Since the discovery of the first metallic glass (MG) in 1960, vast efforts have been devoted to the understanding of the structural mechanisms of unique properties, in particular, mechanical properties in MGs, which is helpful for the applications of such novel alloys. As is well known, the cooling rate during the quenching as well as the sample size, significantly affects the mechanical properties in MGs. In order to study the effect of cooling rate on microstructure and deformation behavior in MG by excluding the size effect, Zr48Cu45Al7 ternary composition with good glass-forming ability is selected as a research prototype in this work. The classical molecular dynamics simulation is utilized to construct four structural MG models with the same size under different cooling rates, and the uniaxial compressive deformation for each model is also simulated. It is found that an MG model prepared at a lower cooling rate has a higher yield strength and is more likely to form shear bands that lead the strain to be localized, resulting in a lower plasticity. The Voronoi tessellation, together with atomic packing efficiency and free volume algorithms that have been designed by ourselves, is used to analyze the four as-constructed models and high-temperature liquid model. It is found that the as-constructed model, which is prepared by quenching metallic melt at a higher cooling rate, can preserve more structural characteristics of the high-temperature liquid. In other words, the higher cooling rate leads to more clusters with relatively low five-fold symmetry, loose atomic packing and large fraction of free volumes in MG. By calculating the distribution of the free volumes, a new computational approach to detecting liquid-like regions in MG models is adopted. It is found that there are more liquid-like regions in the as-constructed model which is prepared by quenching metallic melt at a relatively high cooling rate. This should be the structural origin of the effect of cooling rate on the deformation behavior, in particular, the yield strength and the plasticity. This work provides an understanding of how the cooling rate during quenching affects the microstructure and deformation behavior, and will shed light on the development of new MGs with relatively large plasticity.
- amorphous alloy /
- cooling rates /
- microstructures and mechanical properties /
- molecular dynamics simulation
[1] Jung H Y, Choi S J, Prashanth K G, Stoica M, Scudino S, Yi S, Kühn U, Kim D H, Kim K B, Eckert J 2015 Mater. Des. 86 703
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[33] 李茂枝 2017 66 176107
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Li M Z 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 176107
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[34] Yang L, Guo G Q, Chen L Y, Huang C L, Ge T, Chen D, Liaw P K, Saksl K, Ren Y, Zeng Q S, LaQua B, Chen F G, Jiang J Z 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 105502
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图 3 压缩变形过程中应变量为20%时, 不同冷却速率获得的Zr48Cu45Al7非晶合金模型的原子剪切应变图 (a) 1010 K/s; (b) 1011 K/s; (c) 1012 K/s; (d) 1013 K/s
Figure 3. Distributions of atomic local shear strains of Zr48Cu45Al7 amorphous alloy models at macrostrain of 20% during the compressive deformation, including those prepared with different cooling rates: (a) 1010 K/s; (b) 1011 K/s; (c) 1012 K/s; (d) 1013 K/s.
图 4 Voronoi团簇类型及含量分布 (a) 不同冷却速率的Zr48Cu45Al7非晶合金制备态模型(列出了含量超过4%的Voronoi团簇); (b) 2000 K时Zr48Cu45Al7液体结构模型(列出了含量较多与五次对称性较高的几种Voronoi团簇)
Figure 4. Distributions of major Voronoi clusters in (a) The as-constructed models of Zr48Cu45Al7 amorphous alloy with different cooling rate (Note only Voronoi clusters possessing a weight larger than 4% are selected), and (b) a liquid model of Zr48Cu45Al7 with a temperature of 2000 K (Note only Voronoi clusters with highest fractions and relatively higher five-fold symmetry are selected).
图 5 LFV原子分布图 (a) 2000 K液体模型; (b) 1010 K/s制备态模型; (c) 1011 K/s制备态模型; (d) 1012 K/s制备态模型; (e) 1013 K/s制备态模型
Figure 5. 3 D distributions of LFV atoms in (a) a liquid model at 2000 K, and those as-constructed models prepared by using with cooling rates of (b) 1010 K/s, (c) 1011 K/s, (d) 1012 K/s, and (e) 1013 K/s.
表 1 不同冷速制备态模型与2000 K液体模型的原子堆积效率η
Table 1. The atomic packing efficiencies, η, in the as-constructed models prepared by using different cooling rates and a liquid model with a temperature of 2000 K.
1010 K/s 1011 K/s 1012 K/s 1013 K/s 2000 K η/% 70.547 70.473 70.399 70.320 63.983 表 2 Zr48Cu45Al7非晶合金不同冷却速制备态模型和液体模型的自由体积大小与自由体积占总体积的比值
Table 2. The total free volume and fraction of free volume in the as-constructed models prepared by using different cooling rates and a liquid model with a temperature of 2000 K.
1010 K/s 1011 K/s 1012 K/s 1013 K/s 2000 K 总自由体积/Å 11117.05 11430.34 11758.24 12052.57 42825.75 自由体积占比/% 3.440 3.532 3.628 3.715 12.059 表 3 不同冷速制备态模型的LFV原子数
Table 3. The number of LFV atoms in the as-constructed models prepared by using different cooling rates.
1010 K/s 1011 K/s 1012 K/s 1013 K/s LFV原子数/个 317 404 437 485 -
[1] Jung H Y, Choi S J, Prashanth K G, Stoica M, Scudino S, Yi S, Kühn U, Kim D H, Kim K B, Eckert J 2015 Mater. Des. 86 703
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[2] Reichel L, Schultz L, Pohl D, Oswald S, Fahler S, Werwinski M, Edstrom A, Delczeg-Czirjak E K, Rusz J 2015 J. Phys-Condens Mat. 27 476002
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[3] Zhang C, Guo R Q, Yang Y, Wu Y, Liu L 2011 Electrochim. Acta 56 6380
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[4] Schuh C, Hufnagel T, Ramamurty U 2007 Acta Mater. 55 4067
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[6] Yang L, Guo G Q, Chen L Y, LaQua B, Jiang J Z 2014 Intermetallics 44 94
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[7] Liu Y, Bei H, Liu C T, George E P 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 071909
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[8] Liu Z Y, Yang Y, Guo S, Liu X J, Lu J, Liu Y H, Liu C T 2011 J. Alloys Compd. 509 3269
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[9] Hu Y, Yan H H, Yan Z J, Wang X G 2018 Aip. Adv. 8 105002
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[10] Li C, Kou S, Zhao Y, Liu G, Ding Y 2012 Prog. Nat. Sci. 22 21
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[11] Yokoyama Y, Yamano K, Fukaura K, Sunada H, Inoue A 2001 Scr. Mater. 44 1529
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[14] Liao W, Zhao Y, He J, Zhang Y 2013 J. Alloys Compd. 555 357
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[15] Jiang W H, Liu F X, Wang Y D, Zhang H F, Choo H, Liaw P K 2006 Mat. Sci. Eng., A 430 350
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[16] Huang Y J, Shen J, Sun J F 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 081919
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[17] Yang L, Guo G Q, Chen L Y, Wei S H, Jiang J Z, Wang X D 2010 Scr. Mater. 63 879
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[18] 郭古青, 杨亮, 张国庆 2011 60 016103
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Guo G Q, Yang L, Zhang G Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 016103
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[19] Cheng Y Q, Ma E, Sheng H W 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 245501
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[20] Zeng Q, Sheng H, Ding Y, Wang L, Yang W, Jiang J Z, Mao W L, Mao H K 2011 Science 332 1404
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[21] Cheng Y Q, Cao A J, Sheng H W, Ma E 2008 Acta Mater. 56 5263
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[22] Park K W, Fleury E, Seok H K, Kim Y C 2011 Intermetallics 19 1168
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[23] Ghidelli M, Idrissi H, Gravier S, Blandin J J, Raskin J P, Schryvers D, Pardoen T 2017 Acta Mater. 131 246
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[24] Lewandowski J J, Greer A L 2006 Nat. Mater. 5 15
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[25] Feng S D, Chan K C, Zhao L, Pan S P, Qi L, Wang L M, Liu R P 2018 Mater. Des. 158 248
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[26] 汪卫华 2014 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 44 396
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Wang W H 2014 Sci. China: Phys. Mech. Astron. 44 396
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[27] 管鹏飞, 王兵, 吴义成, 张珊, 尚宝双, 胡远超, 苏锐, 刘琪 2017 66 176112
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Guan P F, Wang B, Wu Y C, Zhang S, Shang B S, Hu Y C, Su R, Liu Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 176112
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[28] Wang W H 2012 J. Appl. Phys. 111 123519
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[29] Miracle D B 2004 Nat. Mater. 3 697
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[32] 郭古青, 吴诗阳, 蔡光博, 杨亮 2016 65 096402
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Guo G Q, Wu S Y, Cai G B, Yang L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 096402
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[33] 李茂枝 2017 66 176107
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Li M Z 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 176107
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[34] Yang L, Guo G Q, Chen L Y, Huang C L, Ge T, Chen D, Liaw P K, Saksl K, Ren Y, Zeng Q S, LaQua B, Chen F G, Jiang J Z 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 105502
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[35] Cohen M H, Turnbull D 1959 J. Chem. Phys. 31 1164
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[36] Turnbull D, Cohen M H 1961 J. Chem. Phys. 34 120
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[40] Li F, Liu X J, Hou H Y, Chen G, Chen G L, Li M 2009 Intermetallics 17 98
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[41] Liao B, Wu S Y, Yang L 2017 Aip Adv 7 105101
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[42] Qi L, Zhang H F, Hu Z Q 2004 Intermetallics 12 1191
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[43] Wakeda M, Shibutani Y, Ogata S, Park J 2007 Intermetallics 15 139
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[44] Da W, Wang P W, Wang Y F, Li M F, Yang L 2018 Materials 12 98
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