Micro-eletromechanical system (MEMS) thermal-control shutters for spacecraft are fabricated by using the flexible Al/PI film, because of its light mass, no brittleness and withstanding severe mechanical environment (mechanical environment adaptability) in space. But the stress in the film would be able to bend the shutters too much to fabricate shutter array. Therefore, how to control the thin film stress is an important problem and it is necessary for flat shutters to take some measure to remove or reduce the thin film stress. This internal stress in the thin film formed intricately during the deposition process would make the film exhibit macroscopic compressive stress. So it is difficult to control the thin film stress micro-mechanically, but macro-mechanically. According to the results of the current study, the controlling technology of thin stress is commonly applicable to rigid substrates. In this paper, the flexible Al/PI film may be controlled by interface alloying. We put forward a way of adding Sn layer to the flexible Al/PI film, which makes Al/Sn interface to be alloyed as a measure to control the stress. In the alloy phase, lattice expansion and distortion results in the emergence of transverse shearing stress. The intrinsic compressive stress can be canceled out by the transverse shearing stress and the apparent stress in the films decreases consequently. The Sn atoms diffusion behaviour is proved to form Al-Sn alloying layer by SEM and EDS. This method can be used as a new technology of controlling thin film stress.
- flexible film /
- thin film stress /
- interface alloying
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[1] Yu Y T, Yuan W Z, Qiao D Y 2005 Microfabrication Technology 46 46 (in Chinese) [虞益挺, 范伟政, 乔大勇 2005 微细加工技术 46 46]
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[3] Fan Y D, Zhou Z F 1996 Mater. Sci. Eng. 14 5 (in Chinese) [范玉殿, 周志烽 1996 材料科学与工程 14 5]
[4] Wang Q X 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3757 (in Chinese) [王庆学 2005 54 3757]
[5] Zhang J M, Zhang Y, Xu K W 2005 Chin. Phys. B 5 1006
[6] Shao S Y, Fan Z X 2003 Thin Solid Films 445 59
[7] Leplan H, Geenen B X, Robic J Y, Pauleau Y1995 Appl. Phys. 78 962
[8] Paniago R, Soares E A, Pfannes H D, Siervo A D, Landers R 2004 Surface Science 560 2734
[9] Askeland D R (translated by Liu H K) 1988 Materials Science and Engineering (Vol.1) (Beijing: China Astronautic Publishing House) pp200-214 (in Chinese) [唐纳德D R 阿斯克兰 著 (刘海宽译) 1988 料科学与工程(上册)(北京: 宇航出版社) 第200–214页]
[10] Fang H Y, Feng J 2005 The Interface Behavior in The Process of Material Connection (Harbin: Harbin Institute Technology Press) pp125-140 (in Chinese) [方洪渊, 冯吉才 2005 材料连接过程中的界面行为(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社) 第125–140页]
[11] Liao X Z, Zou J, Cockayne D J H 1999 Phys. Rev. B 60 5605
[12] Hadjisavvas G, Kelires P C 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 075334
[13] Eisenmenger S C, Bangerta H, Tomastikb C 2003 Thin Solid Films 433 97
[14] Luo Y Q 1989 Electromechanical Components 9 22 (in Chinese) [罗玉清 1989 机电元件 9 22]
[15] Perry A J, Albertsue J, Martin P J 1996 Thin Solid Films 81 17
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