The channel current model is used to analyse the behavior of uniaxially strained Si NMOSFET device and circuit. With the development of mobility and threshold voltage model, starting from the basic drift-diffusion equation, the channel current model for an uniaxially strained Si NMOSFET device is developed under different bias conditions. Especially, the stress intensity is explicitly included in the mobility and threshold voltage model, and this makes the model convenient to directly reflect the relationship between the device channel current and the stress intensity. Moreover, in terms of the subthreshold current model, the charge of weak inversion rather than the normal effective channel thickness approximation is involved. In this way, the model accuracy can be improved. Furthermore, this model is implemented by using verilogA language and is applied to the strained Si circuit's SPICE simulation, the model parameters extraction tool ParamPlus++ is developed at the same time. As a result, the simulation of uniaxial-strained Si NMOSFET device and circuit can be achieved; the simulation data fits the experimental results or TCAD simulation results very well, and this proves the accuracy of the model. Meanwhile the simulation results of the threshold voltage and subthreshold current with respect to stress intensity are obtained and analyzed. The results show that with increasing stress intensity the subthreshold current is increased while the threshold voltage is decreased.
- uniaxially strained Si /
- mobility model /
- threshold voltage
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[1] Song J J, Yang C, Wang G Y, Zhou C Y, Wang B, Hu H Y, Zhang H M 2012 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51 104301
[2] Lv Y, Zhang H M, Hu H Y, Yang J Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 197103(in Chinese) [吕懿, 张鹤鸣, 胡辉勇, 杨晋勇 2014 63 197103]
[3] Nicoleta W, Harald R, Mahadi-ul H 2011 Solid-State Electronics 57 60
[4] Toshifumi I, Toshinori N, Tsutomu T 2008 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 55 649
[5] David C, Gilmer, Jamie K 2010 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 57 898
[6] Wang X Y, Zhang H M, Song J J, Ma J L, Wang G Y, An J H 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 077205(in Chinese) [王晓艳, 张鹤鸣, 宋建军, 马建立, 王冠宇, 安久华 2011 60 077205]
[7] Valinajad H, Hosseini R, Akbari M E 2012 IJRRAS 13 2
[8] Hung M F, Wu Y C, Tang Z Y 2011 Applied Physics Letters 98 162108
[9] Lim J S, Thompson S E, Fossum J G 2004 IEEE Electron Device Letters 250 731
[10] Roldn J B, Gmiz F, P Cartujo C P 2003 IEEE Tran Electron Devices 50 1408
[11] Wang B, Zhang H M, Hu H Y, Zhang Y M, Zhou C Y, Wang G Y, Li Y C 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 028503
[12] Kang T K 2012 IEEE Electron Devices Letters 33 770
[13] Kumar M, Dubey S, Tiwari P K, Jit S 2013 Superlattices and Microstructures 58 10
[14] Chen D Y, Tang T G, Araujo C 1989 Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 10 547 (in Chinese) [陈登元, 汤庭鳌, C. A. Paz de Araujo 1989 半导体学报 10 547]
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