In recent years, the PM2.5 air pollution has been increasingly serious, which not only affects the air quality and visibility, but also has effects on free space optical signal transmission. However, the research about the relationship between the PM2.5 air pollution and the free space quantum communication has not yet been started. To investigate this relationship, the PM2.5 distribution function and its chemical extinction should be analyzed first. According to the degree of PM2.5 atmospheric pollution and the humidity of the atmosphere, the relationships among the PM2.5 index, the humidity of the atmosphere and the channel attenuation of the free space quantum communication can then be established. According to the amplitude damping channel and the depolarizing channel, the effects of the degree of PM2.5 air pollution on channel capacity, channel average fidelity, channel bit error rate are put out and simulated finally. Simulation results show that, if the air humidity is 30% and the PM2.5 index is 50, the channel capacity, channel average fidelity and the channel bit error rate of free space quantum communication will be 0.83, 0.91 and 0.0048 respectively. While the air humidity is 30% and the PM2.5 index is 300, the above channel parameters will be respectively 0.21, 0.56 and 0.0192. Further more, the channel average fidelity has an obvious difference between the two kinds of channel, and it is also related to the probability of the value of the source characters. Thus, the degree of PM2.5 air pollution has a significant effect on the performance of free space quantum communication. And, in order to improve the reliability of quantum communication in free space, the parameters should be adjusted adaptively based on the status of PM2.5 air pollution.
- free space quantum communication /
- PM2.5 index /
- amplitude damping and depolarizing channel
[1] Huang R J, Zhang Y L, Bozzetti C, Ho K F, Cao J J, Zotter P, Canonaco F, Wolf R, Crippa M, Baltensperger U, Zimmermann R, Szidat S, Haddad I E 2014 Nature 514 218
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[18] Liao X P, Fang M F, Fang J S, Zhu Q Q 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 020304
[19] Nielsen A, Chuang I(translated by Zheng D Z, Zhao Q C) 2005 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Vol. 2) (Beijing:TsingHua University Press) pp57-60 (in Chinese))[尼尔森,庄著(郑大钟, 赵千川译) 2005 量子计算和量子信息(二)(北京: 清华大学出版社)第57-60页]
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[21] Yan Y, Pei C X, Han B B, Zhao N 2008 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 23 834 (in Chinese) [闫毅, 裴昌幸, 韩宝彬, 赵楠 2008电波科学学报 23 834]
[1] Huang R J, Zhang Y L, Bozzetti C, Ho K F, Cao J J, Zotter P, Canonaco F, Wolf R, Crippa M, Baltensperger U, Zimmermann R, Szidat S, Haddad I E 2014 Nature 514 218
[2] Deng X, Wu D, Yu J, Lau A K, Li F, Tan H, Yuan Z, Ng W M, Deng T, Wu C, Zhou X 2013 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 63 1012
[3] Yin J, Ren J G, Lu H, Cao Y, Yong H L, Wu Y P, Liu C, Liao S K, Zhou F, Jiang Y, Cai X D, Xu P, Pan G S, Jia J J, Huang Y M, Yin H, Wang J Y, Chen Y A, Peng C Z, Pan J W 2012 Nature 488 185
[4] Ma X S, Thomas H, Thomas S, Wang D Q, Sebastian K, William Nr, Bernhard W, Alexandra M, Johannes K, Elena A, Vadim M, Thomas J, Rupert U, Anton Z 2012 Nature 489 269
[5] Yin J, Cao Y, Yong H L, Ren J G, Liang H, Liao S K, Zhou F, Liu C, Wu Y P, Pan G S, Li L, Liu N L, Zhang Q, Peng C Z, Pan J W 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 260407
[6] David E B, Thomas M B, Mohsen R, Almut B 2014 Phys. Rev. A 90 032306
[7] Nie M, Shang P G, Yang G, Zhang M L, Pei C X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 240303 (in Chinese) [聂敏, 尚鹏钢, 杨光, 张美玲, 裴昌幸 2014 63 240303]
[8] Liu X C, Gao T C, Qin J, Liu L 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2156 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 高太长, 秦健, 刘磊 2010 59 2156]
[9] Sun X M, Han Y P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 682 (in Chinese) [孙贤明, 韩一平 2006 55 682]
[10] He Q S, Zhou Y H, Zheng X J 2005 Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) 35 308 (in Chinese) [何琴淑周又和郑晓静 2005 中国科学G辑:物理学、力学、天文学 35 308]
[11] Yao Q, Han S Q, Bi X H 2012 China Environmental Science 32 214 (in Chinese) [姚青韩素芹毕晓辉 2012 中国环境科学 32 214]
[12] Min X, Li X C, Li X W, Ma X 2015 Acta Optica Sinica 35 413 (in Chinese) [闵星, 李兴财, 李新碗, 马鑫 2015 光学学报 35 413]
[13] Cai J, Gao J, Fan Z G, Feng S, Fang J 2013 Chin. J. Lumin. 34 639 (in Chinese) [蔡嘉, 高隽, 范之国, 冯屾, 方静 2013 发光学报 34 639]
[14] Marco L(translated by Zhou W X, Wu M Y, Hu M C, Jin L) 2013 Quantum Radar (Beijing:Publishing House Of Electronics Industry) p15-17 (in Chinese) [马尔科L著(周万幸, 吴鸣亚, 胡明春, 金林译) 2013 量子雷达(北京: 电子工业出版社)第15-17页]
[15] Yin H, Ma H X 2006 Introduction to quantum communication in military (Beijing: Military Science Press) p49 (in Chinese) [尹浩, 马怀新 2006 军事量子通信概论 (北京:军事科学出版社) 第49页]
[16] Zhang D Y, 2013 Quantum logic gates and quantum decoherence (Beijing: Science Press) pp90-110 (in Chinese) [张登玉 2013 量子逻辑门与量子退相干 (北京: 科学出版社) 第90-110页]
[17] Yin H, HanY 2013 Quantum Communication Theory And Technology (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp76-83 (in Chinese) [尹浩, 韩阳 2013 量子通信原理与技术 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第76-83页]
[18] Liao X P, Fang M F, Fang J S, Zhu Q Q 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 020304
[19] Nielsen A, Chuang I(translated by Zheng D Z, Zhao Q C) 2005 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Vol. 2) (Beijing:TsingHua University Press) pp57-60 (in Chinese))[尼尔森,庄著(郑大钟, 赵千川译) 2005 量子计算和量子信息(二)(北京: 清华大学出版社)第57-60页]
[20] Yan Y, 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Xi’an: Xidian University) (in Chinese) [阎毅 2009 博士学位论文(西安:西安电子科技大学)]
[21] Yan Y, Pei C X, Han B B, Zhao N 2008 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 23 834 (in Chinese) [闫毅, 裴昌幸, 韩宝彬, 赵楠 2008电波科学学报 23 834]
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