Radiation effects on four-transistor (4 T) active pixel sensor complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor induced by -ray are presented. The samples are 4 megapixels resolution CMOS image sensor using 11 upm pitch high dynamic 4 T pixels. They are manufactured with 0.18 upm specialized CMOS image sensortechnology. Three samples have been exposed to 200 krad(Si) 60Co -ray with different biasing condition (1# is static-biased, 2# dynamic-biased, and 3# is grounded during irradiation), and the dose rate is 50 rad(Si)/s. The influences of radiation on full well charge capacity, dark current, and conversion gain of the device are investigated. Experimental result shows that the conversion gain is not sensitive to the ionizing radiation, and it is mainly determined by the CMOS digital or analog circuits. It is known that the total ionizing dose for induced degradation in deep submicron MOSFET is negligible and so there is almost no radiation effect on the digital or analog circuits exposed to the ionizing radiation. Therefore, conversion gain does not have obvious degradation after irradiation. While full well charge capacity has a degradation after irradiation, which is due to the change of TG channel doping profile induced by the radiation. As the dose increases, dark current increases rapidly. The main source of dark current in 4 T CMOS image sensor is the current from STI interface and TG-PD overlap region. Experimental result also shows that different from 3 T CMOS image sensor, there is no biasing effect in 4 T CMOS image sensor. This is because for the 4 T CMOS image sensor most of the degradation come from STI interface and TG-PD overlap region, while biasing condition almost has no influence on both ofthem.
- complementary metal oxide semiconductor image sensor /
- total ionizing dose radiation effect /
- pinned photodiode /
- full well chargecapacity
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[10] Wang X Y 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft)
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[1] Furuta M, Nishikawa Y, Inoue T, Kawahito S 2007 IEEE J. Solid State Circuits 42 766
[2] Cao C, Zhang B, Wu L S, Li N, Wang J F 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 124215
[3] Wang B, Li Y D, Guo Q, Liu C J, Wen L, Ma L Y, Sun J, Wang H J, Cong Z C, Ma W Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 56102 (in Chinese) [汪波, 李豫东, 郭旗, 刘昌举, 文林, 玛丽娅, 孙静, 王海娇, 丛忠超, 马武英 2014 63 56102]
[4] Claeys C, Simoen E (Translated by Liu Z L) 2008 Radiation Effects in Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) p20 (in Chinese) [Claeys C, Simoen E 著, (刘忠立 译) 2008先进半导体材料及器件的辐射效应(北京:国防工业出版社) 第20页]
[5] Hopkinson G 2000 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 47 2480
[6] Chen Y, Tan J, Wang X Y, Mierop A J, Theuwissen A J P 2010 Sensors, 2010 IEEE Kona, HI, November 1-4, 2010 p1649
[7] Goiffon V, Estribeau M, Marcelot O, Cervantes P, Magnan P, Marcandella C 2012 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 2878
[8] Tan J M, Bernhard Bttgen, Albert Theuwissens J P 2012 IEEE Sensors Journal 12 2278
[9] Wang B, Li Y D, Guo Q, Liu C J, Wen L, Ren D Y, Zeng J Z, Ma L Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 084209 (in Chinese) [汪波, 李豫东, 郭旗, 刘昌举, 文林, 任迪远, 曾骏哲, 玛丽娅 2015 64 084209]
[10] Wang X Y 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft)
[11] EMVA 2012 Standard for Characterization of Image Sensors and Cameras p5
[12] Goiffon V, Cervantes P, Virmontois C 2011 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 3076
[13] Goiffon V, Magnan P, Saint-P O 2008 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 3494
[14] Hopkinson G R, Mohammadzadeh A 2004 International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 14 419
[15] Sze S M 2001 Semiconductor Devices. Physics and Technology (New York: John Wiley Sons) p109
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