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Latest developments of dynamic holographic three-dimensional display

Zeng Chao Gao Hong-Yue Liu Ji-Cheng Yu Ying-Jie Yao Qiu-Xiang Liu Pan Zheng Hua-Dong Zeng Zhen-Xiang


Latest developments of dynamic holographic three-dimensional display

Zeng Chao, Gao Hong-Yue, Liu Ji-Cheng, Yu Ying-Jie, Yao Qiu-Xiang, Liu Pan, Zheng Hua-Dong, Zeng Zhen-Xiang
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  • Holographic three-dimensional (3D) display is a true 3D display technique, which can provide realistic image of a real object or a scene because holography has the ability to reconstruct both the intensity and phase information, i.e., the wave front of the object or scene. Therefore, it could allow the observers to perceive the light as it is scattered by the real object itself without any special eyewear, which is quite different from other 3D display techniques, such as stereoscopic displays and volumetric 3D displays. In this paper, the achievements and developments of the latest new holographic 3D displays are presented. Holographic 3D displays can be divided into static holographic 3D displays and dynamic holographic 3D displays. Here, we briefly introduce the principle of holographic 3D display technique and static holographic 3D displays, and focus on dynamic holographic 3D displays. Large-size, high-resolution and color static holographic 3D displays have already been successfully fabricated and applied in some areas, such as holographic 3D maps and holographic 3D images. However, dynamic holographic 3D displays based on both optical materials and spatial light modulators (SLMs) are still under research, which is a challenge to their applications. Some holographic researchers study the holographic 3D displays based on the SLMs for large-size and large view angle display, but it is difficult to realize them because of limitations of SLMs and there still needs much effort to solve these problems in SLMs. Other holographic researchers work on dynamic holographic materials, such as inorganic crystals, photorefractive polymer, photochromic material etc. The response time and diffraction efficiency are key factors to these materials. Compared with other holographic media, liquid crystals with super-fast response time (about 1 ms) have been reported, which makes it possible to realize video refresh-rate holographic displays. The achievements of dynamic holography, which are helpful for holographic 3D video applications, are presented. Recently, real-time dynamic holographic display has been obtained in super-fast response liquid crystal films, which makes it possible that large-size, high-definition, color holographic 3D video displayers are developed by using these liquid crystal films in the future.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474194, 11004037, 61101176) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China (Grant No. 14ZR1415500).

    Benton S A, Bove Jr V M 2008 Holographic Imaging (New York: Wiley-InterScience) p5


    Poon T C 2006 Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Display (Berlin: Springer) p16


    Pan Y, Xu X, Liang X, Lum Z A, Zheng R, Lwin P P M Y 2013 Proc. SPIE 8644 86440F


    Gao H Y, Pu H, Gao B, Yin D, Liu J, Gan F 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 201105


    Li J C, Tu H Y, Yeh W C, Gui J B, Cheng C J 2014 Appl. Opt. 53 G222


    Gao H Y, Liu J C, Gan F, Ma B 2009 Appl. Opt. 48 3014


    Gao H Y, Zhou Z X 2007 Proc. SPIE 6595 65950W


    Ren X B, Zhai T R, Ren Z, Lin J, Zhou J, Liu D H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3208 (in Chinese) [任晓斌, 翟天瑞, 任芝, 林晶, 周静, 刘大禾 2009 58 3208]


    Stanley M, Smith M A G, Smith A P 2004 Proc. SPIE 5249 297


    Choi K, Kim J, Lim Y 2005 Opt. Express 13 10494


    Xu X W, Liang X N, Pan Y C, Zheng R T, Abel Lum Z M 2013 Proc. SPIE 8644 864409


    Smalley D E, Smithwick Q Y J, Bove Jr V M, Barabas J, Jolly S 2013 Nature 498 313


    Sasaki U, Yamamoto K, Wakunami K, Lchihashi Y, Oi R, Senoh T 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 6177


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    Zhang H, Xie J H, Liu J, Wang Y T 2009 Chin. Opt. Lett. 7 1101


    Liu K F, Shen C, Zhang C, Wei S 2014 Acta Photon. Sin. 43 0509003 (in Chinese) [刘凯峰, 沈川, 张成, 韦穗 2014 光子学报 43 0509003]


    Shen C, Wei S, Liu K F, Zhang F, Li H, Wang Y 2014 Lasers Optoelectron. Prog. 51 030005 (in Chinese) [沈川, 韦穗, 刘凯峰, 张芬, 李浩, 王岳 2014 激光与光电子进展 51 030005]


    Zheng H D, Yu Y J, Wang T, Dai L M 2009 Chin. Opt. Lett. 7 1151


    Zheng H D, Yu Y J, Dai L M, Wang T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6145 (in Chinese) [郑华东, 于瀛洁, 代林茂, 王涛 2010 59 6145]


    Yu Y J, Dai L M, Zheng H D, Wang T 2010 Lasers Optoelectron. Prog. 47 100901 (in Chinese) [于瀛洁, 代林茂, 郑华东, 王涛 2010 激光与光电子进展 47 100901]


    Yu Y J, Li Y L, Zheng H D 2009 Electro-opt. technol. appl. 24 61 (in Chinese) [于瀛洁, 李雨浪, 郑华东 2009 光电技术应用 24 61]


    Wang H, Bi Y, Li F, Qi Y 2013 Chin. J. Lasers 40 0309001 (in Chinese) [王皓, 毕勇, 李芳, 亓岩 2013 中国激光 40 0309001]


    Tang W H, Wang D, Wang J, Wang Q H 2014 Optoelectron. Technol. 34 136 (in Chinese) [唐文华, 王迪, 王军, 王琼华 2014 光电子技术 34 136]


    Liang H C, Jiang X Y, Niu S L, Yan X P, Zhao K 2014 Opt. Tech. 40 230 (in Chinese) [梁浩聪, 蒋晓瑜, 牛树来, 闫兴鹏, 赵锴 2014 光学技术 40 230]


    Wang H, Jin H Z, Wu D Y, Li Z G 2014 Chin. J. Lasers 41 0209012 (in Chinese) [王辉, 金洪震, 毋东远, 李志光 2014 中国激光 41 0209012]


    Papazoglou D G, Loulakis M, Siganakis G, Vainos N A 2002 Opt. Express 10 280


    Blanche P A, Bablumian A, Voorakaranam R, Christenson C, Lin W, Gu T, Flores D, Wang P, Hsieh W Y, Kathaperumal M, Rachwal B, Siddiqui O, Thomas J, Norwood R A, Yamamoto M, Peyghambarian N 2010 Nature 468 80


    Kinashi K, Wang Y, Tsujimura S, Sakai W, Tsutsumi N 2012 OSA Technical Digest JM3A.58


    Ishii N, Kato T, Abe J 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 819


    Gao H Y 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Haerbing: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese) [高洪跃 2007 博士学位论文(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Gao H Y, Li X, He Z, Su Y, Poon T C 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 415 012052


    Gao H Y, Liu J C, Poon T C 2013 OSA Technical Digest DTh2A.1


    Gao H Y, Liu J C, Poon T C 2013 Society for Information Display Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 44 1321

  • [1]

    Benton S A, Bove Jr V M 2008 Holographic Imaging (New York: Wiley-InterScience) p5


    Poon T C 2006 Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Display (Berlin: Springer) p16


    Pan Y, Xu X, Liang X, Lum Z A, Zheng R, Lwin P P M Y 2013 Proc. SPIE 8644 86440F


    Gao H Y, Pu H, Gao B, Yin D, Liu J, Gan F 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 201105


    Li J C, Tu H Y, Yeh W C, Gui J B, Cheng C J 2014 Appl. Opt. 53 G222


    Gao H Y, Liu J C, Gan F, Ma B 2009 Appl. Opt. 48 3014


    Gao H Y, Zhou Z X 2007 Proc. SPIE 6595 65950W


    Ren X B, Zhai T R, Ren Z, Lin J, Zhou J, Liu D H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3208 (in Chinese) [任晓斌, 翟天瑞, 任芝, 林晶, 周静, 刘大禾 2009 58 3208]


    Stanley M, Smith M A G, Smith A P 2004 Proc. SPIE 5249 297


    Choi K, Kim J, Lim Y 2005 Opt. Express 13 10494


    Xu X W, Liang X N, Pan Y C, Zheng R T, Abel Lum Z M 2013 Proc. SPIE 8644 864409


    Smalley D E, Smithwick Q Y J, Bove Jr V M, Barabas J, Jolly S 2013 Nature 498 313


    Sasaki U, Yamamoto K, Wakunami K, Lchihashi Y, Oi R, Senoh T 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 6177


    Zhang R, Shu L, Yan H, Li T, Xu J 2010 Semiconductor Optoelectron. 31 936 (in Chinese) [荣彰, 林舒, 黄严, 李滔, 徐晶 2010 半导体光电 31 936]


    Zhang H, Xie J H, Liu J, Wang Y T 2009 Chin. Opt. Lett. 7 1101


    Liu K F, Shen C, Zhang C, Wei S 2014 Acta Photon. Sin. 43 0509003 (in Chinese) [刘凯峰, 沈川, 张成, 韦穗 2014 光子学报 43 0509003]


    Shen C, Wei S, Liu K F, Zhang F, Li H, Wang Y 2014 Lasers Optoelectron. Prog. 51 030005 (in Chinese) [沈川, 韦穗, 刘凯峰, 张芬, 李浩, 王岳 2014 激光与光电子进展 51 030005]


    Zheng H D, Yu Y J, Wang T, Dai L M 2009 Chin. Opt. Lett. 7 1151


    Zheng H D, Yu Y J, Dai L M, Wang T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6145 (in Chinese) [郑华东, 于瀛洁, 代林茂, 王涛 2010 59 6145]


    Yu Y J, Dai L M, Zheng H D, Wang T 2010 Lasers Optoelectron. Prog. 47 100901 (in Chinese) [于瀛洁, 代林茂, 郑华东, 王涛 2010 激光与光电子进展 47 100901]


    Yu Y J, Li Y L, Zheng H D 2009 Electro-opt. technol. appl. 24 61 (in Chinese) [于瀛洁, 李雨浪, 郑华东 2009 光电技术应用 24 61]


    Wang H, Bi Y, Li F, Qi Y 2013 Chin. J. Lasers 40 0309001 (in Chinese) [王皓, 毕勇, 李芳, 亓岩 2013 中国激光 40 0309001]


    Tang W H, Wang D, Wang J, Wang Q H 2014 Optoelectron. Technol. 34 136 (in Chinese) [唐文华, 王迪, 王军, 王琼华 2014 光电子技术 34 136]


    Liang H C, Jiang X Y, Niu S L, Yan X P, Zhao K 2014 Opt. Tech. 40 230 (in Chinese) [梁浩聪, 蒋晓瑜, 牛树来, 闫兴鹏, 赵锴 2014 光学技术 40 230]


    Wang H, Jin H Z, Wu D Y, Li Z G 2014 Chin. J. Lasers 41 0209012 (in Chinese) [王辉, 金洪震, 毋东远, 李志光 2014 中国激光 41 0209012]


    Papazoglou D G, Loulakis M, Siganakis G, Vainos N A 2002 Opt. Express 10 280


    Blanche P A, Bablumian A, Voorakaranam R, Christenson C, Lin W, Gu T, Flores D, Wang P, Hsieh W Y, Kathaperumal M, Rachwal B, Siddiqui O, Thomas J, Norwood R A, Yamamoto M, Peyghambarian N 2010 Nature 468 80


    Kinashi K, Wang Y, Tsujimura S, Sakai W, Tsutsumi N 2012 OSA Technical Digest JM3A.58


    Ishii N, Kato T, Abe J 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 819


    Gao H Y 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Haerbing: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese) [高洪跃 2007 博士学位论文(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Gao H Y, Li X, He Z, Su Y, Poon T C 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 415 012052


    Gao H Y, Liu J C, Poon T C 2013 OSA Technical Digest DTh2A.1


    Gao H Y, Liu J C, Poon T C 2013 Society for Information Display Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 44 1321

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  • Received Date:  09 March 2015
  • Accepted Date:  06 June 2015
  • Published Online:  05 June 2015

