ZnO nanobelts are synthesized using chemical vapors deposition method on silica substrate. The average width of the nanobelts is ~1 μm and the length is dozens of micron. Single ZnO nanobelt device is assembled using the micro-grid template method. The current-voltage characteristics are linear and the resistance and resistivity of the ZnO nanobelt are calculated to be ~3 MΩ and ~0.4 Ω·cm at room temperature, respectively. It is found that there are two different conduction mechanisms through the single ZnO nanobelt, according to the temperature dependence of the resistance of the single ZnO nanobelt at 20-280 K. In the higher temperature range (130-280 K) the thermally activated conduction is dominant. However, as the temperature comes down (<130 K), the nearest-neighbor hopping conduction mechanism instead of the thermally activated conduction turns into the dominant conduction mechanism through the single ZnO nanobelt.
- ZnO /
- nanobelts /
- low temperature /
- transport mechanism
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[1] Verma V P, Jeon H, Wang S H, Jeon M, Choi W 2008 IEEE Trans. Nanotechno. 7 782
[2] Song S, Hong K H, Kwon S S, Lee T 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 263109
[3] Fu X J, Zhang H Y, Guo C X, Xu J B, Li M 2009 J. Semicond. 30 084002
[4] Lauhon L J, Gudiksen M S, Wang D, Lieber C M 2002 Nature 420 57
[5] Lien C C, Wu C Y, Li Z Q, Lin J J 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 110 063706
[6] Serin T, Yildiz A, Uzun S, Çam E, Serin N 2011 Phys. Scr. 84 065703
[7] Kumar R, Khare N 2008 Thin Solid Films 516 1302
[8] Sharma N, Granville S, Kashyap S C, Ansermet J P 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 125211
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[10] Jiang W, Gao H, Xu L L, Ma J N, Zhang E, Wei P, Lin J Q 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 3
[11] Yuan Z, Gao H, Xu L L, Chen T T, Lang Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 057201 (in Chinese) [袁泽, 高红, 徐玲玲, 陈婷婷, 郎颖 2012 61 057201]
[12] Zhou J, Gu Y D, Hu Y F, Mai W J, Ping H Y, Bao G, Sood A K, Polla D L, Wang Z L 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 191103
[13] Wan Q, Huang J, Lu A X, Wang T H 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 103109
[14] Zhang X T, Xiao Z Y, Zhang W L, Gao H, Wang Y X, Liu Y C, Zhang J Y, Xu W 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 740 (in Chinese) [张喜田, 肖芝燕, 张伟力, 高红, 王玉玺, 刘益春, 张吉英, 许武 2003 52 740]
[15] Lin B X, Fu Z X, Jia Y B, Liao G H 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 2208 (in Chinese) [林碧霞, 傅竹西, 贾云波, 廖桂红 2001 50 2208]
[16] Lin Y F, Jian W B, Wang C P, Suen Y W, Wu Z Y, Chen F R, Kai J J, Lin J J 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 223117
[17] Zhang S B, Wei S H, Zunger A 2001 Phys. Rev. B 63 075205
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[19] Chiu S P, LinY H, Lin J J 2009 Nanotechnology 20 015203
[20] Tsai L T, Chiu S P, Lu J G, Lin J J 2010 Nanotechnology 21 145202
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