Bilirubin is the main pigment in human bile, which is closely related to human health. Bilirubin combining with fluorescent protein represents a new type of fluorescent chromophore and has important applications in the field of biological imaging and biosensor. Due to the lack of efficient and accurate electronic structure methods, the electronic structure and excited-state properties of bilirubin molecule are not characterized quantitatively and accurately. Firstly, the vertical absorption energy, oscillator strength and vertical emission energy of the lowest singlet excited state of bilirubin molecule are calculated by combining the implicit solvent model and the linear response time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) method. Compared to the experimental data and high-level RI-ADC(2) calculation, the prediction performance of a series of density functional methods is systematically investigated. The results show that the optimally-tuned range separated density functional method has the best overall performance and the minimum absolute and relative errors. This is obviously due to the fact that the suitable proportion of exact exchange included in density functionals can produce neither delocalized nor localized electronic structures. Based on the produced wavefunction by the optimally-tuned method, the excited-state characteristics of the S1 state of bilirubin molecule indicate a hybrid local and charge transfer excitation, based on the quantitative characterization using hole-electron analysis and interfragment charge transfer method. This work can provide a theoretical basis for the study of excited-state dynamics and spectral properties of bilirubin molecules and the optimally tuned range-separated DFT method also provide a reliable and efficient theoretical tool to study the excited-state properties of other biomolecular systems in the future.
- bilirubin /
- density functional theory /
- optimal tuning /
- excited-state character
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[59] Frisch M J, Trucks G W, Schlegel H B, Scuseria G E, Robb M A, Cheeseman J R, Scalmani G, Barone V, Petersson G A, Nakatsuji H, Li X, Caricato M, Marenich A V, Bloino J, Janesko B G, Gomperts R, Mennucci B, Hratchian H P, Ortiz J V, Izmaylov A F, Sonnenberg J L, Williams, Ding F, Lipparini F, Egidi F, Goings J, Peng B, Petrone A, Henderson T, Ranasinghe D, Zakrzewski V G, Gao J, Rega N, Zheng G, Liang W, Hada M, Ehara M, Toyota K, Fukuda R, Hasegawa J, Ishida M, Nakajima T, Honda Y, Kitao O, Nakai H, Vreven T, Throssell K, Montgomery J J A, Peralta J E, Ogliaro F, Bearpark M J, Heyd J J, Brothers E N, Kudin K N, Staroverov V N, Keith T A, Kobayashi R, Normand J, Raghavachari K, Rendell A P, Burant J C, Iyengar S S, Tomasi J, Cossi M, Millam J M, Klene M, Adamo C, Cammi R, Ochterski J W, Martin R L, Morokuma K, Farkas O, Foresman J B, Fox D J 2016 Gaussian 16 Revision A. 03 Wallingford: Gaussian Inc
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表 1 基组对计算的垂直激发能(EVA)的影响
Table 1. Influence of basis set on the calculated vertical excitation energy (EVA).
表 2 各种理论方法计算胆红素分子的垂直激发能(EVA)、振子强度(f )和垂直发射能(EVE)以及与实验值相比的绝对误差和相对误差
Table 2. Vertical absorption energies (EVA), oscillator strength (f ) and vertical emission energies (EVE) of bilirubin and the absolute errors and relative errors compared to the available experimental data.
ω EVA/eV f (S1) AE/eV RE/% E VE/eV AE/eV RE/% PBE — 1.83 0.02 -0.90 33 1.68 -0.71 30 B3LYP — 2.48 0.12 -0.25 9 2.25 -0.14 6 MN15 — 2.81 1.21 0.08 3 2.40 0.01 0.4 M062X — 2.91 1.30 0.18 7 2.46 0.07 3 M06HF — 3.12 1.42 0.39 14 2.52 0.13 6 CAM-B3LYP 0.330 2.91 1.33 0.18 7 2.45 0.06 3 LC-ωPBE 0.400 3.11 1.43 0.38 14 2.54 0.15 6 ω B97XD 0.200 2.94 1.36 0.21 8 2.46 0.07 3 M11 0.250 3.01 1.40 0.28 10 2.49 0.10 4 LC-ω PBE* 0.178 2.76 1.20 0.03 1 2.36 -0.03 1 ω B97XD* 0.137 2.85 1.28 0.12 4 2.43 0.04 2 B2 GPPLYP — 2.92 1.13 0.19 7 — — — RI-ADC(2) — 2.69 1.06 -0.04 1 — — — EXP a — 2.73 — — — 2.39 — — a Experimental values are taken from Refs. [12,53]. 表 3 胆红素分子最低单重激发态的各片段电子净变化量以及片段间电子转移量
Table 3. Net change of each fragment and electron transfer between fragments for lowest singlet excited state of bilirubin molecule.
Electron transfer between fragments 1 2 3 1 0.109 0.418 0.002 2 0.095 0.364 0.002 3 0.002 0.008 0.000 Net change of
each fragment–0.323 0.329 –0.006 -
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[59] Frisch M J, Trucks G W, Schlegel H B, Scuseria G E, Robb M A, Cheeseman J R, Scalmani G, Barone V, Petersson G A, Nakatsuji H, Li X, Caricato M, Marenich A V, Bloino J, Janesko B G, Gomperts R, Mennucci B, Hratchian H P, Ortiz J V, Izmaylov A F, Sonnenberg J L, Williams, Ding F, Lipparini F, Egidi F, Goings J, Peng B, Petrone A, Henderson T, Ranasinghe D, Zakrzewski V G, Gao J, Rega N, Zheng G, Liang W, Hada M, Ehara M, Toyota K, Fukuda R, Hasegawa J, Ishida M, Nakajima T, Honda Y, Kitao O, Nakai H, Vreven T, Throssell K, Montgomery J J A, Peralta J E, Ogliaro F, Bearpark M J, Heyd J J, Brothers E N, Kudin K N, Staroverov V N, Keith T A, Kobayashi R, Normand J, Raghavachari K, Rendell A P, Burant J C, Iyengar S S, Tomasi J, Cossi M, Millam J M, Klene M, Adamo C, Cammi R, Ochterski J W, Martin R L, Morokuma K, Farkas O, Foresman J B, Fox D J 2016 Gaussian 16 Revision A. 03 Wallingford: Gaussian Inc
[60] Neese F 2012 Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci. 2 73
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[61] Ahlrichs R, Bär M, Häser M, Horn H, Kölmel C 1989 Chem. Phys. Lett. 162 165
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[62] Lu T, Chen F W 2012 J. Comput. Chem. 33 580
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[63] Humphrey W, Dalke A, Schulten K 1996 J. Mol. Graphics 14 33
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