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Theoretical model and simulation of ship underwater radiated noise

Sun Jun-Ping Yang Jun Lin Jian-Heng Jiang Guo-Jian Yi Xue-Juan Jiang Peng-Fei


Theoretical model and simulation of ship underwater radiated noise

Sun Jun-Ping, Yang Jun, Lin Jian-Heng, Jiang Guo-Jian, Yi Xue-Juan, Jiang Peng-Fei
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  • Ship underwater radiated noise is one of the most important ocean ambient noise sources, and building a reasonable model for the ship underwater radiated noise is helpful for understanding the physical mechanism and reducing research cost of ship underwater radiated noise. The quasi-periodic random sound pulse sequence signals act well in explaining the rhythm and the power spectrum variation of the ship underwater radiated noise, and reveal that there are not any real sinusoidal components in ship radiated noise signals, which come from the non-linear transformation of the signals, and the analysis of some representative experimental data of ship radiated noise also supports this idea. Based on this, the explosion-type cosine pulses are used as the units of quasi-periodic random sound pulse sequences. This model can generate the power spectrum with a peak, and the peak location can change with ship velocity or ship type. The power spectrum variation characteristics of quasi-periodic random sound pulse sequences consisting of the explosion-type cosine pulses are in good agreement with the measured ship underwater radiated noise data, which shows that this model is of important practical value.
      Corresponding author: Lin Jian-Heng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11174314, 11204345, 11474301) and State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. SKLA201502).

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    Jennifer L M, David L B, Xiaoyue M N 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134 3464


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  • [1]

    Knudsen V O, Alford R S, Emling J W 1944 Natl. Def. Res. Comm. Rep. pp1-246


    Wenz G M 1962 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 34 1936


    Ross D 1976 Mechanics of Underwater Noise (New York: Pergamon) pp272-287


    Paul S, Richard M H 1991 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89 691


    Paul T A, David J V 2000 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107 118


    Li X G, Feng X X, Ge Y 2002 Acta Acustica 27 443 (in Chinese) [李训诰, 冯欣欣, 戈弋 2002 声学学报 27 443]


    Tong F, Lu J R, Fang S L 2004 Acta Acustica 29 398 (in Chinese) [童峰, 陆佶人, 方世良 2004 声学学报 29 398]


    Shi G J, Hu J C 2007 Acta Acustica 32 19 (in Chinese) [史广智, 胡均川 2007 声学学报 32 19]


    Li Q H, Li M, Yang X T 2008 Acta Acustica 33 193 (in Chinese) [李启虎, 李敏, 杨秀庭 2008 声学学报 33 193]


    Rex K A, Bruce M H, James A M 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 642


    Wu G Q, Wang G M, Chen Y M 2012 Acta Acustica 37 432 (in Chinese) [吴国清, 王美刚, 陈耀明 2012 声学学报 37 432]


    Cheng Y S, Zhang B H, Gao X, Zhou J 2012 Acta Acustica 37 25 (in Chinese) [程玉胜, 张宝华, 高鑫, 周静 2012 声学学报 37 25]


    Megan F M, Donald R, Sean M W, John A H 2012 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131 92


    Jennifer L M, David L B, Xiaoyue M N 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134 3464


    Jiang G J, Lin J H, Sun J P, Gao X, Yi X J, Jiang P F, Jiang D G 2015 Acta Acustica 40 170 (in Chinese) [蒋国健, 林建恒, 孙军平, 高鑫, 衣雪娟, 江鹏飞, 蒋东阁 2015 声学学报 40 170]


    Jiang G J 1982 The 3rd National Conference on Acoustics Shanghai, China, June 17-22, 1982 p50


    Wu G Q 1982 Acta Acustica 7 222 (in Chinese) [吴国清 1982 声学学报 7 222]


    Tao D C 1983 Acta Acustica 8 65 (in Chinese) [陶笃纯 1983 声学学报 8 65]


    Jiang G J, Lin J H, Ma J, Zhao J P 1998 Acta Acustica 23 401 (in Chinese) [蒋国健, 林建恒, 马杰, 赵建平 1998 声学学报 23 401]


    Xing G Q 2005 M.S. Dissertation (Xian: Northwestern Polytechnical University) (in Chinese) [邢国强 2005 硕士学位论文 (西安: 西北工业大学)]


    Zhang J, Yang Z C, Tao W 2015 Audio Engineering 39 69 (in Chinese) [张军, 扬子晨, 陶伟 2015 电声技术 39 69]


    Shi G Z, Hu J C 2006 Journal of System Simulation 18 1398 (in Chinese) [史广智, 胡均川 2006 系统仿真学报 18 1398]


    Luo J, Zhan Y Q, Ma D K 2008 Applied Acoustics 27 108 (in Chinese) [罗建, 湛雅倩, 马定坤 2008 应用声学 27 108]


    Li Q, Yan B C, Zhang W J 2010 Ship Science and Technology 32 121 (in Chinese) [李琴, 苑秉成, 张文娟 2010 船舶科学技术 32 121]


    Zhu Y, Hu S G, Chen G 2010 System Simulation Technology and Application 11 591 (in Chinese) [朱艳, 胡生国, 陈刚 2010 系统仿真技术及其应用 11 591]


    Xie J, Da L L, Hu J C 2011 Technical Acoustics 30 364 (in Chinese) [谢骏, 笪良龙, 胡均川 2011 声学技术 30 364]


    Xie J, Da L L, Tang S 2013 Acta Armanmentarii 34 294 (in Chinese) [谢骏, 笪良龙, 唐帅 2013 兵工学报 34 294]


    Sun J P, Jiang G J, Lin J H 2014 Technical Acoustics 33 113 (in Chinese) [孙军平, 蒋国健, 林建恒 2014 声学技术 33 113]


    Zhang Y, Li F H, Li Z L, Zhang R H 2008 Technical Acoustics 27 120 (in Chinese) [张岩, 李风华, 李整林, 张仁和 2008 声学技术 27 120]


    Xiao Y B, Chen H Z, Zheng Y, Hu X F 2009 Ocean Technology 28 58 (in Chinese) [肖勇兵, 陈鸿志, 郑耀, 胡晓峰 2009 海洋技术 28 58]

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  • Received Date:  25 November 2015
  • Accepted Date:  01 April 2016
  • Published Online:  05 June 2016

