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Discrete element analysis of buffering capacity of non-spherical granular materials based on super-quadric method

Wang Si-Qiang Ji Shun-Ying


Discrete element analysis of buffering capacity of non-spherical granular materials based on super-quadric method

Wang Si-Qiang, Ji Shun-Ying
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  • Granular system commonly encountered in industry or nature is comprised of non-spherical grains. Comparing with spherical particles, high discretization and interlocking among non-spherical particles can effectively dissipate the system energy and improve the buffer capacity. The superquadric element based on continuous function envelop can form the geometric shape of irregular particles accurately, and then contact collision action between particles can be calculated easily. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive introduction to particle-particle and particle-boundary contact collision. In addition, considering different shapes and surface curvatures under various contact patterns between super-quadric particles, the linear contact force model cannot be applied to the accurate calculation of the contact force, and a corresponding non-linear viscoelastic force model is developed. In this model, the equivalent radius of curvature at a local contact point is adopted to calculate the normal contact force, and the tangential contact force is simplified based on the contact model of spherical elements. To examine the validity of the algorithm and this model, we compare the discrete element analytical results with the analytical results for a single cylinder impacting a flat wall and the previous experimental results for spherical granular material under impact load, and this method is verified by good agreement between the simulated results and the previous experimental results. According to the aforementioned method, we study the buffer capacity of non-spherical particles under impact load by the discrete element method, and the influences of granular thickness and particle shapes on the buffer capacity are discussed. The results show that a critical thickness Hc is obtained for different particle shapes. The buffer capacity is improved with increasing the granular thickness when H Hc, but is independent of the granular thickness and particle shapes when H Hc. Moreover, the impact peak and initial packing fraction increase significantly with increasing the blockiness. Rectangular particles account for the highest packing fraction, and the packing fraction of cylindrical particles is higher than the packing fraction of spherical particles. Therefore, Rectangular particles are more likely to form dense face-face contacts and ordered packing structures with high packing fraction. These denser packings prevent the particles from their relatively moving, and thus reducing the buffering capacity of the particles. Furthermore, the impact peak and initial packing fraction decrease with increasing or reducing the aspect ratio of cylindrical particles and the aspect ratio of rectangular particles. The aspect ratio of particle can be used to adjust the dense packing structure and reduce the stability of the system. It means that the particles have more effective buffer capacity for the non-spherical particle system.
      Corresponding author: Ji Shun-Ying,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11572067, 11772085).

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    Katsuragi H, Durian D J 2007 Nat. Phys. 3 420


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    Nordstrom K, Lim E, Harrington M, Losert W 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 228002


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    Deboeuf S, Gondret P, Rabaud M 2008 Environ. Sci. Technol. 42 8459


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    Ye X Y, Wang D M, Zheng X J 2012 Phys. Rev. E 86 061304


    Lu G, Third J R, Mller C R 2015 Chem. Eng. Sci. 127 425


    Zhong W, Yu A, Liu X, Tong Z, Zhang H 2016 Powder Technol. 302 108


    Zhu H P, Zhou Z Y, Yang R Y, Yu A B 2007 Chem. Eng. Sci. 62 3378


    Zhu H P, Zhou Z Y, Yang R Y, Yu A B 2008 Chem. Eng. Sci. 63 5728


    Elskamp F, Kruggel-Emden H, Hennig M, Teipel U 2017 Granular Matter 19 46


    Zhao S, Zhang N, Zhou X, Zhang L 2017 Powder Technol. 310 175


    Kruggel-Emden H, Rickelt S, Wirtz S, Scherer V 2008 Powder Technol. 188 153


    Li C Q, Xu W J, Meng Q S 2015 Powder Technol. 286 478


    Zeng Y, Jia F, Zhang Y, Meng X, Han Y, Wang H 2017 Powder Technol. 313 112


    Galindo-Torres S A, Pedroso D M 2010 Phys. Rev. E 81 061303


    Toson P, Khinast J G 2017 Powder Technol. 313 353


    Govender N, Wilke D N, Pizette P, Abriak N E 2018 Appl. Math. Comput. 319 318


    Lu G, Third J R, Mller C R 2012 Chem. Eng. Sci. 78 226


    Cui Z Q, Chen Y C, Zhao Y Z, Hua Z L, Liu X, Zhou C L 2013 Chin. J. Computat. Mech. 30 854 (in Chinese) [崔泽群, 陈友川, 赵永志, 花争立, 刘骁, 周池楼 2013 计算力学学报 30 854]


    Cleary P W, Sinnott M D, Morrison R D, Cummins S, Delaney G W 2017 Miner. Eng. 100 49


    Di Renzo A, Di Maio F P 2004 Chem. Eng. Sci. 59 525


    Liu S D, Zhou Z Y, Zou R P, Pinson D, Yu A B 2014 Powder Technol. 253 70


    Goldman D I, Umbanhowar P 2008 Phys. Rev. E 77 021308


    Vet S J D, Bruyn J R D 2012 Granular Matter 14 661


    Clark A H, Petersen A J, Behringer R P 2014 Phys. Rev. E 89 012201


    Clark A H, Kondic L, Behringer R P 2016 Phys. Rev. E 93 050901


    Ji S Y, Li P F, Chen X D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 184703 (in Chinese) [季顺迎, 李鹏飞, 陈晓东 2012 61 184703]


    Ji S Y, Fan L F, Liang S M 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 104501 (in Chinese) [季顺迎, 樊利芳, 梁绍敏 2016 65 104501]


    Sun Q C, Wang G Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4667 (in Chinese) [孙其诚, 王光谦 2008 57 4667]


    Peng Z, Jiang Y M, Liu R, Hou M Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024502 (in Chinese) [彭政, 蒋亦民, 刘锐, 厚美瑛 2013 62 024502]


    Barr A H 1981 IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl. 1 11


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    Portal R, Dias J, de Sousa L 2010 Arch. Mech. Eng. 57 165


    Wellmann C, Lillie C, Wriggers P 2008 Eng. Computat. 25 432


    Podlozhnyuk A, Pirker S, Kloss C 2017 Comp. Part. Mech. 4 101


    Goldman R 2005 Comput. Aided Geomet. Desig. 22 632


    Gan J Q, Zhou Z Y, Yu A B 2017 Powder Technol. 320 610


    Kremmer M, Favier J F 2001 Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 51 1407


    Kodam M, Bharadwaj R, Curtis J, Hancock B, Wassgren C 2010 Chem. Eng. Sci. 65 5863

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  • Received Date:  29 November 2017
  • Accepted Date:  20 January 2018
  • Published Online:  05 May 2018

