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Density functional theory calculation of spectrum and excitation properties of mer-Alq3

Peng Jie Zhang Si-Jie Wang Ke Dove Martin


Density functional theory calculation of spectrum and excitation properties of mer-Alq3

Peng Jie, Zhang Si-Jie, Wang Ke, Dove Martin
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Meridional tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum (III) (mer-Alq3) is an organometallic semiconductor material with phenomenal photo-electric properties. In order to understand the molecular luminescence properties of mer-Alq3, the density functional theoretical (B3LYP) method with 6-31G* basis set is employed to calculate its structure, infrared spectrum and Raman spectrum and the frontier molecular orbital of its ground state. The UV-vis absorption and the excited state characteristics are investigated by the time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) method. The results show that the calculated spectral characteristics are in good agreement with the experimental data. The electron cloud of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) is located mostly on the phenoxide ring, whereas that of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) sits on the pyridine ring. The absorption peaks of the UV-visible absorption spectrum are located in the visible and ultraviolet region. S0→S2 is attributed to the superposition of the π-π* local excitation in the direction from benzene ring to pyridine ring and the n-π* local excitation in the direction from oxygen atom to pyridine ring. The π-π* local excitation from benzene ring to pyridine ring is S0→S4. The superposition of π-n local excitation from benzene to carbon and n-n local excitation from oxygen to carbon are excited by S0→S11. S0→S14 is charge-transfer excitation and contributed by the superposition of π-π* in the direction from benzene ring to pyridine ring and n-π* in the direction from oxygen atom to pyridine ring. This work is significant for understanding the basic properties of mer-Alq3 and the mechanisms of electron excitations. It provides a deeper insight into the luminescence mechanism of mer-Alq3, thus playing a guidance role in further improving the luminescence efficiency and regulating the spectral range of the light-emitting mer-Alq3.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Si-Jie,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61871451), the Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of Sichuan Province, China (Grant No. 2017JQ0021), and the Awards of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Natural Science Foundation of Guizhou Education University, China (Grant No. QKHPTRC[2017]5790-03)

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    Xu B S, Chen L Q, Liu X G, Zhou H F, Xu H F, Fang X H, Wang Y L 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 103305Google Scholar


    Pérez-Bolívar C, Takizawa S Y, Nishimura G, Montes V A, Anzenbacher P J 2011 Chem. Eur. J. 17 9076Google Scholar


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    王媛媛 2006 硕士学位论文 (山东: 山东大学)

    Wang Y Y 2006 M.S. Thesis (Shangdong: Shandong University) (in Chinese)


    解晓东, 郝玉英, 章日光, 王宝俊 2012 61 127201Google Scholar

    Xie X D, Hao Y Y, Zhang R G, Wang B J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 127201Google Scholar


    卢天, 陈飞武 2011 化学学报 69 2393

    Lu T, Chen F W 2011 Acta Chim. Sin. 69 2393


    Lu T, Chen F W 2012 J. Comput. Chem. 33 580Google Scholar


    Multiwfn Manual, Lu T[2019-9-2]

  • 图 1  mer-Alq3的分子结构

    Figure 1.  Structure of the mer-Alq3 molecule.

    图 2  mer-Alq3分子的红外光谱

    Figure 2.  Infrared absorption spectrum of mer-Alq3.

    图 3  mer-Alq3的拉曼光谱

    Figure 3.  Raman spectrum of mer-Alq3.

    图 4  mer-Alq3前线分子轨道分布图 (a) HOMO-2轨道分布图; (b) HOMO-1轨道分布图; (c) HOMO轨道分布图; (d) LUMO轨道分布图; (e) LUMO+1轨道分布图; (f) LUMO+2轨道分布图

    Figure 4.  Frontier molecular orbits of mer-Alq3: (a) HOMO-2 distribution; (b) HOMO-1 distribution; (c) HOMO distribution; (d) LUMO distribution; (e) LUMO+1 distribution; (f) LUMO+2 distribution.

    图 5  mer-Alq3分子的紫外-可见吸收光谱

    Figure 5.  UV-Vis absorption spectrum of mer-Alq3.

    图 6  mer-Alq3的空穴-电子、Chole-Cele、Sr示意图 (a)−(c) S2的空穴-电子, Chole-Cele, Sr图; (d)−(f) S4的空穴-电子, Chole-Cele, Sr图; (g)−(i) S11的空穴-电子, Chole-Cele, Sr图; (j)−(l) S14的空穴-电子, Chole-Cele, Sr

    Figure 6.  Electron-hole, Chole-Cele and Sr distributions of mer-Alq3 respectively: (a)−(c) Electron-hole, Chole-Cele, Sr distribution at S2 state geometry; (d)−(f) Electron-hole, Chole-Cele, Sr distribution at S4 state geometry; (g)−(i) Electron-hole, Chole-Cele, Sr distribution at S11 state geometry; (j)−(l) Electron-hole, Chole-Cele, Sr distribution at S14 state geometry

    表 1  mer-Alq3分子的键长

    Table 1.  Bond lengths of the mer-Alq3.

    BondB3LYP/6-31G*/ÅExperimental results/Å[21]
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    表 2  mer-Alq3分子中部分振动模式指认

    Table 2.  Identification of partial vibration modes of mer-Alq3.

    Vexperiment/cm–1Vtheory/cm–1Vibration analysisVexperiment/cm–1Vtheory/cm–1Vibration analysis
    398408分子骨架扭曲变形12281268C—N伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    416422分子骨架扭曲变形, 环1环2环5 环6上C—H平面摇摆振动, 环3环4上C—H扭曲振动12801334C—O, C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动
    457470C—H扭曲振动13281376C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    548554Al-O50伸缩振动, 环1环2呼吸振动13831422C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动
    642662Al-O50伸缩振动, C—H扭曲振动14241438C—N、C—C伸缩振动, C—H 平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    746768Al-O面外弯曲振动, 环3环4呼吸
    14681512C—N伸缩振动, C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动
    787796C—H扭曲振动14991550C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动
    803820苯环和吡啶环变形振动15791636C—N伸缩振动, C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    823836C—H面外摇摆振动16061658C—N伸缩振动, C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
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    表 3  mer-Alq3分子中部分振动模式指认

    Table 3.  Identification of partial vibration modes of mer-Alq3.

    Vexperiment/cm–1Vtheory/cm–1Vibration analysis
    507508Al—O扭曲振动, 苯环和吡啶环变形振动
    529530Al—O伸缩振动, 苯环和吡啶环呼吸振动
    545554Al—O伸缩振动, 苯环和吡啶环呼吸振动
    581586Al—O扭曲振动, 苯环和吡啶环变形振动
    760768Al—O伸缩振动, 苯环和吡啶环呼吸振动
    10621086C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    11771172C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    13931422C—O, C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    1438C—N、C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
    15931638C—C伸缩振动, C—H平面摇摆振动, 剪式振动
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    表 4  mer-Alq3的前线分子轨道能级(单位: arb.units)及分布(单位: %)

    Table 4.  Frontier molecular orbital energy levels (in arb.units) and distribution (in %) of mer-Alq3.

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    表 5  mer-Alq3分子的电子激发分析表

    Table 5.  The analysis of electron excitation of mer-Alq3.

    Excited stateλ/nmfTransition nature (contribution > 10%)Transition energy/eV
    2427.150.0672119→121 (45.9956%); 119→122 (23.0683%);
    118→120 (21.1263%)
    4417.310.0425117→120 (88.1022%)2.9710
    11304.030.0151119→124 (38.2445%); 119→125 (23.0208%)4.0781
    12302.870.0214117→123 (66.2078%); 114→120 (20.1638%)4.0937
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    表 6  mer-Alq3分子的激发态参数

    Table 6.  Excited state parameters of mer-Alq3.

    S0 → S20.180.613.570.12
    S0 → S40.990.592.950.41
    S0 → S110.880.793.84–1.38
    S0 → S140.680.433.472.00
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Liu R, Gan Z Q, Shinar R, Shinar J 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 245302Google Scholar


    Katakura R, Koide Y 2006 Inorg. Chem. 45 5730Google Scholar


    许金钩, 王尊本 2006 荧光分析法 (北京: 科学出版社) 第42页

    Xu J G, Wang Z B 2006 Fluorescence Analysis (Beijing: Science Press) p42 (in Chinese)


    张蕾, 张学俊 2011 化工中间体 7 28

    Zhang L, Zhang X J 2011 Chem. Intermed. 7 28


    Xu B S, Chen L Q, Liu X G, Zhou H F, Xu H F, Fang X H, Wang Y L 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 103305Google Scholar


    Pérez-Bolívar C, Takizawa S Y, Nishimura G, Montes V A, Anzenbacher P J 2011 Chem. Eur. J. 17 9076Google Scholar


    Stampor W, Kalinowski J, Marco P D, Fattori V 1997 Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 1953Google Scholar


    Xue W M, Wang Y, Chan M C W, Su Z M, Cheung K K, Chen C M 1998 Organomet. 17 1946Google Scholar


    Xue W M, Chan M C W, Su Z M, Cheung K K, Liu S T, Chen C M 1998 Organomet. 17 1622Google Scholar


    苏忠民, 高洪泽, 程红, 初蓓, 陈丽华, 王荣顺, 王悦, 沈家骢 2001 中国科学: 化学 31 16

    Su Z M, Gao H Z, Chen H, Chu B, Chen L H, Wang R S, Wang Y, Shen J C 2001 Sci. China: Chemistry 31 16


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    Tangui L B, Carlo A, Ilaria C 2011 J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7 2498Google Scholar


    Foresman J B, Frisch A 1996 Exploring chemistry with electronic structure method (2nd edn.) (Pittsburgh: Gaussian, Inc.) p64


    Curioni A, Andreoni W 2001 IBM J. Res. Dev. 45 101Google Scholar


    Brinkmann M, Gadret G, Muccini M, Taliani C, Masciocchi N, Sironi A 2000 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122 5147Google Scholar


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    王媛媛 2006 硕士学位论文 (山东: 山东大学)

    Wang Y Y 2006 M.S. Thesis (Shangdong: Shandong University) (in Chinese)


    解晓东, 郝玉英, 章日光, 王宝俊 2012 61 127201Google Scholar

    Xie X D, Hao Y Y, Zhang R G, Wang B J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 127201Google Scholar


    卢天, 陈飞武 2011 化学学报 69 2393

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  • Received Date:  23 September 2019
  • Accepted Date:  30 October 2019
  • Published Online:  20 January 2020

