mater. Eng. 40 1605
[12] 吴静, 刘永长, 李冲, 伍宇婷, 夏兴川, 李会军 2020 金属学报 56 21
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Wu J, Liu Y C, Li C, Wu Y T, Xia X C, Li H J 2020 Acta Metall. Sin. 56 21
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[13] Sun Y Y, Zhao Y H, Zhao B J, Yang W K, Li X L, Hou H 2019 J. Mater. Sci. 54 11263
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[14] Kuang W W, Wang H F, Li X, Zhang J B, Zhou Q, Zhao Y H 2018 Acta. Mater. 159 16
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[16] Zhao Y H, Zhang B, Hou H, Chen W P, Wang M 2019 J. mater. Sci. Technol. 35 1044
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[17] Mushongera L T, Amos P G K, School E, Kumar P 2020 J. Mater. Sci. 55 5280
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[22] Vogel F, Wanderka N, Balogh Z, Ibrahim M, Stender P, Schmitz G, Banhart J 2015 Ultramicroscopy 159 278
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[24] Hou H, Zhao Y H, Zhao Y H 2009 Mat. Sci. Eng. A. 499 204
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[26] 赵宇宏, 侯华, 任娟娜 2012 中南大学学报 8 81
Zhao Y H, Hou H, Ren J N 2012 J. Cent. South Univ. 8 81
[27] 田晓林, 赵宇宏, 田晋忠, 侯华 2018 67 230201
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Tian X L, Zhao Y H, Tian J Z, Hou H 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 230201
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[28] 马庆爽, 靳玉春, 赵宇宏, 侯华, 王欣然, 王锟 2015 中国有色金属学报 25 1450
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Ma Q S, Jin Y C, Zhao Y H, Hou H, Wang X R, Wang K 2015 Chin. J. Nonferrous Met. 25 1450
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[29] Zhang M Y, Liu F, Chen Z, Guo H J, Yue G Q, Yang K 2012 T. Nonferr. Metal. Soc. 22 2439
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[30] 张静, 陈铮, 王永欣, 童立甲 2015 中国科技论文 10 189
Zhang J, Chen Z, Wang Y X, Tong L J 2015 China Sciencepaper 10 189
[31] 杨坤, 吉楠, 沙婷, 杨放, 王海涛, 陈铮 2017 稀有金属材料与工程 07 125
Yang K, Ji N, Sha T, Yang F, Wang H T, Chen Z 2017 Rare Metal Mat. Eng. 07 125
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[43] Jodi A E, Park N 2019 Mater. Lett. 255 126528
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