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Lateral mode suppression and experiment for the ZnO ring thin-film bulk acoustic resonator (Retracted)  

Li Yu-Jin Yuan Xiu-Hua Zhao Ming Wang Yun-He


Lateral mode suppression and experiment for the ZnO ring thin-film bulk acoustic resonator (Retracted)  

Li Yu-Jin, Yuan Xiu-Hua, Zhao Ming, Wang Yun-He
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  • In this paper, we analytically study the spurious lateral mode of the ring (circular) thin-film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) by using Tiersten equation. The lateral mode displacement field and frequency dispersion equation are obtained. According to the electromagnetic mode analysis, we find that the mode frequency and spurious electrical responses relate to the ratio of inner radius to outer radius (a/b) of the ring resonator, and its lateral vibration mode can be obtained by coupling other circular FBAR modes. The ring electrode can greatly reduce the number of spurious electrical responses caused by lateral resonances. Suppressing lateral mode and adjusting fundamental frequency can be achieved by controlling a/b. In this paper, the experiments for the same batch of ring and circular FBARs are carried out by using a heterodyne interferometer and a vector network analyzer, including the measurements of acoustic wave fields and eigenmode spectra, which can provide the information about vibration localization and coupling between lateral mode and thickness extensional mode. The data indicate that the lateral vibration mode of ring FBAR can be obtained by coupling the two modes of circular FBARs, whose radii are a and b, respectively, and the lateral mode pattern of n' = 0 is suppressed. When the ring resonator is designed with an a/b ratio of 0.436, the fundamental frequency (~ 1217 MHz) is the same as the (0, 1) mode frequency of the circular FBAR. Based on this observation, the acoustic wave field images and electrical spurious responses can accurately describe the lateral modes, and the obtained results accord well with the analyses of theoretical electromagnetic modes. This phenomenon may be found to have applications in the design and theoretical analysis of the resonators.
      Corresponding author: Yuan Xiu-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61275081).

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  • [1]

    Weigel R, Morgan D P, Owens J M, Ballato A, Lakin K M, Hashimoto K, Ruppel C C 2002 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Technol. 50 738


    Kim Y D, Sunwoo K H, Sul S C, Lee J H, Kim D H, Song I S, Choa S H, Yook J G 2006 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Technol. 54 1218


    Su Q X, Kirby P, Komuro E, Imura M, Zhang Q, Whatmore R 2001 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Technol. 49 769


    Zhou Z K, Wei L M, Feng J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 104601 (in Chinese) [周振凯, 韦利明, 丰杰 2013 62 104601]


    Chen D, Wang J J, Xu Y, Li D H, Zhang L Y, Liu W H 2013 J. Micromech. Microeng. 23 095032


    Link M, Schreiter M, Weber J, Primig R, Pitzer D, Gabl R 2006 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Control 53 492


    Zhang H, Zhang S Y, Fan L 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 114301


    Chao M C, Huang Z N, Pao S Y, Wang Z, Lam C S 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Munich, Germany, October 8-11, 2002 p973


    Bradley P D, Ruby III R C, Larson J D, Oshmyansky Y, Figueredo D A 2001 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. 1 367


    Larson III J D, Ruby R C, Bradley P D 2001 US Patent 6 215 375 B1 [2001-4-10]


    Ruby R C, Bradley P D, Oshmyansky Y, Figueredo D A 2004 US Patent 6 714 102 B2 [2004-03-30]


    Kaitila J, Ylilammi M, Ella J 2001 International Patent WO 2001006647 A1 [2001-1-25]


    Cushman D, Crawford J D 2002 US Patent 6381820 B1 [2002-05-07]


    Larson III J D, Bradley P D, Wartenberg S, Ruby R C 2000 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 22-25, 2000 p863


    Makkonen T, Holappa A, Ell J, Salomaa M 2001 2001 IEEE Trans. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Control. 48 1240


    Kokkonen K, Meltaus J, Pensala T, Kaivola M 2012 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Control 59 557


    Tiersten H F, Stevens D S 1983 J. Appl. Phys. 54 5893


    Kokkonen K, Pensala T, Kaivola M 2011 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Control 58 215


    Leissa A W 2001 Int. J. Solids Struct. 38 3341


    Pors A, Moreno E, Martin-Moreno L, Pendry J B, Garcia-Vidal F J 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 223905


    Flax L, Dragonette L R, berall H 1978 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 63 723


    Chew W C 1995 Waves Fields in Inhomogenous Media (New York: Wiley-IEEE Press) pp161-167


    Wong W O, Yam L H, Li Y Y, Law L Y, Chan K T 2000 J. Sound Vib. 232 807


    Murphy J D, Breitenbach E D, berall H 1978 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 64 677

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  • Received Date:  02 April 2015
  • Accepted Date:  07 July 2015
  • Published Online:  05 November 2015

