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Quantitative analysis of chromium in vegetable oil by collinear double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with dual-line internal standard method

Wu Yi-Qing Liu Jin Mo Xin-Xin Sun Tong Liu Mu-Hua


Quantitative analysis of chromium in vegetable oil by collinear double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with dual-line internal standard method

Wu Yi-Qing, Liu Jin, Mo Xin-Xin, Sun Tong, Liu Mu-Hua
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  • The safety quality of vegetable oil is very important for human life. The objective of this research is to determine the content of heavy metal chromium (Cr) in each of three kinds of vegetable oils (soybean oil, peanut oil, and corn oil) quantitatively by collinear double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (DP-LIBS). In this study, a total of 24 vegetable oil samples are prepared, and each kind of vegetable oil has 8 samples. Fortune paulownia wood chips with a diameter of 20 mm and thickness of 3 mm are placed into the vegetable oil samples to collect the Cr element. After that, the 24 samples (fortune paulownia wood chips that have enriched Cr element) are dried in the oven, and the LIBS spectra of samples are acquired in a wavelength range of 206.28-481.77 nm by a dual-channel high-precision spectrometer. The spectral line of Cr (Cr I 425.39 nm) is chosen as the quantitative analysis spectral line, while CN (CN 421.39 nm) molecular spectral line, Ca (Ca I 422.64 nm) atomic spectral line and the sum of their spectral line intensities are selected as the internal standard lines. Then the calibration curves of Cr are obtained by the basic calibration method, single-line internal standard method (CN 421.39 nm or Ca I 422.64 nm as the internal standard line) and dual-line internal standard method (CN 421.39 nm and Ca I 422.64 nm as the internal standard lines). Finally, the validation samples are used to verify the performances of the calibration curves of Cr element. The results show that the values of fitting degree (R2) of the basic calibration curves for three kinds of vegetable oils are all above 0.97, and the relative errors of validation samples with low concentration are bigger than those with high concentration. The values of (R2) of calibration curves obtained by single-line internal standard method are above 0.98, and the relative errors of validation samples are lower than those obtained using basic calibration method. And the values of (R2) of calibration curves for soybean oils, corn oils and peanut oils are 0.995, 0.992 and 0.996, respectively, with using dual-line internal standard method. The relative errors between the two validation samples are 12.8%, 1.73%, 9.19%, 6.05% and 6.23%, 6.69%, respectively. And the results obtained by the dual-line internal standard method are better than those obtained by the basic calibration method and single-line internal standard method. Thus it can be seen that the dual-line internal standard method can reduce the error of quantitative analysis effectively and improve the predicting ability of LIBS technique for Cr element detection in vegetable oil.
      Corresponding author: Sun Tong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31401278) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 20132BAB214010, 20151BAB204025).

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    Yao Z Q 2011Studi.Trace Elem.Heal. 28 67(in Chinese)[姚智卿2011微量元素与健康研究28 67]


    Wu J M, Cheng S G 2009Modern Preven.Medic. 36 4610(in Chinese)[吴继明, 程胜高2009现代预防医学36 4610]


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    Hu L, Zhao N J, Liu W Q, Fang L, Wang Y, Meng D S, Yu Y, Gu Y H, Wang Y Y, Ma J M, Xiao X, Wang Y, Liu J G 2015Acta Opt.Sin. 35 0630001(in Chinese)[胡丽, 赵南京, 刘文清, 方丽, 王寅, 孟德硕, 余洋, 谷艳红, 王园园, 马明俊, 肖雪, 王煜, 刘建国2015光学学报35 0630001]


    Liu Y F, Ding Y J, Peng Z M, Huang Y, Du Y J 2014Acta Phys.Sin. 63 205205(in Chinese)[刘玉峰, 丁艳军, 彭志敏, 黄宇, 杜艳君2014 63 205205]


    Hu Z Y, Zhang L, Yin W B, Ma W G, Dong L, Jia S T 2013J.Atmo.Environ.Optics 8 26(in Chinese)[胡志裕, 张雷, 尹王保, 马维光, 董磊, 贾锁堂2013大气与环境光学学报8 26]


    Yuan T B, Wang Z, Li Z, Ni W D, Liu J M 2014Anal.Chim.Acta 807 29


    Ma F Y, Dong D M 2014Food Anal.Method 7 1858


    Gondal M A, Hussain T, Yamani Z H, Baig M A 2006Talanta 69 1072


    Wu J L, Fu Y X, Li Y, Lu Y, Cui Z F, Zheng R R 2008Spectrosc.Spect.Anal. 28 1979(in Chinese)[吴江来, 傅院霞, 李颖, 卢渊, 崔执凤, 郑荣儿2008光谱学与光谱分析28 1979]


    Zhao F, Zhang Q, Xiong W, Rong J B, Li R H 2010Environ.Sci.Tech. 33 137(in Chinese)[赵芳, 张谦, 熊威, 容静宝, 李润华2010环境科学与技术33 137]


    Xu Y, Yao M Y, Liu M H, Lei Z J, Peng Q M, Zhang X, Chen T B 2011Acta Opt.Sin. 31 1230002(in Chinese)[徐媛, 姚明印, 刘木华, 雷泽剑, 彭秋梅, 张旭, 陈添兵2011光学学报31 1230002]


    Xu L, Wang L, Yao G X, Wang C H, Ji X H, Zhang X, Cui Z F 2012J.Anhui Normal Univ.(Nat.Sci.) 35 438(in Chinese)[徐丽, 王莉, 姚关心, 王传辉, 季学韩, 张先, 崔执凤2012安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)35 438]


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    Liu M H 2011Technology and Application of Optical Nondestructive Inspecting Quality and Safety for Agricultural Products(Wuhan:Huazhong University of Science and Technology press) pp70-71(in Chinese)[刘木华2011农产品质量安全光学无损检测技术及应用(武汉:华中科技大学出版社)第70-71页]


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  • Received Date:  02 September 2016
  • Accepted Date:  03 December 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

