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Theoretical study on the photodissociation reaction of α-cyclohexanedione in ground state

Yang Xue Yan Bing Lian Ke-Yan Ding Da-Jun


Theoretical study on the photodissociation reaction of α-cyclohexanedione in ground state

Yang Xue, Yan Bing, Lian Ke-Yan, Ding Da-Jun
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  • The α-cyclohexanedione (α-CHD) molecule is an important structural unit in the six-membered ring systems with a large number ofbiologically meaningfulmoleculeswhich have been found. It has important applications in synthetic science also. It is found that some fragments can be obtained through vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrum and induction photolysis experiments for α-CHD molecules. In order to understand the dissociation reaction mechanism of α-CHD and reveal the resource of those fragments, the potential energy surface of the dissociation reaction for α-CHD molecules in ground state is studied by B3LYP and CCSD(T) methods. The reaction paths of the products are obtained, such as P1(c-C5H8O+ CO), P2(2 C2H4+ 2 CO), P3 (CH2CHCH2CH2CHO+ CO), P4(2 C2H2O+ C2H4), P5(CH3CHCO+ CH2CHCHO). And the structure parameters of the reactant, products, intermediates and transition states in the reaction processes are also obtained. Their reaction mechanisms can be summarized as the isomerization and dissociation processes, and these processes mainly involve the hydrogen atom transfer, ring-opening and C–C bond cleavages. A reactionchannel in which α-CHD dissociates into cyclopentanone and CO needs lower energy, so it is more advantage our to make dissociation study than other studies. In addition, we think that α-dissociationreaction cannotoccur directly in ground state from our calculations. Based on the UV photolysis experiment of α-CHD with a wavelength of 253.7 nm (112.7 kcal/mol) and the theoretical calculation of potential energy surface in ground state, we obtain that Path 1 (α-CHD→ c-C5H8O+ CO) is the most possible channel, Path 3 (α-CHD→ CH2CHCH2CH2CHO+ CO) is the next, and Path 5(α-CHD→ CH3CHCO+ CH2CHCHO) is the third, while Path 2 (α-CHD→ 2 C2H4+ 2 CO) and Path 4 (α-CHD→ 2 CH2CO+ C2H4) are difficult to be achieved. So c-C5H8O and CO are the major fragment products, CH2CHCH2CH2CHO is the subsidiary one, maybe a minor distribution of CH3CHCO and CH2CHCHO, but the fragments C2H4 and CH2CO are difficult to obtain. This agrees well with the analysis using mass spectrometry in experiment. Results can clarify the microcosmic reaction mechanism of the photodissociation reaction for α-CHD molecule in ground state. It may provide an important reference for realizing its spectrum in-depth. The obtained results are informative for future studies on α-CHD relative.
      Corresponding author: Yang Xue,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11447194, 21271084).

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    Wu L J, Sui Q T, Zhang D, Zhang L, Qi Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 042102 (in Chinese) [吴丽君, 随强涛, 张多, 张林, 祁阳 2015 64 042102]


    Ziegler T 1991 Chem. Rev. 91 651


    Xie J, Feng D C, Feng S Y, Ding Y Q 2007 Struct Chem. 18 65


    Frisch M J, Trucks G W, Schlegel H B, Scuseria G E, Robb M A, Cheeseman J R, Jr. Montgomery J A, Vreven T, Kuden K N, Burant J C, Millam J M, Iyengar S S, Thomasi J, Barone V, Mennucci B, Cossi M, Scalmani G, Rega N, Petersson G A, Nakatsuji H, Hada M, Ehara M, Toyota K, Fukuda R, Hasegawa J, Ishida M, Nakajima T, Honda Y, Kitao O, Nakai H, Klene M, Li X, Knox J E, Hratchian H P, Cross J B, Adamo C, Jaramillo J, Gomperts R, Stratmann R E, Yazyev O, Austin A J, Cammi R, Pomelli C, Ochterski J W, Ayala P Y, MoroKuma K, Voth G A, Salvador P, Dannenberg J J, Zakrzewski V G, Dapprich J A S, Daniels A D, Strain M C, Farkas O, Malick D K, Rabuck A D, Raghavachari K, Foresman J B, Ortiz J V, Cui C, Baboul A G, Clifford B S, Cioslowski J, Stefanov B B, Liu G, Liashenko A, Piskorz P, Komaroni I, Martin R L, Fox D J, Keith T, AlLaham M A, Peng C Y, Nanayakkara A, Challacomb M, Gill P M W, Johnson B, Chen W, Wong W W, Gonzales C, Pople J A 2004 Gaussian 03, Revision D.01, Pittsburgh, PA Gaussian Inc


    Saito S 1976 Chem. Phys. Lett. 42 399


    Wu C C, Lien M H 1996 J. Phys. Chem. 100 594


    Majumder C, Jayakumar O D, Vatsa R K 1999 Chem. Phys. Lett. 304 51


    Chong D P, Hu C H 1998 J. Electron. Spectros. 94 181


    Le H T, Flammang R, Gerbaux P, Bouchoux G, Nguyen M T 2001 J. Phys. Chem. A 105 11582

  • [1]

    Kusaba M, Tsunawaki Y 2007 Radiat. Phys. Chem. 76 1447


    Moortgat G K, Meyrahn H, Warneck P 2010 Chem. Phys. Chem. 11 3896


    Song Y D, Chen Z, Yang X, Sun C K, Zhang C C, Hu Z 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 103301


    Ananda S, Schlegel H B 2004 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6 5166


    Wang Q, Wu D, Jin M, Liu F, Hu F, Cheng X, Liu H, Hu Z, Ding D, Mineo H, Dyakov Y A, Mebel A M, Chao S D, Lin S H 2008 J. Chem. Phys. 129 204302


    Yao G X, Wang X L, Du C M, Li H M, Zhang X Y, Zheng X F, Ji X H, Cui Z F 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2210 (in Chinese) [姚关心, 汪小丽, 杜传梅, 李慧敏, 张先燚, 郑贤锋, 季学韩, 崔执凤 2006 55 2210]


    Cui G L, Li Q S, Zhang F, Fang W H, Yu J G 2006 J. Phys. Chem. A 110 11839


    Ding W J, Fang W H, Liu R Z, Fang D C 2002 J. Chem. Phys. 117 8745


    Xiao H Y, Liu Y J, Fang W H 2007 J. Chem. Phys. 127 244313


    He H Y, Fang W H 2003 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 16139


    Chen W K, Cheng P Y 2005 J. Phys. Chem. A 109 6818


    Rajakumar B, Gierczak T, Flad J E, Ravishankara A R, Burkholder J B 2008 J Photochem. Photobio. A 199 336


    Fukamiya N, Lee K, Muhammad I, Murakami C, Okano M, Harvey I, Pelletier J 2005 J. Cancer Lett. 220 37


    Gianturco M A, Giammarino A S, Pitcher R G 1963 Tetrahedron 19 2051


    Francis J T, Hitchcock A P 1994 J. Phys. Chem. 98 3650


    Duval C, Lecomte J 1962 Acad. Sci. 36 254


    Samanta A K, Pandey P, Bandyopadhyay B, Chakraborty T 2010 J. Mol. Struct. 963 234


    Schwarzenbach G, Wittwer C H 1947 Chim. Acta. 30 663


    Bouchoux G, Hoppilliard Y, Houriet R 1987 New J. Chem. 11 225


    Shen Q, Traetteberg M, Samdal S 2009 J. Mol. Struct. 923 94


    Mukhopadhyay A, Mukherjee M, Ghosh A K, Chakraborty T 2011 J. Phys. Chem. A 115 7494


    Wu L J, Sui Q T, Zhang D, Zhang L, Qi Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 042102 (in Chinese) [吴丽君, 随强涛, 张多, 张林, 祁阳 2015 64 042102]


    Ziegler T 1991 Chem. Rev. 91 651


    Xie J, Feng D C, Feng S Y, Ding Y Q 2007 Struct Chem. 18 65


    Frisch M J, Trucks G W, Schlegel H B, Scuseria G E, Robb M A, Cheeseman J R, Jr. Montgomery J A, Vreven T, Kuden K N, Burant J C, Millam J M, Iyengar S S, Thomasi J, Barone V, Mennucci B, Cossi M, Scalmani G, Rega N, Petersson G A, Nakatsuji H, Hada M, Ehara M, Toyota K, Fukuda R, Hasegawa J, Ishida M, Nakajima T, Honda Y, Kitao O, Nakai H, Klene M, Li X, Knox J E, Hratchian H P, Cross J B, Adamo C, Jaramillo J, Gomperts R, Stratmann R E, Yazyev O, Austin A J, Cammi R, Pomelli C, Ochterski J W, Ayala P Y, MoroKuma K, Voth G A, Salvador P, Dannenberg J J, Zakrzewski V G, Dapprich J A S, Daniels A D, Strain M C, Farkas O, Malick D K, Rabuck A D, Raghavachari K, Foresman J B, Ortiz J V, Cui C, Baboul A G, Clifford B S, Cioslowski J, Stefanov B B, Liu G, Liashenko A, Piskorz P, Komaroni I, Martin R L, Fox D J, Keith T, AlLaham M A, Peng C Y, Nanayakkara A, Challacomb M, Gill P M W, Johnson B, Chen W, Wong W W, Gonzales C, Pople J A 2004 Gaussian 03, Revision D.01, Pittsburgh, PA Gaussian Inc


    Saito S 1976 Chem. Phys. Lett. 42 399


    Wu C C, Lien M H 1996 J. Phys. Chem. 100 594


    Majumder C, Jayakumar O D, Vatsa R K 1999 Chem. Phys. Lett. 304 51


    Chong D P, Hu C H 1998 J. Electron. Spectros. 94 181


    Le H T, Flammang R, Gerbaux P, Bouchoux G, Nguyen M T 2001 J. Phys. Chem. A 105 11582

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  • Received Date:  11 February 2015
  • Accepted Date:  21 March 2015
  • Published Online:  05 November 2015

