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Dynamical behaviors of Sn micro-sphere particles under shock wave action

Zhao Xin-Wen Li Xin-Zhu Zhang Hang Wang Xue-Jun Song Ping Zhang Han-Zhao Kang Qiang Huang Jin Wu Qiang


Dynamical behaviors of Sn micro-sphere particles under shock wave action

Zhao Xin-Wen, Li Xin-Zhu, Zhang Hang, Wang Xue-Jun, Song Ping, Zhang Han-Zhao, Kang Qiang, Huang Jin, Wu Qiang
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  • In these decades, the turbulence mixing of micro-ejecta particles and gas has attracted considerable attention because it has great influence on inertial confinement fusion and some technologies of optical detection. It is significantly important for studying the evolution of micro-ejecta by investigating the influence of particle size and the transporting progress. In this paper, we experimentally investigate the micro-ejecta dynamical behaviors when a strong shockwave acts on Sn micro-sphere particles with different sizes of 0.1 μm, 1 μm, 5 μm and 10 μm. A strict experiment is carried out, in which a thin Ta flyer is accelerated by TNT explosion to load the Sn particles, and the velocity variation of ejecta particles transported in air is measured by the displacement interferometer system for any reflector. The results show that the tip-velocity of the micro-ejecta is very sensitive to the initial size of particle, where the larger size results in increased velocity. By analyzing the results of each case in detail, we discover that the formation of micro-ejecta is caused by the interaction between shockwave and the gap structure among several particles, where the larger gap structure induces faster ejecta tip-velocity. To verify this explanation, the effects of particle size on the ejecta tip-velocity is examined by simulating the cases of 5 μm and 10 μm in particle size through three-dimensional smooth particle hydrodynamics method. The simulated tip-velocity results are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results. However, the scenario is different when the particle size is smaller than 1 μm, where the experimentally measured tip-velocity of 0.1 μm size particle is nearly the same as that of 1 μm size particle. We attribute this to the fact that the gap structure is too small to affect the micro-ejecta progress and the micro-ejecta is mainly caused by the large scale defects accumulated by a huge number of particles. Furthermore, by comparing with the experimentally measured velocity decay, we also estimate the size distribution of ejecta particles by simulating the decelerating processes of different-sized particles with different initial velocities in gas. This paper is helpful in comprehending in depth the micro-ejecta process caused by the shockwave acting on micro particles, and also in designing such experiments accurately.
      Corresponding author: Li Xin-Zhu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science Challenge Project, China (Grant No. JCKY2016212A501).

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    Monfared S K, Oró D M, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, Lalone B M, Pack C L, Schauer M M, Stevens G D, Stone J B, Turley W D, Buttler W T 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 063504


    Durand O, Soulard L 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 194902


    Zhang W Y, Ye W H, Wu J F, Miao W Y, Fan Z F, Wang L F, Gu J F, Dai Z S, Cao Z R, Xu X W, Yuan Y T, Kang D G, Li Y S, Yu X J, Liu C L, Xue C, Zheng W D, Wang M, Pei W B, Zhu S P, Jiang S E, Liu S Y, Ding Y K, He X S 2014 Sci. China: Phys. Mech. Astron. 44 1 (in Chinese) [张维岩, 叶文华, 吴俊峰, 缪文勇, 范征锋, 王立锋, 谷建法, 戴振生, 曹柱荣, 徐小文, 袁永腾, 康洞国, 李永升, 郁晓瑾, 刘长礼, 薛创, 郑无敌, 王敏, 裴文兵, 朱少平, 江少恩, 刘慎业, 丁永坤, 贺贤土 2014 中国科学:物理学 44 1]


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    Seifter A, Stewart S T, Furlanetto M R, Kennedy G B, Payton J R, Obst A W 2006 AIP Conf. Proc. 845 239


    Seifter A, Grover M, Holtkamp D B, Payton J R, Rodriguez P, Turley D, Obst A W 2004 26th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics Alexandria, Virginia, September 19-24, 2004 p93


    Ma Y, Wang X S, Li X Z, Zhang H Z, Hu S L, Li J B, Chen H, Wen J D 2006 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 20 207 (in Chinese) [马云, 汪小松, 李欣竹, 张汉钊, 胡绍楼, 李加波, 陈宏, 翁继东 2006 高压 20 207]


    Asay J R 1978 J. Appl. Phys. 49 6173


    Oró D M, Hammerberg J E, Buttler W T, Mariam F G, Morris C, Rousculp C, Stone J B 2012 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426 1351


    Rousculp C L, Oro D M, Morris C, Saunders A, Reass W, Griego J R, Turchi P J, Reinovsky R E [2015-4-20]


    Liu G R, Liu M B 2003 Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A Meshfree Particle Methods (Singapore: World Scientific) pp309-339


    Wang P, Qin C S, Zhang S D, Liu C 2004 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 18 149 (in Chinese) [王裴, 秦承森, 张树道, 刘超 2004 高压 18 149]


    Monfared S K, Buttler W T, Frayer D K, Grover M, LaLone B M, Stevens G D, Stone J B, Turley W D, Schauer M M 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 117 223105


    Tan H 2007 Introduction to Experimental Shocked-Wave Physics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp36-43 (in Chinese) [谭华 2007 实验冲击波物理导引(北京:国防工业出版社)第36—43页]


    Zhang S Q, Liu C L, Li Q Z, Liu Q 2008 Acta Mech. Sin. 40 535 (in Chinese) [张世文, 刘仓理, 李庆忠, 刘乔 2008 力学学报 40 535]


    Sorenson D S, Pazuchanics P D, Johnson R P, Tunnell T W, Smalley D D, Malone R M, Kaufman M I, Marks D G, Capelle G A, Grover M, Stevens G D, LaLone B M, Marshall B F, Turley W D 2017 AIP Conf. Proc. 1793 100026


    Buttler W T, Oró D M, Olson R T, Cherne F J, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Monfared S K, Pack C L, Rigg P A, Stone J B, Terrones G 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 103519


    Fung J, Harrison A K, Chitanvbs S, Margulies J 2013 Comput. Fluids 83 177


    Wang P, Sun H Q, Shao J L, Qin C S, Li X Z 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 234703 (in Chinese) [王裴, 孙海全, 邵建立, 秦承森, 李欣竹 2012 61 234703]


    Igra O, Takayama K 1993 Proc. R. Soc. London 442 231

  • [1]

    Walsh J M, Shreffler R G, Willing F J 1953 J. Appl. Phys. 24 349


    Asay J R, Mix L P, Perry F C 1976 Appl. Phys. Lett. 29 284


    Wang P, Qin C S, Zhang S D, Liu C 2004 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 18 149 (in Chinese) [王裴,秦承森,张树道,刘超 2004 高压 18 149]


    Buttler W T, Zellner M B, Olson R T, Rigg P A, Hixson R S, Hammerberg J E, Obst A W, Payton J R 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 063547


    Monfared S K, Oró D M, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, Lalone B M, Pack C L, Schauer M M, Stevens G D, Stone J B, Turley W D, Buttler W T 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 063504


    Durand O, Soulard L 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 194902


    Zhang W Y, Ye W H, Wu J F, Miao W Y, Fan Z F, Wang L F, Gu J F, Dai Z S, Cao Z R, Xu X W, Yuan Y T, Kang D G, Li Y S, Yu X J, Liu C L, Xue C, Zheng W D, Wang M, Pei W B, Zhu S P, Jiang S E, Liu S Y, Ding Y K, He X S 2014 Sci. China: Phys. Mech. Astron. 44 1 (in Chinese) [张维岩, 叶文华, 吴俊峰, 缪文勇, 范征锋, 王立锋, 谷建法, 戴振生, 曹柱荣, 徐小文, 袁永腾, 康洞国, 李永升, 郁晓瑾, 刘长礼, 薛创, 郑无敌, 王敏, 裴文兵, 朱少平, 江少恩, 刘慎业, 丁永坤, 贺贤土 2014 中国科学:物理学 44 1]


    Zhang C Y, Hu H B, Li Q Z, Yuan S 2009 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 23 283 (in Chinese) [张崇玉, 胡海波, 李庆忠, 袁帅 2009 高压 23 283]


    Weng J D, Tan H, Wang X, Ma Y, Hu S L, Wang X S 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 111101


    La Lone B M, Marshall B R, Miller E K, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L R 2015 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86 023112


    Seifter A, Stewart S T, Furlanetto M R, Kennedy G B, Payton J R, Obst A W 2006 AIP Conf. Proc. 845 239


    Seifter A, Grover M, Holtkamp D B, Payton J R, Rodriguez P, Turley D, Obst A W 2004 26th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics Alexandria, Virginia, September 19-24, 2004 p93


    Ma Y, Wang X S, Li X Z, Zhang H Z, Hu S L, Li J B, Chen H, Wen J D 2006 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 20 207 (in Chinese) [马云, 汪小松, 李欣竹, 张汉钊, 胡绍楼, 李加波, 陈宏, 翁继东 2006 高压 20 207]


    Asay J R 1978 J. Appl. Phys. 49 6173


    Oró D M, Hammerberg J E, Buttler W T, Mariam F G, Morris C, Rousculp C, Stone J B 2012 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426 1351


    Rousculp C L, Oro D M, Morris C, Saunders A, Reass W, Griego J R, Turchi P J, Reinovsky R E [2015-4-20]


    Liu G R, Liu M B 2003 Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A Meshfree Particle Methods (Singapore: World Scientific) pp309-339


    Wang P, Qin C S, Zhang S D, Liu C 2004 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 18 149 (in Chinese) [王裴, 秦承森, 张树道, 刘超 2004 高压 18 149]


    Monfared S K, Buttler W T, Frayer D K, Grover M, LaLone B M, Stevens G D, Stone J B, Turley W D, Schauer M M 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 117 223105


    Tan H 2007 Introduction to Experimental Shocked-Wave Physics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp36-43 (in Chinese) [谭华 2007 实验冲击波物理导引(北京:国防工业出版社)第36—43页]


    Zhang S Q, Liu C L, Li Q Z, Liu Q 2008 Acta Mech. Sin. 40 535 (in Chinese) [张世文, 刘仓理, 李庆忠, 刘乔 2008 力学学报 40 535]


    Sorenson D S, Pazuchanics P D, Johnson R P, Tunnell T W, Smalley D D, Malone R M, Kaufman M I, Marks D G, Capelle G A, Grover M, Stevens G D, LaLone B M, Marshall B F, Turley W D 2017 AIP Conf. Proc. 1793 100026


    Buttler W T, Oró D M, Olson R T, Cherne F J, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Monfared S K, Pack C L, Rigg P A, Stone J B, Terrones G 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 103519


    Fung J, Harrison A K, Chitanvbs S, Margulies J 2013 Comput. Fluids 83 177


    Wang P, Sun H Q, Shao J L, Qin C S, Li X Z 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 234703 (in Chinese) [王裴, 孙海全, 邵建立, 秦承森, 李欣竹 2012 61 234703]


    Igra O, Takayama K 1993 Proc. R. Soc. London 442 231

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  • Received Date:  11 November 2016
  • Accepted Date:  28 February 2017
  • Published Online:  05 May 2017

